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I woke up, my eyes heavy and my body tired. The area I was in was dark and warm, and yet, as I began to get up, a huge and rapid gust of wind blew past me every few seconds.

"Huh, what is that?" I asked as I turned my head and looked behind me.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" I yelled as I looked up at a massive brown eye that was looking down at me.

"Sorry, sorry," a massive voice rumbled, shaking the very covers that made up the landscape surrounding me.

The eye that was looking down at me soon began to back away, revealing a massive face. It was blurry from the distance that separated us, but it was a face I didn't really recognize—a young face with short black hair, probably around my age.

"I didn't mean to scare you," the girl said, looking at me. "Sorry I was so close, it's just that I could barely see you."

"Let me guess," I said, breathing out a small sigh. "I'm just too small?" I asked.

"Uh, well, yeah," the prod girl said.

Hearing that didn't get any easier. I mean, when it came to Lilliputians, I was pretty big—at least bigger than most. But now, I was probably a small speck, no, less than that, to these beings.

"W-who are you?" I asked, trying to be brave. Even though she was super big, she was still an attractive girl.

"Name's Regina, Reg for short."

"Travis," I said, still trying to sound brave, even though I was doing a piss-poor job at it.

Regina was massive. Her body radiated heat, and I could smell her perfume, almost overpowering to my nostrils but oddly pleasant. I struggled not to get a hard-on. Even her simplest movements seemed to shake my surroundings. Every breath she took was a gust of wind that nearly threw me off my feet.

She was miles and miles tall, a living landscape. As she shifted slightly, the covers beneath me rippled like waves. Her immense presence filled the space, making everything else seem insignificant.

I could feel the heat of her skin from where I stood. It was like standing next to a giant heater, the warmth seeping into my tiny body. Her perfume, a sweet and floral scent, enveloped me. It was overwhelming but comforting, a reminder that despite her size, she was still just a girl.

Regina's simple movements—a tilt of her head, a blink of her eye—sent tremors through the fabric beneath me. Her breaths were like powerful gusts of wind, each exhale a force I had to brace against.

She seemed to look down at me, studying me with a hidden interest. She smirked at me, and in doing so, I could feel my skin tingling.

"Um, you ever see a Lilliputian before?" I asked, recognizing the look being given to me.

"Uh..." Reg said, breaking her gaze from me. "Ha, is it that obvious?" She scratched her head with embarrassment.

"Yeah, it is." I said with a small laugh, feeling slightly better. "You give off a different vibe from the other one."

"The other one? What are you talking about?" The girl asked, bringing her face closer, making it more and more unrecognizable to me.

"Molly," I said, crossing my arms and looking away, my anger rising ever so slightly.

"How am I different from her?" Reg asked.

"She just seems to be able to control her power a lot better," I said, remembering how my surroundings seemed to shake less when I was with Molly.

"Well, sorry..." Reg said, sitting back up and crossing her arms. "It's not my fault that you're so fragile."

I didn't say anything to that. I mean, what was I supposed to say? Sorry for being weak and small?

Reg looked down at me, her expression softening. "Speaking of being fragile, why did you pass out?" she asked.

I went still as memories flowed over my mind. "It's none of your business," I said before going quiet, my fists shaking.



Ohhhhhhh do I sense a young relationship building ohhhh how exciting


Gahh I need more