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Michael couldn't believe his eyes. The water park stretched out before him like an endless dream, with slides towering higher than a million Lilliputian skyscrapers stacked on top of each other and pools vast enough to resemble entire oceans. It was a sight beyond anything he could have imagined.

"What the hell..." Michael muttered, his mouth hanging open in sheer amazement.

Hearing his reaction, Abbie and Monica couldn't help but giggle.

"Well, Michael, welcome to Rapid Tide," Monica said, her eyes sweeping over the sprawling water park.

"It's huge..." Michael said, still in shock.

Monica chuckled, "I guess it would be to a Lilliputian."

Abbie, hearing this, found herself wondering what exactly Michael was seeing. She tried to imagine the world through his eyes—a sight that must have been both overwhelming and wondrous. A sigh escaped her lips as she pondered just how incredible it would be to experience the world with such a different perspective.

"Well, how about we stop gawking at the park and go have a good time?" Monica said, grabbing Abbie's arm and pulling her forward.


It didn't take long for Abbie and Monica to find the Lilliputian area. Apparently, there were five different Lilliputian parks, each one spread out in a different section of the massive water park. These smaller parks were designed exclusively for Lilliputians, ensuring their safety by keeping Gulliverians and Brobdingnagians out. After all, a Gulliverian could crush the entire park just by falling on it, and a Brobdingnagian could obliterate it with a single step.

The most that Abbie and Monica could do was transport a Lilliputian like me to one of these parks and then leave to explore the rest of Rapid Tide themselves. And that's exactly what they did.

I watched as Abbie handed the pendant to Monica. Even though Abbie had done well carrying me so far, she still seemed a little unsure of herself when it came to handling someone so tiny. I thought she was doing great, but maybe she just needed more confidence.

Monica carefully tilted the pendant, and i was surprised at how smoothly she moved. I barely felt any vibrations as the pink walls around me shifted.

Ahead of him, the pendant opened up, revealing the fleshy ridges of Monica's finger.

"Climb aboard," Monica said with a caring smile that made my heart skip a beat.

I nodded slowly and walked onto Monica's massive finger, feeling the texture of her skin beneath my feet. I Lowered myself to my hands and knees, and held on as her finger began to move and descend towards the Lilliputian water park.

"Damn," I whispered to himself, realizing once again just how enormous these women were. The thought that a single toe could completely obliterate the park below was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Within a few minutes, Monica had lowered me all the way to the ground. I carefully climbed down, using the ridges of her fingerprint for support. As I reached the ground, I looked up in amazement as Monica and Abbie straightened back up to their full, towering height.

"We're going to have some fun, but we'll check back with you in an hour or so," Monica said with a wave.

Abbie waved too, and then the two of them began to walk away, their footsteps creating distant quakes that grew fainter with each step.

I stood there for a moment, feeling the ground settle beneath me.


"Have fun, I guess," Michael muttered as he watched Abbie and Monica disappear into the crowd of Brobs. He stood there for a moment, feeling strangely out of place. The water park was supposed to be fun, but as he looked around at the massive slides and expansive pools, he felt more overwhelmed than excited.

He decided to give it a try anyway, walking towards the nearest slide. The sight of Lilliputians laughing and having a great time surrounded by a world that could so easily crush them was baffling to him. Michael went on a few rides and slides, barely even swimming. Each time, he felt a sense of unease. The thrill that everyone else seemed to be experiencing just didn't reach him.

Instead of enjoying himself, Michael found his mind drifting. He observed the other Lilliputians who seemed so comfortable in this enormous, dangerous world. He couldn't understand how they could be so at ease, so fearless. Didn't they realize how fragile they were in the face of such overwhelming power? It puzzled him, leaving him feeling even more disconnected from the excitement around him, and as Minutes turned to a whole hour these thoughts never left him.


The sudden booming voice jolted him from his thoughts. He turned around and saw Abbie's face filling his vision, her enormous eyes darting back and forth as she scanned the area, clearly searching for him. Her presence was impossible to miss, and it instantly drew the attention of every Lilliputian in the park.

"She must not have her earpiece in," Michael thought, realizing she couldn't hear him through their usual communication method. Without wasting time, he began to run, leaving the park in a hurry. He waved his hand frantically, hoping to catch her attention.

After a few tense moments, Abbie's eyes finally locked onto him. Her face lit up with relief as she focused on the tiny figure below.

"Michael, is that you?" she asked, bringing her massive head closer to the ground.

Michael waved his hand again, and Abbie's smile widened. She extended her enormous finger towards him, creating a gentle slope for him to climb.

"Get on and hold on," Abbie said, her voice more controlled and soothing now that she had spotted him.

Michael hesitated for a moment, turning his head to glance back at the Lilliputians who were now all staring at him. He could feel their eyes on him, a mix of curiosity and awe. It was clear that his interaction with Abbie had drawn their attention in a big way.

With a final wave to the onlookers, Michael climbed aboard Abbie's finger, carefully holding on as she lifted him up. The ground fell away beneath him as she brought him closer to her face, her eyes filled with a protective warmth that he hadn't noticed before.

"Let's get you somewhere safe," Abbie said softly, her breath washing over him as she carefully carried him away from the park. Michael held on tightly, his thoughts still swirling with the strange day he had experienced. But as he settled into the familiar safety of Abbie's presence, he felt a small sense of comfort.

As Abbie carried Michael through the park, the experience was overwhelming for him. The park was loud, with the sounds of water splashing, children laughing, and people shouting echoing in his ears. Everything moved so fast around him—the Brobdingnagians walking by were like moving mountains, each step they took creating gusts of wind that would have knocked him over if he wasn't safely perched on Abbie's finger.

From his tiny perspective, the world blurred by, a mix of towering slides and pools that seemed to stretch out forever. But despite the chaos, there was a certain calm in being with Abbie. Her hand was steady, and he felt secure as she moved through the crowds.

"Me and Monica have booked a private pool, just for the two of us," Abbie said with a smile as she continued walking. "We think it's time we spend some time with one another."

Michael felt his face grow warm, and his heart skipped a beat. He wasn't sure why, but something about the way Abbie said it made him blush. The thought of spending time alone with her, away from the bustling crowds, filled him with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He glanced up at her, trying to gauge her expression, but she just smiled softly, her eyes focused ahead.



Good god I love this story!!!!! I can’t say this enough times