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Ethan looked up at the gaping hole above him, his breath catching in his throat.

"The roof... it's practically been blown off," he muttered in amazement.

He wasn't the only one stunned. The two Gulliverians behind him also stared up, frozen as a massive shadow loomed over them.

"What the hell?" Elisa shouted, sweat dripping down her face as fear gripped her.

"We're going back," she said, her voice shaky.

Elisa slowly turned to face Silvershade, who was also looking up at the enormous hole. But unlike Elisa, there was no fear on her face. Instead, Elisa saw something she hadn't seen in a long time—pure, unfiltered hatred.

Silvershade's eyes locked onto Elisa's, filled with cold anger. "We're leaving. Now."

Ethan could barely breathe as he recognized the figure above them. He couldn't see her face, but the outline of her massive legs and the black underwear far beyond his reach were unmistakable.

"Harper?" he whispered, then shouted, "Harper!"

The ground began to tremble violently. Ethan stumbled, falling as the Brob above them moved, bending down until a gigantic blue eye filled the hole.

"YOU SAID HE WAS IN HERE?" Harper's voice boomed, echoing through the cavern.

Ethan clutched his ears, the force of her voice rattling his bones. "Damn it," he thought. He could feel his body straining under the immense sound, hoping the implants inside him would kick in soon, adapting him to the presence of a Brobdingnagian.


"Ah, there we go..." Ethan sighed with relief as Harper's voice became more bearable. "Wait, did she say Dwayne?"

The giant blue eye scanned the room, each movement causing the ground to shake. Every blink sent gusts of wind slamming into Ethan until finally, the eye focused on him.

"Huh?" Panic surged through Ethan. "Does she see me?"

The eye squinted, its massive iris locked onto him.

"Dwayne, I've found him," Harper's voice rang out, filled with joy.

Ethan gulped, stepping forward cautiously. "She sees me."

But just as he moved, a new shadow fell over him, a different one this time. He turned to see something all too familiar—Elisa's massive boots on either side of him.

"So, you know that gigantic beast, huh?" Elisa sneered, looking down at him. "I gotta say, that makes me want you even more."

She then looked up at the massive eye above. "Hey, you gigantic bitch!" Elisa shouted.

"Elisa, don't!" Silvershade warned.

"Don't worry," Elisa smirked, turning back to Silvershade. "That Brob seems to be looking for this little Lilliputian. She can't do anything to us as long as we have him."

Elisa's eyes narrowed as she looked down at Ethan, her expression predatory. "I hope you weren't thinking that Brob up there was going to protect you," she sneered.

Ethan slowly backed away, his heart racing as he stared into Elisa's eyes. She was like a wild animal, ready to pounce.

"You're mine," she said with a menacing grin. She reached out her hand, aiming to snatch him up. But just as her fingers were only a few feet away, the ground shook with a force more powerful than anything they'd felt before. It was so intense that Ethan and even the towering Gulliverian were thrown into the air, only to slam back down as the ground itself seemed to rise beneath them.

Ethan hit the ground hard, but Elisa landed even harder, her massive form creating a shockwave that sent him rolling like a rag doll.

"What's happening?!" Silvershade screamed, struggling to keep her footing as violent winds and debris swirled around them.

Panic set in as Ethan looked around, his eyes widening in terror. Massive pillars erupted from the ground, towering above him, their surface unmistakably made of flesh.

The earth beneath him began to crack and split apart, creating fissures large enough to swallow entire Lilliputian villages. His gaze was drawn upward as more of the roof crumbled away, revealing the face of the woman he had spoken to for nearly a month—the same woman who had invaded his thoughts and dreams with her overwhelming presence.

"Harper..." Ethan whispered, a tear slipping from his eye as he saw her face.


Harper stood on the shoreline, her immense form towering over the Gulliverian base below. The sight was almost surreal—what once might have been considered a vast military complex now looked like a child's sandcastle at her feet. She marveled at the absurdity of it, the sheer difference in scale making everything seem so fragile, so insignificant.

"How am I ever going to find Ethan in all of this?" she wondered aloud, her voice carrying far over the waves and the tiny structures below.

"Don't worry, I can track his phone," Dwayne's voice crackled in her earpiece, calm and confident.

Harper smirked, amused by the practicality of it. "Does Ethan know you can do that?"

"Don't worry about it," Dwayne replied, his tone light but with an edge of humor.

