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The Giantess bent down and with a smile extended her hand towards Kyle who looked on with worried eyes. She gently took hold of the little man and brought him skyward. Her fingers wrapped around him like a gentle blanket, caressing Kyles body with a delicate touch.

Kyle watched as the massive hand descended towards him. He shook with perturbation as massive fingers that could easily tear apart buildings and crush cars wrapped around him.

Kyle held on tight to a massive appendage as he rose high into the air. He feared for the end, he feared for the coming of death, and despaired as a massive face came into view.

Kyle looked at the giant who's face hovered before him, he looked into her dark black eyes that strangely held a gentle light as the giantess stared at him, not saying a word.

Her massive hand was soft and gentle, her beautiful face was kind and warm. In time Kyle couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe...

["This woman really isn't my enemy."]


Her voice shook him to the core as the giant spoke.

"My command?" Kyle asked as he struggled to regain his Bearings.

"YES I AWAIT YOUR COMMAND." The giantess spoke as she smiled at the little man in her hand.

Kyle glimpsed over towards the evil giantess that with sick joy continued to torturously play  with Derrick.

Kyle understood what he had to do, this madness needed to end, and he finally had the had to means to end it.

Kyle looked into the giants eyes and tightened his hold around her fingers. "Please save him... please save my friend, save Derricks life, please!" Kyle pleaded.

The giantess smiled wide, her eyes became dark and excited and her body shook with excitement. The giantess bent down and carefully put Kyle down on the ground. She stood up and with booming footsteps stepped over Kyle.



Derrick stank with the wet smell of salvia, as he dangled upside down from his feet. His right leg was held in between two massive fingers as his whole body was assaulted by a pink tongue.

["Is she going to continue licking me?] Derrick wondered as he became more and more soaked. It was than that he noticed a bright flash that shined in the horizon.

Both looked into the horizon filled with light, confusion and wonder quite evident on their faces. Soon both where asking themselves a single question.

""What's that?""

The light soon began to fade and all that was left was a giant body that occupied the horizon.

Derrick bore witness to another giantess that was just as huge as the giant that was holding him. The Giant that Derrick saw had unblemished white skin, her hair was also black but short. She wore a skin tight black suite, her body was well built and inside her grasp Derrick could see a person, a person who that giant looked at with care and affection.

"Kyle..." Derrick said as he realized exactly who he was looking at.

Derrick noticed how the Short haired giantess gently placed Kyle by her bare soles, the giant stood up to her full massive height and her eyes  Seemed to fall on Derrick and the giantess that was holding him.

Derricks blood ran cold, sweat covered his whole entire body as he gazed at a woman who's eyes seemed to fill with a blood lust never before seen. Her massive knuckles where clenched as she walked forward with a threatening demeanor.

"What's going to happen?" Derrick asked in fear.

Derrick for a brief moment looked up at the giantess that imprisoned him in her grasp.

"She's smiling?" Derrick said in surprise. "How could she be smiling?" Derrick asked in confusion.

That long haired giantess silent smile turned into giggling as her massive blue eyes filled with excitement.


To Derricks dismay the giantess let go of her grasp and sent him falling to the ground. Derrick stumbled down a gigantic body of flesh, falling against massive boobs, an endless stomach, and a diamond hard knee, all of these things slowed his dissent as his body rammed against the ground.

Derrick couldn't move, he could barely even see as the long haired giantess stepped over him with massive footsteps.

Her focus was no longer on Derrick for it was at this moment that two giantesses would do battle.

The long haired giantess smiled with excitement. "LETS DO THIS!"


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