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She dove forward, ignoring the relentless red beams attacking her face. Her eyes glowed with blue light as she pushed closer to the fleeing fleet of Krugar ships, indifferent to the turmoil within.

"She's getting closer!" Torvant yelled.

"Release the Quantum Foam Nets!" Exe

Borlag commanded.

The entire fleet began to burn with a bright blue light. The Wanderer watched as the light grew stronger, then a huge shockwave erupted, shooting out a blue net of pure energy that seared through space.

"What?" the massive Titan yelled, eyes wide with shock. "No you don't!" She thrust her hand forward, ready to swat the attack away.

"How much time until we can jump?" Exe Borlag yelled, steadying himself as the ship shook violently.

"Just 1 more eon, sir!"

Exe Borlag gritted his teeth. "Tell the Mori they need to hurry up with the construction!"

"AAAHHH!!!" The Wanderer screamed, her voice reverberating through space.

"Ah!" she yelled, forced to close her eyes as a silver light exploded against her eye. "What is that?" she asked, glancing to her left. The silver fleet of Gelmud was firing their powerful weapons, the blasts striking her cheek.

The great being growled, her eyes returning to the ship that had gained even more distance.

"Sir, is this truly wise?" Furver Kurg asked, watching the massive beast shift her attention to them momentarily before resuming her chase of the Krugar fleet.

Gurgant Frak stood with his arms crossed, his eyes locked on the ultimate prize that seemed to command everyone's attention. "That ship..." he said, staring at the small craft.

"Sir, that craft is falling apart from just coming out of hyperspace. It's nothing," Furver Kurg said, confused.

"That may be, but the readings we picked up are too abnormal to ignore," Gurgant Frak replied, looking at the computers displaying the unimaginable data. "The only way that ship gets out of here in one piece is if we help our enemies!"

Gurgant Frak extended his hand outward. "We must draw her attention as much as possible."

The ships of silver began to light up, shooting out massive beams of energy that raced toward their enemy. Her back was turned as the silver beams exploded against her head, illuminating her long brown hair. She ignored the warm sensation from the back of her head and continued her chase.

"Five more tarsecs, sir!" one of the Krugar soldiers yelled as the vibrations of the ship grew stronger and the outer shell began to glow with orange light.

The massive creature, the Wanderer, saw the orange light from the tiny ships and knew what was happening. "No!" she yelled, her voice causing shockwaves that destroyed nearby moons.

The Wanderer could do nothing but watch as, one by one, the ships of the Krugar Empire began to disappear into the void of space. She gritted her teeth. "No!" she screamed again, rushing forward, her body becoming a blur. Her muscles expanded, and with blinding speed, her hand thrust forward.

"BOOM!" A massive explosion seemed to break the walls of reality as the great being plunged her hand into the depths of hyperspace, sending waves of planet-destroying energy outward in all directions.

"That's impossible!" Furver Kurg yelled, staring in disbelief. "This beast actually put her hand into hyperspace!" He looked around the ship, seeing the same shock mirrored on the faces of his comrades

The Wanderer gritted her teeth as her arm plunged into the swirling depths of hyperspace. Pain radiated up her arm, but she pushed past it, determined to capture her prey. She could feel the fabric of reality itself buckling under the strain of her intrusion, a testament to her colossal strength.

With a growl, she pulled her hand back, and as she did, she noticed the small, shattered remnants of ships clutched in her grasp. Her eyes scanned the fragments, but the ship she had been chasing was nowhere to be found.

Frustration boiled within her, and she clenched her fist, crushing the remnants into even smaller pieces. Her failure stung worse than the pain in her arm, and her rage was palpable, a tangible force that rippled through space.

Turning her attention, she spotted the silver ships of the Gelmud fleet, their formation still holding as they fired at her relentlessly. With her eyes burning with fury, she locked onto them, ready to unleash her wrath.

"You're next," she snarled, her voice a low, menacing growl that carried through the void. "I'll destroy every last one of you."

With that, she began her advance, a towering force of nature ready to obliterate those who dared to stand in her way.


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