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In the timeless expanse of the Omniverse, I am known as Hanzo, The Observer. My eternal duty is to meticulously record and safeguard the unfolding events across realms, bound by celestial chains that bind me to non-interference.Join me on an unparalleled odyssey through the veiled dimensions of existence. Together, we shall unravel the enigmatic tapestry of the multiverse, delving into the clandestine recesses of countless universes birthing with each passing moment.Embark upon the infinite journey with me, as we ponder the question: What Could Happen? Our gaze now fixates upon a solitary universe amidst the cosmic symphony—a realm adorned with myriad celestial bodies suspended in the ether. Yet, amidst this cosmic dance, one planet grapples with turmoil.

On this celestial orb, christened Elysium Prime, a young savant by the name of Eric Becker, cloaked in naiveté, dared to tamper with forces beyond mortal comprehension. Unbeknownst to him, he unlocked the arcane threshold to alien energies hitherto unseen, oblivious to their origins and potency. Now, as the cosmic fates unfurl, the planet quivers in the wake of cataclysmic transformation. Once beloved companions, Holly and Gigi, now transmuted into colossal behemoths, hunger only for the annihilation of all they deem inferior. Their primal instincts surge, driving them towards carnage and oblivion. Shall Elysium Prime withstand this tempest of destruction, or succumb to the relentless wrath of its own creation? The tapestry of destiny awaits our unwavering gaze as we bear witness to the cosmic struggle for survival.


The sky filled with dark smoke from burning buildings, some crumbling, others barely standing. Jets roared overhead, dropping bombs on the massive creatures below, Gigi with thick red fur and Holly with blue and white fur.Both colossal beasts rose on all fours, unfazed by the onslaught from above. Gigi's eyes glowed red, while Holly's gleamed yellow, their gaze fixed on the insignificant aircraft buzzing around them.Gigi dug her claws into the earth, muscles bulging as she crouched low, ready to pounce on the tiny pests buzzing around her.

Gigi let out a deafening roar, shattering windows and sending people flying through the air. With a mighty leap, she soared into the sky, creating a shockwave that destroyed nearby jets. Swiping her claws, she obliterated more aircraft, surrounded by swirling smoke from the impacts. As Gigi descended, she opened her mouth wide, inhaling a smaller aircraft, which crashed into her tongue without effect. The force of her descent created a hurricane-like wind, tearing the city apart, flinging skyscrapers and unfortunate bystanders into the tumultuous sky.With a thunderous impact, Gigi slammed into the ground, unleashing shockwaves that spawned earth tsunamis, swallowing whole city blocks. A colossal dust cloud billowed into the sky, reaching the clouds, while earthquakes shook the very foundation of the planet.

The earthquakes eventually subsided, but the ground continued to tremble beneath the feet of the survivors. As the dust settled, the devastated cityscape revealed itself, transformed into a wasteland with a colossal crater at its heart. Within the crater loomed a towering figure, muscles bulging, red hair bristling, and eyes ablaze with crimson fury.The menacing growls emanating from the figure soon gave way to agonizing groans as Gigi collapsed, propped up only by a single hand and elbow. Veins protruded from her skin, toes clenched into the barren earth. Her colossal form expanded in fits and starts, filling the crater. With a salacious gleam in her eyes, her tongue lolled out, cheeks flushed with desire, and her loins exuded an intoxicating scent of primal lust.


As we flew our aircraft toward the towering beasts wreaking havoc upon the city, the scale of destruction was overwhelming. People fled in terror, crushed underfoot by the colossal creatures, while buildings crumbled with each earth-shaking step, as well as their bodies being unstoppable forces that destroyed everything in their way.

Despite the chaos, I found myself strangely captivated by the creatures' immense forms, their curves and proportions almost human-like but on an incomprehensible scale. I wasn't one for falling in love with animals, but I could barely draw my eyes away from the massive thick round butts and breasts that seemed so large that they could hold at least Three houses on each tit. I mean come on it couldn't be weird right, I mean they where so close to being human that I couldn't be weird.