Her smirk lingered as she took in the scene below, scanning the ground for any sign of Ethan. But her thoughts were interrupted by a series of tiny flashes across her chest—small explosions that peppered her skin, stinging like a swarm of angry bees. She winced, squinting down at the source of the irritation.

"Ow," she muttered, more out of surprise than pain.

She glanced down, and there, barely visible on the sand below, were the Gulliverian soldiers, firing their weapons up at her. To them, they were likely giving it everything they had, but to her, their efforts were pitiful—like a child throwing pebbles at a mountain. The small burns on her skin were nothing more than mild annoyances, but their audacity made her blood boil.

With a casual flick of her wrist, Harper swept her hand over the ground, sending up a massive wave of sand that cascaded down like a tsunami. The sandstorm she created swallowed the soldiers, sweeping them away as if they were nothing more than loose debris on a beach. Their screams were lost in the roar of the sand, their forms disappearing beneath the onslaught as the ground itself seemed to rise and consume them.

She paused, looking over her work with a mix of satisfaction and irritation. These tiny soldiers thought they could challenge her—challenge a Brobdingnagian. It was almost laughable.

Harper then turned her gaze to the fortified wall of the base, where more Gulliverian soldiers stood, their weapons trained on her colossal form. Her expression darkened, anger flashing in her eyes. She could feel the heat of their weapons already, could imagine the tiny pinpricks of pain they might cause.

"Don't even think about it," she warned, her voice a low rumble that carried a threat far more powerful than any weapon they could wield.

The soldiers hesitated, their movements slowing as they realized the futility of their situation. Harper's enormous figure loomed over them, every muscle in her body tense, ready to crush them with a single movement if they so much as twitched.

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath, the only sound being the gentle crash of the waves against Harper's ankles and the distant, muffled chaos of the base below.

"Okay, I've found Ethan," Dwayne's voice crackled in Harper's earpiece, cutting through the tension in the air.

Harper's lips curled into a smile as she turned her head ever so slightly, focusing on the tiny voice in her ear. "Where is he?" she asked, a sense of urgency creeping into her voice.

"The reading says he's in that big building," Dwayne responded.

Harper frowned slightly, her gaze shifting down to the base sprawled out beneath her. "Big building?" she echoed, her massive eyes scanning the landscape for what might be considered "big" to a Lilliputian like Dwayne. Everything down there seemed tiny to her, but after a moment, her eyes settled on the structure in the middle of the base—it was larger than the rest, towering over the other buildings like a miniature skyscraper.

"It must be that one," she decided, her tone resolute. She knew she had to be careful; the slightest wrong move could be disastrous. "I'm going to have to be careful—very careful."

Harper slowly extended a single finger towards the building. Even with the utmost caution, the sheer size and power behind that one digit were enough to cause the structure to groan under the pressure. As her fingertip lightly made contact with the roof, the building caved in with a muffled crash, the roof buckling inward as if it were made of paper.

"Ooooh... I hope that didn't kill anyone," Harper whispered, squinting as she retracted her hand, her face a mix of concern and curiosity. She knew that even her lightest touch could be devastating.

Taking a deep breath, Harper began to lower herself closer to the ground. The air stirred as her enormous form descended, and her breasts, each one as large as the a dozen Gulliverian buildings she had just touched, dangled precariously above the wall that surrounded the base. The shadow they cast was enough to plunge the entire area into near-darkness, and the Gulliverian soldiers stationed on the wall reacted in pure panic.

"Fall back!" one of them shouted, and the command spread like wildfire. Soldiers who had been standing their ground, weapons ready, suddenly broke formation and scrambled for safety. They tripped over each other in their haste, some losing their footing and tumbling off the wall in their desperate bid to escape the impending doom. The lucky ones who managed to keep their balance sprinted towards the nearest exits, not daring to look back as Harper's immense body loomed above them, threatening to crush them at any moment.

With her hands resting on the ground for support, Harper brought her face closer to the hole she had created in the building's roof. Her breath, warm and steady, sent papers and light debris fluttering around like leaves in the wind. Her massive eyes, each one larger than the rooms inside the building, scanned the interior from above.

From her vantage point, Harper could see almost every corridor and empty room in the building. The floors had buckled under the pressure, some walls had crumbled, leaving large gaps that made it easy for her to peer inside. The rooms were filled with scattered debris—overturned desks, shattered equipment, and faint traces of movement from those who had been inside when she first touched down. But it was the central room that caught her attention.

