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She began to rise, rubble falling from her swaying breasts, and dust rising with her every movement.

With a loud "BOOM," her hands slammed into the ground, claws digging deep into the earth. She growled, her sharp teeth clenched tightly as red blood dripped from her forehead. Her eyes glowed blue, and her long black hair danced in the raging blue heat that warped the air itself. She looked down at the two humans backing away from her sharp claws.

"You..." Flariona said in anger, recognizing the two little humans all too well.


Bradley's body hurt all over as he struggled to stay conscious, leaning against Kaguya. He looked up at the massive Kaiju glaring down at them with anger.

"We need to get out of here," Kaguya said, her body trembling.

Bradley didn't say anything, feeling the intense heat radiating from her body, a heat so strong that he didn't dare get any closer.

"Bradley, Bradley!" Kaguya yelled. "Bradley, snap out of it!"

Bradley, hearing her call, turned his head to look at Kaguya. "We need to leave now," she yelled.

"You may say that, but..." Bradley looked up at the female Kaiju. "I don't think she's going to just let us leave."

Bradley and Kaguya looked up as Flariona shook the rubble from her body, which fell around them, kicking up dust and cracking the already destroyed ground.

Flariona pushed the wild strands of black hair from her face and leaned downward, her breasts swaying over wrecked buildings as she did so. Soon, her massive face loomed over the two humans, her blue eyes focused on one person.


I hated her. The more I saw her, the more this feeling grew.

I hovered over her, casting the little insect in my shadow. I didn't understand it. How could Ebodius, how could any Kaiju, fall in love with these humans? They were so weak and fragile.

"I don't accept it," I said in a low voice. "I'll never accept it!" I yelled, my breath pushing against the little humans standing close to my face.

It brought me little joy to see these beings crawling on the ground. I would need to fix that.


As I stood there, my heart raced with a mix of fear and concern. The Kaiju girl was clearly hurt; I could see the scratches and blood marring her once-magnificent form. It must've been one hell of a battle. Almost sad that I missed it. She didn't seem to be just hurt physically but emotionally too. I could literally feel the anger coming from her eyes. It was either that or the heat coming from her body. Damn, she must've really cared for Sun—or Ebodius. Lucky bastard.

My gaze shifted for a moment to Kaguya beside me. She trembled in my arms, obviously wanting to be anywhere other than here. Her eyes darted nervously between the Kaiju and me. I understood why. After all, I could tell that the Kaiju was fixated on Kaguya, and that realization twisted my stomach into knots.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward despite Kaguya's worried expression. My mind raced as I tried to recall the Kaiju's name—what was it? Flare? Flamboyant? No!

"Flariona!" I shouted out suddenly, hoping to catch her attention.

Her blue eyes widened in surprise as they locked onto mine. For a moment, everything felt still; even the raging heat seemed to recede slightly as she regarded me with an intensity that made my skin prickle.

"Let's just talk!" I yelled again, lifting my arms in a gesture of peace and negotiation—hoping against hope that this would help diffuse the tension surrounding us.


He said my name. The little human actually dared to say my name as if he were my kin. It was disgusting.

I wanted to bring my hand down and turn the little thing into a red stain on the pavement, but I held myself back. After all, I recognized this little one. He was the one who tried to protect me.

"Walk away."

"Huh." The little human said, obviously confused.

I brought my head closer to the little man. "I owe you a debt, so I'm going to let you walk away, but you only get one chance."

I would honor my word, but I swore to myself that my patience was ebbing away little by little. I wanted the little woman. I wanted to devour that little thing's body and be done with her, now.


"I'm sorry for your loss," Bradley began awkwardly after catching his breath, trying not to show how intimidated he felt under Flariona's intense gaze. "Ebodius seemed like a cool guy."

"Shut up," Flariona growled ever so slightly as her claws dug deeper into the ground, cracking it further beneath her weight.

"It wasn't Kaguya's fault that Ebodius is dead!" Bradley continued passionately yet nervously.

"Shut up!" she repeated more forcefully this time, irritation flaring through her voice like fire crackling in dry brush.

Bradley pressed on despite Flariona's clear displeasure: "If Ebodius loved Kaguya—and he did love her —then if you really loved him back... shouldn't you want to avoid hurting someone he cared about?"

Flariona glared down at him incredulously; his words hung heavy in the air.

Flariona lunged forward, her anger boiling over. She screamed, "Shut up!" The force of her movement sent tremors through the ground, her massive form tearing apart any structure that got in her way.

She was ready to crush the life out of both humans standing before her. Promise and debts be damned—they would die today. And while she was at it, she would destroy the whole city with her blue fire.

She was about to bring her claws down upon them when a sudden explosion erupted against her left cheek, forcing her to slam into the ground with a bone-rattling impact. Stars danced in front of her eyes as confusion mixed with fury clouded her mind.

"What?!" she yelled, looking up through the dust and debris to see fast-moving objects darting through the air. "Damn humans, again!" They were relentless, always attacking from unexpected angles.

"You want to fight? Then let's fight!"


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