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The sunny raze of spring shined brightly over the town of Attlehill, refreshing spring time wind spread through the busy streets as people went about their business with delight as  markets selling fresh produce filled every corner.

Kyle Braden Baum was a young man who hated this time of the year. This time when the whole city of Attlehill was filled with the Merriment that came with spring. He was a man who loved the quite that came from fall and the peace that came from winter. To Kyle spring was always to noisy and the honest truth was that he would rather be in his room, watching Tv, or browsing the internet on his laptop and yet at the moment he found himself sitting in the cold office of his councilor Ms. Payton.

"Kyle please speak to me." Ms. Payton says as she sat across from Kyle with a wooden table standing in between them.

Kyle rolls his eyes as Ms. Payton's words where received with deaf ears. "Theirs nothing to speak about."

"Is that really what you believe? Kyle you are a junior in High School you need to set goals for yourself." Ms. Payton pleaded her case with patience. "You can't spend your days on your phone."

Kyle hated this conversations. He hated having to think about his future. When ever it happened, one action was always constant, Kyle would always hold on to his phone tightly. His electronics the very cyber world was his safe place.

Ms. Payton seeing how she was making little to no progress sighs deeply. "Kyle please just start thinking about your future, ok?"


Kyle walked through the campus grounds with his eyes glued to the screen of his iPhone 8. It was at this moment of comfort that Kyle could hear something call from far away.

"Kyle! Hey Kyle!"

Kyle lifts his head away from his phone and in doing so sees his old childhood friend Derrick Collin.

"What's up dude." Kyle says with a smile.

"Kyle you got to see my new phone. I just got it yesterday." Derrick says with excitement.

Kyle rolls his eyes and giggles. "That's great man, I'm happy for you."

"Yea you totally sound so excited." Derrick crosses his arms with irritation.

Kyle and Derrick walk through their neighborhood and talk about the events that had occupied their day.

"Kyle... Don't you think that it is time for us to be thinking about our futures... I mean what exactly do you want to do with your life?" Derrick puts her left hand Over kyles shoulder.

Kyle looked into Derricks eyes and shakes his head. "Honestly man, right at this moment I just want to get through with today, that's all."

Derrick didn't look surprise as he heard Kyles answer and it was than that his eyes had fallen on kyles phone that rested in his right hand.

"Speaking of today, don't you think that it is time for you to get a brand new phone." Derrick asked.

Kyle stops walking and looks down at his phone. "No, this is going to be my phone for a while."

Derrick looks at Kyle with confusion. "Why. What could be the harm of switching to a brand new phone."

"Honestly dude I can't explain it, I just fill like I should hold on to this phone for now ok?"

Derrick shrugs his shoulders. "Ok man if you say so."


The ground shook with power as the once blue sky turned emerald green. The wind stirred uncontrollably and burned with an ever increasing heat.

"What's happening!" Kyle yelled as he fell down to all fours.

"Kyle look at that!" Derrick yelled as he pointed towards the sky.

Kyle looked towards the emerald sky and gasped as what occupied his eyes was to big for words. A rock the size of a mountain and burned with emerald fire was falling to the earth.

Kyle could barely remember to breath as he looked towards the sky. "Oh my god! Is that a meteor!?"

Derrick grabs ahold of Kyles shoulder. "Kyle something's happening!"

Kyle and Derrick stood side by side as they both looked out amongst the town they called their home. Several pillars of green light rocketed towards the sky and as they ascended, waves of energy spread out through the whole town.

Kyle was transfixed with the light show that was taking place before his very eyes, and it was this moment that he noticed something in the corner of his eye.

"Derrick your pocket it's glowing."

Derrick slowly looked down at his right pocket and carefully takes out his brand new phone. "What's happening with this thing, it's burning up!"

Kyle had a bad feeling as he looked at Derricks phone. "Derrick get away from it!" Kyle yells as he grabs ahold of Derricks phone and throws it as far as he possible could.

"Dude! That's my brand new iPhone 12!" Derrick yells as he makes his way towards his phone that rested in the ground.

Kyle grabs ahold of Derricks arm and prevents him from moving any further. "Derrick something's wrong with your phone... the light it's getting stronger!"

"I-I can't see!" Derrick covers his eyes with his hands and looks away from the blinding green light.


Kyle and Derrick understood at this moment that everything would change. This became clear to both of them as the emerald light soon disappeared and what stood before them was something unrecognizable. Something big and the color of skin.

Kyle and Derrick back away and look up at the giant object that towered over them. What they saw turned their blood cold.

What stood before them was no mountain or building, what stood before them was a woman of dark black hair wearing a skin tight white suite. Her light blue eyes fell down on both Kyle and Derrick and on her face was a smile that showed her excitement.

"Oh my god..."