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I lay in my bed, staring out the window as the moonlight spilled into my room.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't sleep. My thoughts kept drifting to the little man sleeping in my apartment.

I still couldn't believe Monica left him with me. Sure, I found him in my place, so technically he was my responsibility, but come on—I didn't even have my Lilliputian handler's license.

Just watch, I'm going to step on the guy by mistake, or blow him away with a careless yawn, or, oh my god, crush him with a misplaced hand on the counter. Which, by the way, is where he was sleeping—in a folded napkin. So much for being hospitable.

My nerves were a wreck. It was a good thing Monica said she'd be back at my apartment tomorrow. Hopefully, the little guy—Michael, I think—would be alive until then. No promises.

"Ah, Ah, Ah."

I slowly got up from my bed and glanced at the nightstand next to it. There was a small transmitter there, linked to the one the Lilliputian man—Michael, sorry—had. It was meant for emergencies or if he needed anything important.

Honestly, I hoped he wouldn't use it, but as I listened, I only heard moans coming from the other end.

"Uh oh..." I muttered, getting up quickly. I tiptoed into the other room, trying to keep my footsteps light but quick. Michael could be under attack by an ant or something. "Yeah, I need to hurry," I said, picking up the pace, my thoughts doing nothing to calm my nerves.

As I neared the living room table, I could just make out a tiny napkin with a small dot in the middle, a dot that grew more familiar as I got closer.

I bent down slowly until I was on my knees, looking down at the little guy. He seemed to be sleeping—he wasn't moving as I hovered over him. But then I saw him toss and turn. Scratch that—he was definitely having a nightmare.

"No..." I heard through my earpiece. "Monster!" he yelled, panic in his voice. "Don't go... don't leave me and go!" He screamed out and abruptly sat up, his rapid breaths filling my ears as I looked down at him, not making a sound.

Michael lifted his head and looked at me.

"Uh, hi," I said softly.


I never had good dreams. Nightmares were my constant companions, but this one, the one in the Brobdingnagian's apartment, was especially bad.

I dreamed of a Lilliputian city in ruins, engulfed in flames, with massive legs towering in the distance. Monstrous laughter boomed from above as my Lilliputian brothers and sisters screamed for their lives.

I dreamed of the ground being torn apart by a gigantic hand that effortlessly lifted entire city blocks, only for them to vanish into the clouds.

Horrid, cruel faces peered down at me from beyond the gray clouds, their expressions filled with malice.

I screamed as a massive mouth descended, whether it was feminine or masculine, I couldn't tell, but it felt like the end of the world.

Then I woke up, breathing hard, shirtless, the moonlight casting eerie shadows around me. I stroked my head and looked down at my trembling hands.

"What a dream," I muttered. Suddenly, a shadow fell over me, swallowing the moonlight. "Huh?" I said, looking up to see a massive brown eye staring down at me.

"No!" I yelled, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," the booming voice said gently, trying to calm me. "It's just me, Abbie."

She moved back a few feet until I could see her whole face, which shined beautifully in the moonlight.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself as I looked into her brown eyes, seeing genuine concern in them.

"Sorry," I said, my voice shaking. "It's just... the nightmare." And just before you say it, no, I wasn't making my voice deeper to sound more manly. So what if she was beautiful? I would never fall in love with a Brob.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Abbie asked, smiling. It didn't seem all that genuine to me. Maybe she was just as nervous as I was, which I didn't know if that was comforting or not.

I hesitated, not really knowing what to say. "No." I guessed I found the answer as I looked away, knowing that if I saw her face again, I would probably tell her my whole life story.

I had already told her enough, or at least as much as she needed to know. I wouldn't explain to her my pain or my fears. I wouldn't give her that satisfaction.

Abbie remained quiet. I wasn't looking at her, but I could feel her gaze on the back of my head.

I slightly turned my head and saw an expression that almost made me laugh out loud.

What I saw was the bothered and uncomfortable face of a Brob. It truly amazed me. Why, you ask? Because it was so normal. Here, right before me, was a being that could destroy an entire city, a being that could make a whole race fear for their lives and would need the worldwide military of the Lilliputs to take down. That being had a bothered expression on her face.

"You don't want to talk," she said, her words coming out slowly. "Then don't talk. You want to yell and scream and even turn away from me?" She continued, coming closer to the edge of the table. "Then yell and scream and turn away from me."

My heart seemed to stop as I looked at her sincerity, a pure sincerity that I didn't think was possible for a Brob to show.

"I just want you to know that I am on your side," Abbie smiled down at me, her words soft but powerful. "I'm on your side, always," she continued.

I wanted to doubt her, to yell and say piss off, I didn't need any help. But as I looked at her massive, mountain-sized eyes that sparkled down at me and her plush lips that smiled at me, all I could think about was how I wanted to kiss the hell out of this giant, even though she probably wouldn't feel me.

It was then that the air itself began to rumble and the table began to vibrate as Abbie, with that same smile, lifted up her hand and placed it a few inches away from me. As it landed, a gust of air lifted up my hair and actually felt kinda nice against my body.

"I-if you want..." she said, turning away from me, her confidence vanishing. "You can sleep on my hand."

I lifted one eyebrow. "Huh?"

"It's nice and warm, and I would be able to be with you while you sleep," Abbie said, her cheeks blushing.

I hesitated, looking at her massive hand. It was the size of a field to me, her skin soft and inviting. Despite everything, a part of me felt comforted by her offer.

"Okay," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'll try it."

Abbie's smile widened, and she gently extended her hand closer.

I gazed at Abbie's massive hand stepping towards it slowly, feeling a strange mix of trepidation and curiosity.

Her skin was warm and soft, with ridges in her fingerprints forming natural handholds. As I began my ascent, each ridge felt like a small hill under my tiny hands and feet.

Climbing was tiring, but I finally reached the top of her index finger and started walking along what felt like a broad road towards the middle of her palm.

I soon reached the center of her hand, and honestly it felt like I was on an adventure, I mean standing in the center I couldn't help but marvel at the expanse of her flesh stretching out in all directions, almost as if I were on an endless plain. I couldn't help but wonder what treasure could be lying deep within the folds of hand flesh that made up those hills and valleys, but I guess my imagination would have to take a rest.

The warmth radiated up through my feet, providing an unexpected comfort.

"Get comfortable," Abbie's voice rumbled from above, the vibration traveling through her hand.

I lay down on her enormous palm, allowing the warmth to seep further into my bones. It was surprisingly comfortable, and I let out a sigh of relief. A deep, low rumble signaled Abbie moving her head down until her face still bathed in moonlight, was close to the table's edge. Her eyes were half-closed with drowsiness.

"Good night," she said softly, her voice resonating with power but filled with kindness.

Still unsure if I could fully trust this gigantic being, I looked up at her huge face. "Good night, Abbie," I replied, my voice low yet sincere.

With that, I closed my eyes, hoping for a a good dream for a change, not a bad one.


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