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Molly slowly got up from her seat, careful not to hit the table and send its little passenger flying. She stood and began to walk toward the front door. "Hello," she said as she opened the door.

Her eyes widened in surprise at the figure standing there.

"Hey, girl! Good to see you," a joyful and playful voice rang out, bringing tears to Molly’s eyes.

"Natasha!" Molly yelled, stepping forward with a smile and hugging the blonde-haired woman. "It's so great to see you!"

"It's good to see you too," Natasha said, wrapping her arms around her friend. "I came to see how you were living," she said, stepping back from the hug and looking around. "And I see that you're living well," she added with a laugh as she walked into the house.

"The hospitality of the council is high, even for a criminal like me," Molly said with a wry smile.

Natasha turned to her. "You're not a monster, Molly."

Molly appreciated the sentiment but glanced over at the table where Travis was, still eating even though she couldn't see him. "Thanks, Natasha, but not everyone thinks so," she said softly.

Natasha noticed the look. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Molly gestured for her to come in. "Come and find out."

Natasha laughed, stepping further inside. "Actually, there's someone I want you to meet," she said, turning back toward the door. "Regina, come in here!"

A young woman stepped inside, her attitude apparent from her expression. She had short black hair, and wore a black leather jacket, and ripped blue jeans. Natasha smiled at Abbie. "This is my daughter, Regina."

Regina nodded curtly, crossing her arms. "Nice to meet you," she said, her tone indifferent.

Molly smiled warmly, despite the girl's attitude. "Nice to meet you too, Regina." She glanced at Natasha. "You didn't tell me you had a daughter."

Natasha chuckled. "Well, now you know." She looked around. "So, tell me more about what's going on here."

Molly nodded, taking a deep breath. "Let's sit down. There's a lot to explain."

As they all moved to the living room, Molly couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Maybe, just maybe, things were starting to look up.

Molly, with Natasha and Regina following, led the way to the living room.

"Um, before anything else, I think I should introduce you to someone first."

Natasha and Regina looked at Molly, puzzled.

"Oh, I didn't know you had someone else over," Natasha said.

"Well, you could say that," Molly replied with an awkward smile. She glanced back at the table, barely able to see Travis. The small piece of food was the only real indication of his presence.

"So, before we get any closer to the living room, I should tell you about my sentence."

"Okay," Natasha said, still confused.

Molly let out a huge sigh, trying to release her nervousness. "You know my past," she began. "And because of my past, the council found me guilty." She explained her sentence, telling Natasha about Travis, the crimes she had committed against him, and his deep hatred for her. She told her that Travis would decide her fate in three years, and until then, it was her job to take care of him as if he were her own child.

Natasha and Regina stood shoulder to shoulder, their expressions a mix of disbelief and shock. Natasha stepped forward, eyes wide. "Are you telling me there's an actual Lilliputian living in this house?" she asked with excitement.

Molly nodded.

As Molly and Natasha locked eyes, they didn't notice the shift in Regina's expression. Her once-irritated face brightened with a smile, intrigued by the thought of seeing a Lilliputian for the first time.

Molly pointed her hand toward the table. "He's right over there."

Both Prods looked with bated breath. They saw nothing but the food and small crumbs on the table. Slowly, they approached the table, moving closer and closer until they could just barely see a colored speck among the crumbs. At first, they thought it was another crumb, but as they focused, they saw the tiny speck moving.

"I'd like you both to meet Travis," Molly said with a small smile.

Natasha and Regina leaned in closer, their eyes wide with wonder. "Wow," Natasha whispered. "He's so small."

Regina, despite her tough exterior, couldn't hide her amazement. "I've never seen a Lilliputian before," she said softly.


I looked up at them, these beings that were beyond massive, beyond the word big. All three were looking down at me with their all-seeing eyes, and honestly, it was just too much for me.

I found myself stepping back, fighting my body's need to flee from these massive beings.

I mean, one was enough—just one—but now I had to deal with three. Are you serious?!

My eyes grew heavy, my mind light, and soon I fell backward into darkness.


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