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We stood before gigantic tall grass that easily dwarfed us in size. We stood completely still paralyzed by disbelief and fear as we both looked up at a giantess that completely dominated the far off view. Seeing such things for any man was a horror like no other, but I knew as I glanced at Lyan that for him it was a thousand times worse, because the giantess that he was looking at was his own daughter Brittany Dawson, the daughter that he lost, the daughter that had killed his own son, this very same giant was now looking at us from afar, well I say us but really the only person that this giantess had eyes on was Lyan himself, and looking at the man who was her father all she could do was smile menacingly.

To me that horrid smile said it all, it made it perfectly clear that this giant who's name was Brittany, she did not see see her father, the look in her eyes was the look a person would give an amusing insect that they had decided not to crush for a moment. We need to run and hide and we needed to do it fast.

I grab hold of Lyan's shoulder and pull him back towards the tall grass as I watched the giantess take two giant steps forward. "Lyan we have to run!"

Lyan's eyes began to tear up as his eyes never left his daughter. "I,I can't."

"Lyan you know just as I do that, that thing is not your daughter anymore." I pleaded knowing how cruel my words sounded.

My mind started to drift back to my own family as I pleaded with such desperate words. "You are not her family, not anymore, so please run, run and stay alive with me!"

For a moment Lyan's eyes shined with determination as his eyes locked on to mine.


I quickly turn around as I hear a voice that echoed through the land like thunder, that shook the very ground beneath our feet. I was always amazed to see the power that these monsters demonstrated so casually.

I could feel a chill run up my spine as the giantess focused her attention on me. Her eyes holding no affection for me who she deemed an inferior.

"DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT I WILL LET YOU ESCAPE LITTLE ONE? NO YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY, ESPECIALLY TOU DADDY." Brittany said as her eyes returned to her father, eyes that grew soft as if she really did care for Lyan.

Me and Lyan began to back up slowly as the Brittany continued Her advance. "I HAVE FINALLY FOUND YOU DADDY, AND I WILL NOT LET YOU GO." Brittany's smile grew wider and more sadistic. "I WONT HURT YOU, NO INSTEAD I WILL BRING YOU BACK WITH ME, AND WE CAN BE A FAMILY AGIAN."

To me she almost looked like a child pleading to her parent but in the end I knew better than to trust such words. I slowly dig in the left pocket of my pants, and pull out the very tool that may be able to help us out of this situation. In side my left hand I held a Helios grenade.

Over the long years of living in this horrible world, mankind wasn't totally helpless. Don't get me wrong, we were brought low as a species most definitely, but even we found ways to survive. The Helios Grenade that I held in my hand was one of those ways.

As I said before when it came to the eye sight of a woman, men all over the world stood no chance. I know that I already talked about it but in truth the little explanation I gave barely even scratched the surface of a woman's visual powers. A woman's vision is so amazing that male scientists concluded that they could probably see colors that didn't even exist on the color spectrum, that they could see small organisms with ease, such abilities where amazing but at the same time where risky.

The Helios Grenade was designed to temporally blind the eye sight of any woman allowing for a man such as myself to quickly hide from our so called betters. The light of a Helios Grenade has the power to reach the brightness of the sun itself. When it came to such a weapon a few problems presented itself. One this weapon didn't last long, it only lasted a few seconds, two it effected enemies and allies alike therefor one had to be careful to make sure that ones eyes where closed before using it, and three woman who where blinded by this weapon weren't blinded for long, they lost their eyesight for only a few minutes, their regeneration was just to strong.

With so many risks, I was very hesitant to use such a weapon, but I knew that we had no choice. I nudge Lyan's arm ever so slightly getting his attention. I saw the sight of Recognition in his eyes and with a slight nod I knew he understood the plan.

Sweat dripped from my brow as time itself began to move so much slower, this was it the moment that would decide if I lived or died, with that thought in mind I with my left thumb press a big red button which in turn activated the grenade.

