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I awoke in a bed of animal fur and green leafs, after having slept in a house created from a mixture of thick green vines and stone. My dreams where dark and my body was cold from the morning air that filled my room. 1 year had passed since Lyan had died, 1 year and the world already seemed darker.

I stood on my feet and walked in front of my mirror and it was then that I saw myself tempered over the years. The scars that represented my hard work, my more abundant muscles that represented my unwavering spirit. I never wanted to fill helpless, I never wanted to lose someone else.

"Knock. Knock. Knock."

I turn towards my wooden door a little irritated as I never liked being disturbed in the morning and yet... "Come in."

The door opened to reveal the young boy I knew as Greyson Hatchet. Greyson was 7 years old and even though I didn't know him for all that long he continuously proved to be a boy desiring adventure.

"What do you want Greyson?"

"And a good morning to you as well Braden."

I roll my eyes upon hearing Greysons attitude. "Good Morning Greyson now what do you want."

"My father wants to see you immediately."

I breath out all of my irritation as I got ready to meet the boss. I wore a green leather jacket as well as dark green leather pants. On my feet rested dark brown boots. This was the uniform of an Emerald knight the defender of the city of Endsby.

I had made it here in this hidden city covered

In gigantic plant life a year ago and for that one year I dedicated myself to joining the Emerald knights. I strap on my silver blade and walked out of my small house with confidence, for right now I was about to face the boss of the Emerald knights, Peter Hatchet.

I walked through the city of Endsby and with every step the smell of forests became all the more fresh. The streets where filled with men who wished for nothing but to go about their day without interruption. This was the kind of peace that Lyan and I wanted more than anything and it was this peace that I needed to protect.

My destination was the middle of the city. In the middle of the city it stood tall for everyone to see, a giant green tower made from diamond that sparkled with a beautiful radiance as the suns rays touched it. This was the meeting spot for the Emerald Knights, this place of grand splendor.

The tower was humongous and it had so many rooms that I in all of my days probably would never be able to visits them all, it was a good thing that  I knew where I was going as I traveled down its halls of polished diamond.

I soon arrived in a room that stood in the middle of the whole Emerald Tower. It was a room that had little to decorate its walls and floors, in fact the only thing inside was a huge round table with 20 chairs at its side. At the very front of the table, sitting down was the very man I came to see, Peter Hatchet.

"Look who finally decided to Grace me with his presents." Peter said as he relaxed in his chair.

"I'm sorry sir, I know I missed the meeting it won't happen again."

"I would hope not. Braden you have shown more promise than any other Emerald Knight, that alone has earned you some leeway, but not a lot. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-yes sir." I said saluting to my superior.

"I remember that day so long ago." Peter continued as he sat before me. "That day when we found you in the forest covered in burns and half dead. It was a year ago, was it not?

"Yes sir."

Peter stands up and walks towards me. "Now is your chance to prove your self to this city."

My heart pounded with anticipation. "How?"

Peter smiles as he heard my question. "A few of   Our scouts have found giant foot prints in the forest. Your job is simply reconnaissance. Understand?"

A chill went up my spine as I realize what was standing before me. This sighting, this possible disaster, I could lose everything. "Yes sir."

"Take Cody with you." Peter ordered.

I roll my eyes as my day began to get worse and worse. "Sir I think that I can handle this mission by myself."

"Don't argue Braden this mission is to important for one person."

I hang my head in defeat, their really was no getting out of this. "Ok I'll take Cody."


Me and Cody walked side by side as we both looked for clues hidden in the deep tall grass that surrounded us on all sides.

My heart was racing as I was fearful of the thought of their being a giant monster somewhere within these woods.

"What wrong Braden you scared?"

["Shit"] I thought as I heard a voice I really didn't want to hear at the moment.

I turn as I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Don't you worry buddy, your pal Cody is here and he will protect you."

"Oh how nice of you." I said with irritation. "But their is only one problem..."

Cody looks at me with confusion. "What problem is that?"

I bring my face a few inches towards Cody's face. "I don't need your protection."

I brush Cody's arm off my shoulders as I continue to walk through the tall forest.

"Oh come on Braden, you don't have to be so shy. Let your Senior help you out a little bit." Cody says.

I stop walking and turn towards the hollow hard standing right next to me. "Do you think that this is a game?"

Cody stops walking and stares at me refusing to say a word.

"Out here this world people have died. Men like you and me have continuously lost their loved ones and any minute such tragedies could repeat themselves." I couldn't stop as i tried to make all things clear to this fool. "So I will ask you again, do you think that this is a game?"

I was angry and with every word my anger seemed to grow, but it was then I noticed that Cody actually wasn't looking at me. In fact it seemed like he wasn't paying me any attention at all. ["The hell."]

"What are you looking at!?" I yelled out.

Cody startled by my shout puts his hands over my mouth, preventing me from talking any further.

"SSSHHH... Braden you have to quite down." Cody says as he bends down hiding amongst the giant grass.

I spoke no further as I realize what Cody was doing. Something was close, and as the ground beneath my feet began to vibrate ever so slightly I realized whatever was coming closer was big and powerful.

I bent down right next to Cody as the vibrations got stronger and stronger.

The rumors, the giant foot prints it all led up to our worse nightmares. Giants where in the forest.

We needed to leave, we needed to get back to the city and warn all those we called our comrades. I knew this deep down but I couldn't move as the giants face came into view.

"It can't be..." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Braden what's wrong?" Cody asked with worry which didn't feel as bad as I thought it would be.

"That giant is... Penelope River." I said with shock.

"Who?" Cody asked looking at me as if I had grown a third eye.

The person who toward over me standing 600 ft tall was my childhood friend Penelope River.

"What am I going to do?"


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