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My heart almost jumped out of my chest as I looked up at my lord, who in turn looked down at me with golden glowing eyes as lightning fell all around him.

Never in all my hundred years did I ever imagine I would have to face Ebodius as an enemy, and truly, I felt afraid.

"My lord," I said, getting down on my knees, careful to remain a few feet away from the small humans, knowing they had a special place in my lord's heart, which didn't make me feel any better. "Forgive me, please forgive me," I begged, lowering my head to the ground in submission.

"Flariona, you shouldn't have come," Ebodius said, looking down at me.

Those words hurt worse than any blade or claw that had pierced my skin. It hurt so much that I could almost feel the strength fade from my body.

I looked down at the two little humans who stood just a few feet from my hand that rested on the ground.

"So it's true then?" I said, looking up at the king of lightning. "You really have chosen these humans over us?" I dared to look up at the lord I had served for so long.

Ebodius said no words as he looked down at me, and for a moment I believed he was going to throw another bolt of lightning at me. Then, I heard words that rumbled like thunder.

"Tell me, Flariona, do you have someone you want to protect?"

I opened my eyes wide as a small recollection came to mind, for this question had been asked of me before, a long time ago.

"You," I said, standing up to my full height. "My lord, I wanted to protect you always!" I yelled out.

Ebodius regarded me for a moment, and as I looked back at him, for a moment I truly believed there was just us in the world, no one else.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"What!" I screamed as three explosions erupted off Ebodius's body, causing him to roar out in pain.

I looked ahead to see Atax standing tall, his sharp spikes exposed all around his arms—spikes that I knew he could use as projectiles whenever he chose.

"Damn you!" I yelled out, rushing forward with my claws extended.


I fell backward as the massive body of Fye slammed into me, causing both of our bodies to crash and destroy a nearby building.


I listened intently to the conversation happening right before my eyes.

There she was, this beautiful woman made of pure white skin, with long black hair and blue fire, standing at gigantic proportions and looking up at another massive Kaiju that had once been the human man I knew as Sun. She would glance down at us every now and then, her blue eyes sharp and scary, as if she was thinking about crushing us between her fingers, but I had a feeling Sun wouldn't let that happen, and this giant babe knew that.

They were talking to each other with booming words that I couldn't even understand. These words seemed ancient and powerful, but even though I couldn't grasp their meaning, I could tell the lady Kaiju was pleading to Sun. For what, I wasn't sure.

"Whoa!" I yelled out, gripping Kaguya tighter as she clung to my chest. Massive explosions erupted in the air, creating what sounded like sonic booms that broke apart windows and caused more buildings, already on fire, to crumble even faster.

Up above, I saw Sun take a direct hit from something moving fast. The ground beneath my feet rumbled and shook as Sun roared out in pain.


I heard a cry and covered my ears, looking back at the beautiful lady Kaiju, who was staring up with fear and shock as she watched Sun take damage.

"English again, great," I whispered to myself, barely able to hear over all the noise these monsters were making.

Then, with a scream, Kaguya and I were thrown into the air as the female Kailu stepped over us, her massive leg creating a powerful gust as it passed.

On the ground, covered in dirt and scraped by jagged rocks, I looked up to see the blue-fire Kaju running towards a large, bulky Kaiju with brown skin.

Before she could reach him, she was thrown off guard, tackled by another Kaiju with darker brown skin.

"Huh?" I said, looking up as a shadow fell over me. My blood ran cold as I saw two massive bodies falling towards me.

"Oh shit!" I yelled.


I could hardly breathe as I was sent flying through the air. For a moment, I heard Kaguya's screams, but soon even those were silenced by the wind.

With a thud, I landed hard on the ground, rolling as my body hit rock after rock. Eventually, I came to a stop on my back. looked up at the smoke-covered sky and knew for certain that I was in trouble.

Slowly and carefully, I began to sit up. Deep down, I really hoped nothing was broken.

"I'm.." I said, looking ahead and seeing a massive crotch towering in front of me. "By god..." I realized where exactly I was. "I-I'm between her legs," I said, blushing a little.

I could feel the heat all around me, coming from the pure white legs that towered over me. I looked ahead at a crotch that had totally eclipsed me. It was covered by some dark fabric, which was strange-I didn't know that Kailus wore clothes. Fabric or not, it was tight, so tight that from down below I could see the mighty camel toe that could easily crush me out of existence.

I tried to scramble away, but the ground trembled as the battle continued above.

The blue-fire Kaiju roared in rage and pain, her voice shaking the air. Her massive legs shifted, and I feared being crushed at any moment.

I struggled to stand on my feet as my body ached and the earth quaked under the violent movements of the blue fire Kaiju. Her thrashing legs created more and more destruction wherever her foot fell.

Then, I saw him—the massive bastard mounting the fire Kaiju. And by bastard, I mean a big-ass Kaiju monster, of course.

I grew angry as I looked up at the huge beast who was trying his best to hurt the beauty right below him.

"Nope, not on my watch, buddy!"



Do you accept fan art?


I’ve never had any but yea I’ll accept it.