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I stood in the bathroom with Monica, both of us taking off our clothes without saying a word.

I didn't know why I suggested going swimming, and I was starting to doubt if it was a good idea. Michael was so small; he could easily get hurt or worse, killed.

I let out a small breath as I took off my shirt.

"What's wrong?" Monica asked, halfway through putting on her swimsuit.

"Nothing," I laughed. "I just hope I didn't make the wrong call," I said, grabbing my white swimsuit.

"No worries," Monica said with a smile. "I have the perfect place we could go, a mixed-size place I've been meaning to check out."

I looked at Monica with surprise. She was always well-prepared, but now I was really seeing how responsible she was. I guess not just anyone can get an interdimensional license.

I began to nod my head and laugh.

"What?" Monica asked, confused.

"It's nothing," I said, finally figuring out how to put on my swimsuit. "I'm just ready to have some fun," I lied through my teeth.

"Well, before any of that..." Monica said, grabbing her bag and placing it on the counter. "We should use these," she said, holding out a small black case with the letters LC on the top.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Lilliputian contacts," Monica said. "They will help us keep track of our little friend in there."

"You mean with these, we will be able to see Michael?"

Monica nodded. "I bet you've been dying to get a better look at the little guy, haven't you?"

I could feel my heart racing and my palms getting sweaty. "Kinda," I said, continuing to get dressed.

Monica raised a single eyebrow, giving me a cocky look.

"I mean, I am curious," I said with a grin. "It would be nice to see something other than a little speck, okay?"

"Okay, okay..." Monica said, raising her hands in defense.

"Well, with these, we shouldn't have a problem keeping track of Michael," Monica explained. "They, like our earpieces, are connected to my phone, so if he gets lost, we will be able to track him."

"Nice," I said. "Very nice."


As I waited, time seemed to stretch endlessly. My swimsuit felt snug against my skin, but the nervous flutter in my stomach overshadowed any comfort it might have provided. Today was a big deal—going out into the world of Brobdingnag was no small feat for someone my size. I struggled to calm myself, reminding myself that Monica and Abbie would be there with me. But still, the thought of being surrounded by giants made me anxious.

Suddenly, I felt the ground beneath me start to rumble, and I looked up in alarm. Two massive figures loomed over me like living mountains dressed in swimsuits that left little to the imagination.

There was Abbie, her brown hair cascading down her shoulders and framing her stunning face. She wore a white bikini that accentuated her curves perfectly. Beside her stood Monica, with long black hair flowing elegantly as she donned a sleek black bikini that showcased her figure beautifully. The sight of them towering above me was both awe-inspiring and intimidating.

"Hey there, little guy! Ready for some fun?" Abbie's voice boomed down at me, filled with excitement.

I blinked up at them, flabbergasted by their beauty and sheer size. "Uh... yeah! Just trying not to freak out here," I replied sheepishly.

I looked up at the two titans and felt that something was different. I couldn't see their faces clearly, but it seemed like their eyes were slightly different. There was a small shine to them that I hadn't noticed before.

Monica began to bend down, her body moving like an avalanche towards me, which made me flinch and slightly close my eyes. But, of course, the end never came. Instead, I was met with the massive face of Monica hovering over me.

"Ready to go?" she asked, her voice booming gently.

I nodded, still feeling a bit uneasy. "Yeah, I guess."

Monica's hand descended slowly, her fingers splayed out like a landing platform. I carefully climbed onto her palm which I still wasn't use to, even though I had done so many times before.

Monica stood up, and I saw Abbie smiling down at me from above. "Don't worry, Michael. We're going to have a great time," she said reassuringly.


I looked down at Michael, and honestly, I couldn't look away. He was so beautiful.

The contact lenses were definitely working.

"What?" Michael said, staring up at me.

"Damn it," I thought to myself, knowing that I had been caught staring. "Nothing," I said, looking away. "Time to go," I said quickly, grabbing my bag and heading towards the door.

Monica chuckled softly as she followed me. "You might want to be a little more subtle," she whispered.

I shot her a playful glare. "Let's just get to the park."



Hello? Can we rp please we still haven’t been able to do it a couple days ago.