In the middle of the building, she spotted two figures—two Gulliverians—standing amid the rubble. They were larger than the Lilliputians but still tiny compared to her, their faces barely visible from her height. One of them was looking up at her with a mixture of awe and terror, while the other seemed to be more composed, looking up at her with what seemed to be hatred.

Harper narrowed her eyes, focusing on all around them, trying to discern whether or not this room could be holding  Ethan.

"You said he was in here," Harper murmured, her expression troubled as she stared down into the hole she had made. Her massive blue eyes darted between the rubble, searching for any sign of Ethan.

"Dwayne, you said you tracked his phone from inside here, right?" she asked, her voice laced with uncertainty. Harper backed her face away slightly from the building, trying to make sense of the situation.

"He's definitely in there," Dwayne confirmed, his voice confident over the earpiece. She could practically hear him looking down at his phone, double-checking the readings. "You have to look closer, remember he's a Lilliputian."

Harper sighed, then nodded to herself. "Right." She knew Dwayne was right; Ethan would be practically invisible to her if she wasn't careful. She leaned in again, her enormous face descending so close to the building that her breath sent ripples through the debris. She scanned every inch of the ruined structure, her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes swept over shattered walls and twisted metal, but then—her heart skipped a beat.

A tiny speck, barely noticeable among the wreckage, caught her eye. It was a mere dot to anyone else, but to Harper, it was unmistakable. She knew, without needing her contact lenses or a second thought, that it was Ethan.

"Ethan..." she thought, her breath catching in her throat. She had found him. Relief and joy washed over her, nearly overwhelming her.

"Dwayne, I've found him," Harper said aloud, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Great! Let's hurry up and get his ass out of there!" Dwayne's voice was filled with urgency and relief.

But Harper's smile quickly faded as she saw a Gulliverian soldier standing over the small speck she knew to be Ethan. The giantess froze, her muscles tensing as she watched the scene unfold below her. The Gulliverian's shadow loomed over Ethan, a predator towering over its prey.

"So, you know that gigantic beast, huh?" Harper barely heard the Gulliverian say, her voice tinged with mockery.

"Hey, you gigantic bitch!" the Gulliverian suddenly yelled up at Harper, her tone filled with contempt.

Harper felt her muscles tense even more at the insult. Whoever these Gulliverians were, she knew instinctively that they were no friends of Ethan. Her eyes narrowed, her anger simmering beneath the surface.

"Elisa, don't!" another voice—another Gulliverian—called out, their tone urgent, almost pleading.

"Don't worry," the one called Elisa said, her voice dripping with arrogance. "That Brob seems to be looking for this little Lilliputian. She can't do anything to us as long as we have him."

Harper swallowed hard, her mind racing. She was in a tight spot, and she knew it. Her immense size, usually her greatest strength, was being used against her. She couldn't risk making a wrong move and endangering Ethan. "I need to think of something," she thought to herself, desperation clawing at her insides.

"Harper, what's going on?" Dwayne's voice broke through her thoughts, concerned and urgent. She didn't respond, too focused on the situation unfolding below.

"I hope you weren't thinking that Brob up there was going to protect you," Elisa taunted, her eyes never leaving Ethan.

"I know..." Harper thought, her mind scrambling for a plan. She couldn't let them hurt him. Not now, not when she was so close.

Her eyes flicked back to Ethan, watching as he slowly backed away from the approaching Gulliverian. She had to act quickly. With a surge of determination, Harper made her move.

She dug her hand through the ground with deliberate force, her massive fingers burrowing through the crust like a plow through soil. The ground trembled under her touch, splitting apart in jagged cracks as her hand moved beneath the surface. Her fingers wrapped around the patch of earth where Ethan stood, and she began to lift it, trying to be as gentle as possible.

Ethan's eyes widened in fear as the ground beneath him began to rise, lifting him towards the sky. The Gulliverian loomed closer, her hand outstretched, ready to snatch him up.

"You're mine," the Gulliverian sneered, her voice filled with cruel satisfaction.

"No, you don't," Harper thought fiercely. She wouldn't let them touch him. She lifted the patch of earth closer to her face, her grip firm but careful, her heart pounding in her chest.

"You're not hurting him," Harper said, her voice low and filled with a quiet fury. Her hand, now holding both the earth and the Gulliverian who had tried to take Ethan, hovered just in front of her face. The Gulliverian soldier looked up at Harper, her expression shifting from arrogance to terror as she realized the situation had turned against her.

"You're in my hands now."



Harper my girl saving the day !!!!