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Three, the number three, has always been known as a sacred number for Lilliputians, Gulliverians, and even Brobdingnagians alike. It is a number mentioned in legends and stories filled with myth and mystery. But was it these stories that made the number three so important?


In fact, three to this day represents the three worlds discovered by Gulliver 500 years ago on his trek through the Indian Sea. It was through this journey that he discovered the three races in all their glory and traveled to the three worlds, each existing in perfect balance and harmony with one another.

That is why three is sacred, for it is the number that makes up existence itself.


Harper looked down at the dot-sized ships that floated by her torso, careful not to move even a muscle as they passed her belly button, so large that it could swallow at least three ships whole with ease.

"How is this going to work?" Harper heard the small voice of Dwayne in her ear.

Harper struggled not to turn her head to the side, in hopes of seeing the Lilliputian man strapped to a single hair that rested on her head. She didn't want to send him flying after all.

"You know as well as I do that we can't go the regular route, so we have no choice but to go through a Rift."

"When you say Rift..." Dwayne said, holding tightly to the black strand of hair that was like thick steel rope in his hands, "do you mean one of the three Rifts of Existence?"

"Yep, that's the one," Harper said with a smile. "We're going through the one that connects to Gulliveria."

Dwayne shook his head as he looked out at the horizon. He finally realized where they were.

"Dark Water Trench..." he said in a whisper. "We're in the Azure Oceans!" he yelled as from up ahead he could see a thick fog so big that it even eclipsed Harper.

"Yes, we are," Harper said, looking forward at the thick fog.

"Harper, this is so dangerous," Dwayne said in a small panic. "You know as well as I that..."

"I know!" Harper yelled, her voice causing Dwayne to flinch from its loud noise. "I know..." she said much quieter. "But this is the only way we are going to reach Ethan in time."

Dwayne said no more as he looked ahead at the fog he had only read about in books.

The worlds are connected; they have been for eons. To travel from one world to another, a person would typically go through the gate, a raging storm of pure energy that could open a gateway to one of the three places. That was the normal way. But there were other ways.

From time to time, small rifts would open up around the world, appearing at random and sucking people and things into them. An organization named "RIFT," which stands for Recovery and Investigation Force, was created to find these individuals before they caused any damage or harm, or before damage or harm was done to them.

Then there are the three eternal rifts that have always been there. It is said that Gulliver traveled through an eternal rift to get to Lilliput. Every world has three eternal rifts that connect to one of the other three worlds, and they all share the characteristic of being surrounded by fog and different colored lightning. They are also heavily guarded.

Dwayne couldn't help but fear, for he knew the rules. It was forbidden and against the law to go through an eternal rift; it was also dangerous. To go through one was to risk being torn apart.

"We don't have any other choice," Harper said softly, sensing Dwayne's unease. "If the Consortium is as close to achieving their goals as we think, we need to act fast. Ethan needs us."

Dwayne nodded slowly, gripping Harper's hair tighter. "Just... be careful."

Harper took a deep breath and stepped forward, her massive feet causing ripples in the ocean. The thick fog loomed ahead, and the air crackled with energy. As they approached, the fog began to swirl, revealing flashes of vibrant colors—red, blue, and green lightning dancing within

"Harper, is that you?"

Harper abruptly stopped walking as she remembered the small ships down below in the water. She smiled as she recognized the voice speaking. She slowly bent down and focused her vision on each ship, trying to find where the voice came from, until finally her eyes settled on the ship in front of her belly and the much smaller passenger on the front deck.

"Sterling, is that you?" she asked, her smile growing bigger.

"Yep, it sure is, sweetheart," she heard from down below. "Harper, honey, what are you doing all the way out here? I hate to say this, but you're scaring my men," he said.

"Yeah, about that..." Harper began to say, nervously laughing. "I need to use the Rift," she simply said.

"Honey, you know I can't do that," Sterling said, his voice serious. "Forgetting for a moment that it's against the law, the raw energy will surely probably kill ya, and then your father will kill me."

"Sterling, I know you are a friend of my father, technically my uncle, but I'm sorry, I wasn't asking," Harper said, her eyes turning serious. "I need to get through." Harper looked ahead at the rift; it was just a few feet away. "Huh?" Harper said, looking down as something sped right towards her face.


Harper, feeling a slight warm spot on her cheek, looked down at the ships in shock. She blinked three times, her shock never wavering. "W-was I just..."

"Yeah, they just attacked you," she heard Dwayne say in her ear piece. "They fired a single round right at your face."

"Stop firing! Stop firing, dammit!" Sterling's voice echoed through the loudspeaker.

Harper's eyes grew dark as she looked down. "No, don't stop," she said, her voice low. "You guys should do your jobs," she said. "Even though none of you will be able to stop me."


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