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I sat down with my legs crossed, looking up at the two massive women who towered over me.

These were the women who would get me back home, but by the looks of things, it didn't seem like things were going as planned.

Monica looked down at me, bringing her face closer. "Now, I'm going to need you to stay calm," she said, her voice steady.

"What do you mean?" I said, trying to keep my panic in check.

"I talked to a Dimensional Rift Enforcer, and he claimed that getting you home won't be an easy task," Monica said with a worried look.

"A Dimensional Rift Enforcer?" I asked, confused.

Monica nodded. "I don't know the science, nor do I understand it completely, but what you need to know is that there are three worlds," Monica explained.

"Yeah, I heard about that in school," I said, thinking back. "The world of the Lilliputians, the world of Gulliveria, and the world of Brobdingnagians."

"Yes," Monica said, nodding. "These worlds are separated by a thin dimensional energy called the veil. The veil separates the three worlds and can only be broken under special circumstances."

"W-what circumstances?" I asked.

"People visit the different worlds all the time, that is, Lilliputians going to Gulliveria and sometimes Gulliverians traveling to Lilliput, but people rarely visit Brobdingnag," Monica said.

"Why?" I yelled, panic finally setting in.

"The veil for Brobdingnag is stronger than it is for the other two, and therefore it's not so easy to travel in and out of our land," she explained. "To do so would require a lot of energy."

"So, are you saying there is no way for me to get home?" I asked, afraid of Monica's answer.

"No, but it will take time," she said.

"O-ok, how long?" I asked, a little hope returning.

"One week," Monica said. "Once a week, a few dozen Lilliputian planes leave the land of Brobdingnag."

"So, are you saying..." I stopped short of finishing my sentence.

Monica, guessing my words, nodded. "You will have to stay here for one week."


I sat down, not saying a word as I listened to Monica explain the plan. I truly felt sorry for Michael, and as the room went silent, I could tell that the little guy was deep in thought, which made sense—he had a lot to think about. But maybe taking his mind off things would help.

"Hey, I have an idea," I said, clapping my hands together and drawing the attention of both Monica and Michael. "I think we should have a day out."

"Huh?" I heard Michael say below.

"Yeah..." I said, looking at Monica. "I think we should show our friend all the good things that Brobdingnag has to offer."

Monica looked at me for a few moments, then turned her attention back to the small Lilliputian. She turned to me and began to smile. "You know what, I think that's a great idea."

"Yeah!" I said with joy. "Let's go swimming."

Monica quickly turned her head toward me. "Wait, what?"


From Michael's perspective, everything in Brobdingnag felt overwhelming, and the thought of a day out in such a giant world filled him with anxiety. But after much pleading from Abbie, he finally decided to give in.

It didn't take long for Monica and Abbie to find him a swimsuit, which he now clutched nervously in his hands. The idea of venturing into this colossal world made him uneasy, but Abbie's enthusiasm was contagious.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Abbie said with an encouraging smile.

Monica was designated to carry him since Abbie was apparently still learning how to handle Lilliputians—a fact that puzzled Michael as he had found her handling quite proficient so far. Monica had bought a small pendant just for this purpose a few days ago. It hung around her neck and was intended to be Michael's mode of transportation.

Michael eyed the pendant warily; it looked as large as a small Lilliputian building and wide enough to fit fifty of his kind comfortably with room to spare.

"It's either the pendant or my ear," Monica said firmly when she saw his hesitation.

Reluctantly, Michael chose the pendant. Climbing inside felt like stepping into an enormous chamber, and as Monica moved, it felt like being on a roller coaster ride. Her movements caused her massive breasts to press against the pendant's surface, blocking his view of the outside world as they squeezed together.

Michael took a deep breath and held up the blue swimsuit. "Well, I guess I should wait here and change while I'm at it," he muttered to himself with resignation.



Hey, I know you’re busy, but when can we RP?