"Now!" I yell as I close my eyes and through the grenade like a baseball.

I with my eyes closed turn around and run blindly into the land of green. I hoped that Lyan was doing the same thing, because even if this worked we where still in danger. The light of the Helios Grenade would not last long, we had probably only 10 to 15 seconds at the most that made running to a safe area impossible, we didn't have enough time, the only thing we could do was find someplace to hide.

I slowly open my eyes and look around my surroundings, I smiled with joy as I saw Lyan right beside me. I couldn't help but thank god, which I hadn't done in a long time. My smile soon disappeared as the area quaked with a horrid scream accompanied by a raging wind.


The sound of the giantess scream was strong enough to make both me and Lyan stop in our tracks and clutch our ears in pain. The grenade had obviously worked and Brittany was pissed.

I turn towards Lyan, "Hide." I said as quietly as I could.

It was a good thing we where in a environment of super tall grass and humongous trees, their were places to hide everywhere so we may have a chance to live.

Lyan and I run in opposite directions as we run in search of a hiding spot. I hid within the tall grass lying under a brown human sized autumn leaf that like a blanket covered my whole body. I couldn't see Lyan within the tall grass but I had hoped that he was safe.

I do my best to steady my breathing as the sound of massive footsteps come ever closer, had she already recovered it Hadn't even been a minute yet. I say no words, I move not an inch as the ground rumbled harder with every passing second.

"ILL FIND YOU DADDY, ILL FIND YOU AND YOUR LITTLE FRIEND!" Brittany yelled damaging my ears even further.

As more and more time passed I could swear that I couldn't feel the ground shake nor could I hear the crushing of the green grass or the rustling of trees or the giant bushes. Brittany definitely was still close by but the question was how close. As I thought these things I could feel a slight tug on my right leg.

"Oh crap!" I yelled as I was pulled backwards by my foot.

Before I could understand what had happened I found myself high up off the ground hanging upside staring into a eye that surpassed me in size. I shook with fear as Brittany held me up in front of her face, with my right leg wedged in between her thumb and finger.

"DID YOU THINK THAT YOU COULD HIDE?" Brittany asked with a victorious smile, bringing me ever closer to her mouth.

I wanted to say that, that was exactly what I thought but the more I Tried to speak the more the fear running throughout my whole body made it impossible.


For the first time I regretted not keeping up with my hygiene as the world was ending it didn't seem so important.


It wouldn't work, I knew I was a dead man, the moment I was captured made that quite clear. Lyan wouldn't give himself up, not for me, and as time passed my opinion seemed to be correct.

Brittany began to lose patience as her father was no where to be seen. Brittany looks at me with clinched teeth and eyes filled with a raging fire. "FINE! THIS LITTLE MAGGOT WILL MEET HIS END TODAY!"

For some reason my heart was at peace as I felt the giantess raise me towards her mouth, this world was just to cruel and finally I no longer needed to be apart of it. My only regret was that I didn't get to look upon the faces of all those I called friends and family. I would never say goodbye.

"Stop!!!" The sound of a loud voice penetrates the hidden depths of the forest, it was a voice all to familiar.

I hoped that I was dreaming, maybe just maybe I had hit my head against a rock and I was just suffering from a hallucination. Their was no way I was seeing Lyan walking towards the naked gigantic toes of his giant daughter with a calm peaceful expression on his face. I wanted to scream, I wanted to call him an idiot, a fool and so much more, but before I could get a word out my very thoughts where overshadowed by the sound of giggling.

Looking at Brittany's face I saw a woman who was pleased.

"I KNEW YOU WOULD COME DADDY." Brittany said looking down at her father who stood before her bare feet, toes easily towering over him.

Lyan looks at his daughter with love quite evident in his eyes. Lyan closes his eyes and let's out a long sigh. "I have come baby girl, I have come to finish this, once and for all."

Hearing these words I could only say one thing.

"Oh crap..."


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