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Brittany held me within her grasp, in this day and age being held in the hands of giantess was a immediate death sentence and yet the giantess in question wasn't paying any attention to me, no instead her eyes where focused only on one person, her father who was walking towards her giant toes.

"Let him go Brittany!" Lyan yelled like a man with no fear as he stared up at his oversized daughter.

Brittany turns and looks at me, who was struggling in her hand. Her eyes held no interest as they fell on me, it was as if all the emotion had drained form her very soul.

"FINE DADDY I WONT HURT YOUR LITTLE FRIEND." Brittany says dropping me down on the ground which let me just say, rude.

Brittany bends down on all fours, bringing her face super close to her father. "BUT YOU HAVE TO PROMISE ME, NOT TO RUN AWAY. BE APART OF MY FAMILY AND SERVE ME FOREVER." Brittany spoke with a gentle smile on her face as she looked at her smile.

I was worried not because I was close to knocking on deaths door, but because just by looking at Lyan's face I could tell that he was actually considering this monsters proposal. He couldn't be serious could he?

Lyan with defeated eyes looks up at his daughter. "I'll go with you, as long as I have your promise you won't hurt Braden."

Brittany doesn't say a word as she lowers her hand towards the ground, her Palm face up so that her father could climb on.

Lyan stood still for a moment looking at gigantic fingers that completely eclipsed him in size. I watched as Lyan with shaking feet began to move towards his daughters hand. "Stop!" I yelled from afar, and before I knew anything all eyes where on me.

Anger flooded my very being as I looked at the man who for so long I called my friend."Their where times when you could be an idiot but this, this is to much!"

I walk towards Lyan totally ignoring the 600ft giantess right next to him. "That is not your daughter any more, it is nothing but a shell of the girl you once knew! Whatever promise she makes to you and no matter how sweet her words may be you can't trust them!" Lyan looked at me, not wanting to believe the truth.

"YOU LITTLE DUST MITE! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" The force of Brittany's yell is almost enough to throw me to the ground and burst my ear drums.

Fear re-enters my body as Brittany who's attention was solely on me, stands to her full height casting me, Lyan and the whole Fields of grass in her massive shadow.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK WITH SUCH IMPORTANCE, AND CLAIM TO KNOW ME! I WILL CRUSH YOU!" Brittany lifts her foot above me, pieces of dirt and Rock stuck to her foot flesh fall all around me. I look up at my ever imposing doom and let me just tell you, my life didn't flash before my eyes No all I saw was a skin colored sky falling towards me.

"Stop!" Lyan yells as he runs in between me and his daughters giant foot.

Brittany upon seeing her father stops her foot, hovering it in mid air.

Lyan holds up his arms in a protective motion as he stares up at Brittany. "You promised me you wouldn't hurt him!"

Brittany while glaring at me from above lowers her foot to the ground causing a small tremor. "CALM YOURSELF DADDY, WHERE YOU NOT THE ONE WHO TAUGHT ME TO KEEP MY PROMISES." Brittany's eyes grow soft as they fell on her father.

Brittany Returns her gaze back to me. "LITTLE MAN, BECAUSE OF MY FATHER I HAVE DECIDED TO SPARE YOUR LIFE, BUT I WARN YOU TO GO NO FURTHER AGAINST ME." Her voice was still and yet hard like stone as she ushered in her warning. "AM I CLEAR?"

I said nothing as I tried to think about a way out of this situation.

"BOOM!" Brittany slams her fist against the ground creating a small crater on the ground. I fall on my ass as I look up at a giantess that hovered right over me. Brittany brings her face a few feet away from me, she was so close that I could feel her breath wash over me. "AM I CLEAR." Brittany repeats.

"Y-yes your clear." I reply knowing that this giant would not be so patient to repeat her question a third time.

Brittany says nothing as she turns towards her father and with her right hand gently lifts him up, holding him tightly and yet gently between her thumb and index finger. "LETS GO DADDY." Brittany speaks with joy as she brings her father up towards her face.

Lyan looking defeated looks down at me. "Yes let go."

Any rational person would've quit, they would have thanked their lucky stars that they could live to see another day, yea I wasn't a rational person. "Hey Ms. Giantess you didn't let me finish!" I yell comedically.

Hearing my playful tone Brittany looks at me, her eyes as sharp as daggers.

"I was going to say that your clearly insane, sorry if you misunderstood." I step forward digging my right hand through my right pants pocket. "Brittany was it? Yea sorry Brittany but I'm not going to let you take him away." My yell is filled with conviction and a little bit of fear as I hold up my right hand which was currently holding a small black whistle.

I could see Lyan's eyes open in shock as his eyes fell on the whistle in my grasp. "Braden you fool, you can't be serious!"

I sweat profusely, for I understood why Lyan was so afraid, for what I held in my hands was a powerful weapon that I didn't want to use. "Oh I'm serious, it's time Lyan! It's time for the Stygian Whistle!"


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