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We had been traveling for almost a year, traveling through this chaos infected world, and we wore our tiredness and exhaustion on our very sleeves. Lyan and I said nothing to each other as we walked down a path covered in jagged stone, I could tell that witnessing the carnage from earlier had wade deeply on his heart, but in truth I decided not to pry. When you live on your own long enough, trying your best to survive, you begin to realize that everyone has their own story, their own weight to carry, and while looking at the man I for 3 years called my friend, I realized that not once did I ever try to help him carry that weight, whats even worse I don't even know all that much about Lyan.

"Their was a little boy amongst those dead bodies." Lyan said as he walked in front of me.

Thinking back to earlier scene of death I did remember the gruesome remains of children. "Yea."

Lyan stood walking and stands completely still, and confused I do the same. "Braden theirs something that I have to tell you."

Lyan turns his head and looks into my eyes. "Something having to do with my past, before the syndrome."

At the time I couldn't help but think of the coincidence, I wanted to know more about

Lyan's past and he was willing to tell me, thank god I didn't have to make the first move. But wether or not he was willing to talk about himself wasn't the actual problem, the real problem was that right at this moment we where out in the open, and being out in the open was never a good idea.

I with a calm demeanor grab hold of Lyan's shoulder. "I'll listen to anything you have to say, but not right now, not until we are safe."

"See all that death, you know what it mean just like I do, don't you?" I ask once again thinking back to the earlier scene.

I remembered how the blood spilled on the ground was still fresh, I remembered how the raging fire and pitch black smoke still burned with immense power and life, even the bodies showed no sign of decomposition, all these signs made two things quite clear. The first was that, that tragedy didn't happen to long ago, and the second was that a giant was the cause, the patterns of that devastation made it quite obvious. Their was only one thing that me and Lyan weren't sure of, was the giant that had killed so many men was still close by and that reason above all others was enough reason for us to hurry to our destination.

"I know your right... But I can't find the strength to move, not until I get this off my chest."

I let out a small sigh, feeling a little defeated. "Fine, let's at least talk and walk ok?"

Lyan let's out a small laugh. "Deal."

We continued our walk in silence and finally after a few minutes of quite, Lyan began to speak. "That boy from earlier, reminded me of my son."

I look at Lyan completely shocked. "You had a son?"

Lyan giggles with joy. "Yea I know hard to believe right, me having a kid?"

"Nooo, I can totally see it." I said lying through my teeth.

"I was a single father raising a 10 year old son, and a 16 year old daughter."

Hearing that I already had an idea where the story was going. "Don't tell me that..."

Lyan smiled ever so slightly, but I could tell that it was a hollow smile, filled with nothing but sadness. "My son was killed, devoured by his own sister."

"Lyan I'm so sorry."

Lyan eyes looked far off into the distance, lost in thought. "I promise their mother that I would protect them."

Lyan spoke no more words to me as we continued our journey. I didn't really know what to say, I wasn't good with words. But as I was getting ready to speak, my eyes fell on something that completely halted my words.

I stop walking and gaze towards the distance. "Lyan look." I say grabbing Lyan's attention who finally broke away from his past and noticed the same sight I had.

I smile as tears fall from my eyes. "We finally made it, the field of the tall grass, the land of green, and we where that much closer to the hidden city."

Giantess Syndrome was a well known affliction that had turned woman all over the world into gigantic monsters, but the truth was that this strange phenomena hadn't just affected woman, no the very world was altered, animals and plants grew out of control creating brand new environments all around the world, which of course explained the very sight I was looking at.

The land of green was a vast area filled with trees that reached so high that they pierced the clouds, grass so large that a single strand towered over a human body with ease, to a regular man this area of enormity was so vast that exploring its depths would take days if you didn't know where you were going. Deep within this land, stood one of the last safe havens of man. The hidden city of Endsby.

I looked at this marvelous sight with pride, after traveling for so long both Lyan and I had finally come that much closer to a new life. I put my left hand on Lyan's right shoulder. "We finally made it."

"Yea." Lyan says, his eyes never leaving the large field that stood before him.

"Both Lyan and I completely stand still as we both are filled with feeling that we hadn't experienced in a long long time. In this moment of supposed happiness I felt it right under my feet. Small and sudden vibrations that got stronger and stronger the more time had passed.

My face turned pale and looking over at Lyan I could see that he was just as scared as I, for we both knew what these vibrations meant all to well. It was the worst possible situation, a giantess was coming and she was coming fast.

Lyan and I quickly turn our heads and look off to the far distance miles and miles away. Standing in the middle of the horizon we saw her staring directly at us from afar. A woman who stood 600ft tall. The woman in question was a beauty with long curly brown hair who wore a loincloth and bra made up of animal skin, these small pieces of clothing left little to the imagination, for even at a distance I could tell that the giantess had a tone athletic body and perfect white skin. Honestly I would have loved to stay here and continue admiring this gigantic monolith but their was just one problem. The giant monster was looking right at us. I could only whisper one thing... "Run."

I turn around ready to run straight into the tall grass, for it was the only way that me and Lyan where going to make it out of this. When it came to giantess attacks, survival was super rare, and believe it or not, their size was not the biggest reason. Don't get me wrong, it helped for sure, but these beings where so huge that if men where careful we would be able to hide from them super easily. No, what made a giantess super threatening was their senses. 5 years ago, the syndrome that increased the height of every woman on the planet didn't just stop there, their five sense where also increased to compensate for the ever decreasing world around them. A giantess could see, hear, and smell better than an ordinary person. Their sense of smell was so good that they could track prey miles and miles away, they could hear the quietest of sounds from afar, and their sight was so strong that they could process speeds to fast for an ordinary person, and rumor has it that they could even see in the dark. When it came to such abilities a mans survival was dropped to 3 from 5% out of 100 and that was if we were lucky, and honestly the situation we were in at the moment wasn't a lucky one.

Thinking such things I soon realize as I was running through the tall grass, Lyan wasn't by my side. I stop my advance through the massive jungle and look behind me to see Lyan standing right were he was before looking at the giantess with his mouth hung open and sweet running down his forehead.

"What are you doing!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I rush towards Lyan in a panic.

As I got closer I see Lyan making a face of terror and shock, which was super strange to me, I mean this wasn't the first time he had seen a giantess, we had seen so many during our travels, so why was he making such a face.

"It can't be..." Lyan whispered under his breath, his eyes never leaving the giantess.

"Lyan what's wrong man, you have to snap out of it please."

Tears fall from Lyan's eyes as he begins to shake. "It's her."

Completely confused I look at Lyan like he had lost his mind. "It's who!?" I yell.

Lyan finally looks at me with eyes lost in horror. "I-it's m-my d...da...dau..."

I listened as Lyan struggled to find the words to say. I forcibly grab Lyan's shoulder. "Its what!?" I yell with inpatients.

"It's my daughter Brittany Dawson."


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