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I awoke feeling warm, really warm in fact, which was a good change. I usually felt cold from the morning air that would invade my room.

It was then that I opened my eyes, expecting to see the white walls of my bedroom. Yeah, not so much.

"What!" I yelled out as I sat up and looked out at a massive brown eye staring at me.

"G-good morning!" A loud booming voice shook me to the core.

My body began to shake, and it wasn't just because of the massive voice of the Brob whose hand I was lying in. It was because of the memories that affected me, the memories of towering figures that took everything away from me.

I could feel pain deep down in my gut, pain that made me want to just shout out in rage, but that feeling grew quiet as my location became more and more clear.

"Uh, morning," I said with a small smile.

"I hope I didn't wake you," Abbie said, her voice sweet and caring. "I was doing my best not to move."

"No, no... thank you. I usually get up around this time. Wait, what time is it?" I asked as I looked out of the far-off window to see the shining sun that seemed too bright for it to be early in the morning.

"It's early in the afternoon," Abbie said.

The fleshy ground beneath my feet began to shake violently, causing me to hold onto the ridges of her skin even more tightly.

"Sorry," Abbie said from above as the hand I was on became more and more still, until I could barely feel it rising higher and higher.

I looked up at the massive face that hovered over me. Abbie looked embarrassed; she must've seen me almost fall down.

"I'm still learning," she said.

"No, uh, you're getting better," I said with a small smile that I knew she wouldn't be able to see.

Abbie's face softened. "Thank you, Michael. I appreciate that."

There was a moment of silence, a bit awkward but not unbearable. Then Abbie spoke again. "So, Michael, if you don't mind me asking again, what happened to you? How did you end up here? I would like to get a little more information about those Brobs," she asked, her words restrained as she looked at me, her eyes shy.

I hesitated, not sure how much to reveal. "I was captured," I finally said, not wanting to go through this again. "By other Brobs. They destroyed my city, took me and so many others. I managed to escape, but..."

Abbie's eyes filled with sympathy. "I'm sorry," Abbie said, putting her head down.

"It was," I replied, my voice tight. "They didn't just take us. They... they played with us, like we were toys. It was humiliating, terrifying," I said, that pain returning to my chest.

Abbie's hand trembled slightly. "I'm so sorry, Michael. Not all Brobs are like that. I want you to know that," she said, her voice barely reaching me, even though it was so loud.

I looked away, feeling the old anger bubbling up. "It's hard to believe that when you've seen what I've seen. When you've lost what I've lost," I said, remembering the massive smiling faces, both male and female, looking down at me as well as a crowd of Lilliputian people screaming for their lives.

Abbie's voice was soft. "What did you lose?"

I took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears. "Everything. My home, my family, my friends. They're all gone." I could feel tears falling from my eyes, as I didn't even dare to look up at the Brob who spoke her promises that I no longer even believed.

Abbie reached out with her free hand, her giant finger gently brushing my head, forcing it down as she patted me, gently. "I'm so sorry, Michael. I wish I could change what happened."

I pulled away from her touch, the memories too raw. "I don't want to talk about it," I said as the finger lifted away from my head. I shook my head, seeing flashes in my mind.

Abbie brought her head closer to me. "Michael, we need to find those Brobs. We need to get justice for those..."

"I don't want to talk about it!" I yelled, knowing that my voice would be nothing but a squeak to her.

Abbie looked hurt, but she nodded. "Okay. I understand. Whenever you're ready, I'm here." She said, lowering her hand to the table below. "I'm always here."

I turned away and climbed down the massive fingers that formed a road leading downward. As soon as I stood on the table, I crossed my arms and didn't even dare look at the massive woman sitting behind me.

The ground began to quake once again as Abbie stood up and began to walk away. I didn't care where she went, as long as it was away from me. "Damn Brobs," I muttered, feeling the weight of my past pressing down on me.


I walked away, not really knowing what to say next. He was mad, very mad in fact.

I really did feel bad, and these feelings didn't change as I made my way into the other room. "Monica, I need you



Ohhhhhhh drama I love and do I sense ….romance hehe 😉