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The room was quiet, which made me really uncomfortable as I looked up at Reg, the Prod whose eyes were hidden by her short black hair hanging down as her head lowered.

"Are you okay?" I asked, stepping forward to the huge titan who remained silent.

"You little crumb..." she said in a quiet voice, which was still powerful and more than audible because of my small size.

"Huh?" I said in confusion, raising one eyebrow.

"You have big balls to talk to me like that, despite being so small that I could drown you with a piece of my snot," she said with attitude.

"Oh shit," I muttered, stepping back. I didn't like where this was going. Even though I hated her, I was thinking about calling Molly. Wait a minute—I didn't have a way of calling Abbie. Shit!

"I was supposed to call Molly and my mom when you woke up," Reg said, looking towards the bedroom door. By the way, this room was way too big for me, as was this oversized bed. What the hell.

"Hey, now wait a minute..." I said, bringing my hand up in defense. And yes, before you say anything, I know my single hand wouldn't help me do shit. "I-I thought we were friends," I said.

"Yeah, I don't think so..." Reg said, bringing her face closer, hovering above me hundreds of feet up. "But that mouth of yours has pissed me off."

"Look, I didn't mean to upset you," I said quickly, trying to avoid the situation that would most likely result in my death. "It's just that... I don't have a lot of good memories of the past." I lowered my head, thinking back to the old days. "I-I apologize."

Once again, the room went quiet. I looked up at Reg. Her mountain-sized eyes looked down at me with a sharp gaze.

"Apology accepted," Reg said, her body coming down as she leaned on the bed, causing a wave of power that made my body jump high into the air and come crashing down to the covers. At least the landing was soft.

"Look..." Reg said, her chin coming to rest on the bed covers. "I have a short temper," she admitted. "And I was raised knowing that I have to be strong, especially to survive in this world."

I didn't know what she meant by that, but I would have to keep in mind that this girl wasn't one to be trifled with.

"Huh?" I looked up as my surroundings became dark and was met with a massive pillar that I could barely even recognize as a finger, a finger that held deep trenches that I knew to be fingerprints.

"Damn..." I said in complete awe, before coming to my senses and turning away in fear. This was it, this was the end of my life. Well, at least that bitch Molly would join me in death. "Wait a minute, I'm still alive," I said quietly, looking up to see the finger hovering over me a few feet above. It was so close that I couldn't even recognize it at all.

"Well, it's not like I can teach you a lesson," Reg's voice echoed from above. "Not without crushing or killing you," she said. "So I guess being the friendly giant will have to do," she said, bringing her finger away.


I looked down at him, or at least I would if my finger didn't completely hide him. He was so small, just a tiny speck to me. Honestly, this whole thing was ridiculous. If it wasn't for the Prodigan physiology being slightly altered since birth, these beings would be completely invisible to us.

It was almost laughable that he had the gall to talk back to me, pissing me off the way he did. But I guess that was more my fault. I had been told more than once that I had anger issues. I needed to control that.

"Okay, now that we're on better terms, I should go get Molly," I said, standing up completely. Standing at my full height, I looked down and could no longer see the little guy, whose name I think was Travis. Yes, Travis.

"Okay, I'll be right back," I said with a small wave before walking out of the room.

As I stepped away, I couldn't help but think about the strangeness of the situation. Having a Lilliputian in the house was like living with a dust mite, only this one could talk and had feelings. I reached the door and called out, "Molly, you might want to check on Travis. He seems a bit shaken up."

Molly appeared in the hallway, her eyes widening with concern. "What happened?" she asked, rushing past me.

"I think I scared him," I admitted, feeling a twinge of guilt. "He's a brave little guy, but I guess I was a bit too much for him."

Molly nodded and hurried back into the room, leaving me standing there, pondering over the peculiar reality we were all a part of.


Travis sat down on the bed that stretched miles and miles long, feeling its immense size almost swallow him up. Suddenly, the bed began to rumble, a minor tremor at first but growing stronger by the second. The bedroom door burst open with a forceful gust of wind that nearly blew Travis off his feet.

Molly rushed into the room, her massive frame like a planet of flesh barreling towards him. Panic set in as he screamed, "Stay away!" with his eyes tightly shut. He opened them hesitantly to find himself face-to-face with an enormous eye—an eye bigger than a dozen Lilliputian skyscrapers—looking down at him.

"I'm so happy to see you're OK," Molly said, her voice filled with genuine relief.

Travis cleared his throat and managed to stammer out a "Thanks," his cheeks blushing furiously.

After a brief conversation assuring Travis he was safe and explaining what had happened with Reg, Molly revealed something balanced on her finger—a small high-tech suit.

"What's this?" Travis asked curiously.

Molly smiled warmly. "It's a present for you." She paused for dramatic effect before delivering the news. "You're going to school and will need protection."

Travis's jaw dropped in disbelief. "What?!"



I already love Reg also School!!!!!!!!!!


Let’s go Prob school arc baby