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She sat crisscross on the hardwood floor, looking down at the tiny figure of the Lilliputian boy she would be living with for the next three years. The same boy who would decide her fate at the end of that time.

"What do you want, Goddess?" Travis's voice echoed throughout the house.

"Please don't call me that," Molly said, her head down. She hated that name. It only brought bad memories.

"Look, I know you hate me, but I just want to say that—"

"That what?" Travis interrupted. "You want me to bow down, worship you?" he yelled.

"No, never," Molly said, her voice shaking as she looked down at the little boy who was barely a speck on her table.

"Or maybe you want me to paint your toenails and fingernails!" he yelled. "How long will that take me? Maybe half a year, if not a full one, all by myself."

"I wouldn't ask that," Molly said, shaking her head.

"Why not? Last time I checked, that was your favorite activity—bossing us little people around!" Travis continued to yell.

Molly could feel herself losing control of her breathing. "I-I know, but—"

"You haven't changed!" Travis yelled. "Not one bit!" He remembered the death and the screams of his past. "I swear... I swear... that after these three years, I will declare your judgment, the only judgment you deserve!" Tears fell from his eyes. "Death."

"Stop!" Molly yelled. Her voice, normal to her, created waves of sound that blasted Travis back a dozen feet, forcing him to cover his ears.

Molly's breath hitched as she saw Travis forced backward by the sheer force of her shout. Her heart ached with guilt and regret, and she lowered her ears closer to his level in a desperate attempt to make amends.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, her voice soft and tremulous, yet powerful to someone so small. "I truly mean it. I know I've made mistakes—terrible ones. But I want you to understand that I'm different now. I've changed." She brought her face down until her eyes were level with the table, her breath causing tiny ripples in the air around Travis.

Travis looked up at her colossal eyes, filled with a mixture of sadness and desperation that he hadn't expected to see. He hesitated, still too engulfed in his own pain and anger to fully trust her words, or her moon sized eyes which wobbled as tears began to form.

"Your name is Travis, right?" Molly asked gently. She saw a flicker of recognition and affirmation in his eyes and continued. "Whatever happens, I promise I will look out for you over these next three years. I know you have every right to be angry and distrustful, but I want to show you that I can change. That I have changed."

Travis remained silent for a moment, his heart torn between skepticism and a small glimmer of hope. "Liar," he finally muttered, turning away, but not before he saw a faint, hopeful smile on Molly's lips.

As Molly's eyes continued to watch him, she thought to herself that no matter how hard the journey, she would do everything in her power to earn his forgiveness and alter his judgment. Because, to her, these three years were not just about redemption—they were about the chance to make things right.

"I'll make this right," she thought to herself as she watched Travis walk back towards the pendant. "I swear."


It was dark in the lands of Lilliput, and the streets of Minutia were busy with traffic and lit up by countless lights. Ski Anderson stood on top of a building covered in dirt, its windows broken and its structure worn down by time.

She crossed her arms and looked out over the city, admiring the beautiful lights. But as she gazed at them, her mind was filled with painful memories of the past. Ski would always remember her time as a slave under the control of the horrid giants, especially the one giant she hated more than any other.

Suddenly, the city began to shake. Small vibrations turned into earthquakes. Ski didn't panic; instead, she looked ahead, her eyes fixed on a massive blue portal that had appeared in the sky. The portal was so large it seemed it could swallow the entire city.

She smiled as the portal began to shimmer, and out of its depths came a massive black boot that impacted the ground, sinking deep into the earth.

"She's free," Ski said, her smile growing as she looked out at the distance where dozens of portals of various sizes were opening. "The monster is free." The horrible quakes became stronger with each passing second, shaking the city to its core. "And so we must plan."



Nooooooo another cliffhanger!!!!!!!! Amazing work but dang it!!!!!