"Stay focused, Havoc," I muttered to myself, trying to drown out the intrusive thoughts. Commander Trisk's voice crackled over the comms, rallying us with his usual enthusiasm.

["Ok men, it is our time."] Commander Trisk said with that same upbeat attitude that we all came to expect from him. ["Let it be known!"] he continued. "Their is no threat that UnbridledAir can't face."]

[""Sir yes sir!""] We all said on the comms.

["Their is only one way this is going to end, with these beasts dead and their heads mounted on our headquarters wall."]

I could hear the cheers of my fellow teammates, but for some reason as I looked at these beasts I couldn't find myself cheering at all.

No instead I imagined myself wondering around the amazing red grassland that made up the red beasts back side or hiking up the massive trail that led to the blue beasts breasts. Oh god help me.

["All forces begin to fire"] Commander Trisk said. ["Remember people hit and runs only, we are only buying time for the secret weapon.

[""Sir yes sir""]

As we unleashed our arsenal upon the colossal beasts, the sky erupted with a dazzling display of firepower, but to little effect. Bullets and missiles alike ricocheted off their immense bodies, leaving nothing but singed fur in their wake.

Despite our futile efforts, we persisted, hoping to provoke a reaction from the beasts. The crimson giant's fiery gaze met ours, a harbinger of impending danger. Still, we pressed on, undeterred by the ominous signs.

Suddenly, the giant's muscles swelled, her frame expanding with raw power as thunderous growls reverberated through the air. The force of her presence intensified, causing turbulence that tested the limits of my piloting skills.

Struggling to maintain control, I fought against the raging winds, each gust threatening to send my aircraft spiraling out of control. But with nerves of steel, I steered through the tempest, a sense of relief washing over me as I regained stability.

Yet, my momentary respite was shattered as the colossal beast leaped into the air, a tidal wave of panic swept through our ranks. The once serene blue sky was now obscured by a menacing crimson, signaling our impending doom.

"Shit!" echoed through the comms, a grim acknowledgment of the peril we faced. The monstrous mass hurtled towards us, accompanied by gale-force winds that tore through our ranks, sending crafts careening into oblivion.

I cursed under my breath as my own craft hurtled towards the beast's gaping maw, its cavernous mouth devouring everything in its path. I fought desperately for control, but the relentless force of the creature's gravity pulled me closer, surrounded by walls of pulsating flesh.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I realized the inevitable fate that awaited me. The creature's colossal tongue loomed before me, a grotesque spectacle of pink flesh. As it rose, engulfing everything in its wake, I could only utter a helpless cry before darkness consumed me.


I held onto my brother tightly as we stared at a gaping crater in what used to be the heart of the city. Two enormous beasts, almost human-like, stood amidst the chaos—one with crimson fur, the other with blue and white.

Jets filled the sky, futilely attacking the beasts. The ground beneath us rumbled and cracked, forcing us to seek cover behind a car as buildings crumbled around us.

"Watch out!" I shouted, pulling my brother close as rocks tumbled down. Ahead, the crimson beast grew larger, its muscles bulging as it prepared to leap into the air.

I screamed as powerful winds buffeted us, struggling to hold onto my brother as we were nearly lifted off the ground. Amidst the chaos, explosions surrounded the creature as it soared skyward.

"Edwin, I'm scared," my brother whispered, clinging to me for comfort.

I looked into my little brother's frightened eyes, tears streaming down my face as a looming shadow engulfed us. I knew we couldn't escape what was coming.

"It's going to be okay," | whispered, holding him tightly as tears mingled with the dust and debris.

"BOOM!" The deafening explosion was the last thing I heard before pain exploded in my ears. I felt weightless, suspended in the air as I watched limbs, my limbs, flying in front of a sea of red fur.

In that fleeting moment, my thoughts turned to my brother. "I'm sorry," I whispered, as darkness swallowed my consciousness.


Justin was sent hurtling through the air by powerful winds, soaring above buildings torn from their foundations. His vision blurred as he spun uncontrollably, propelled by the colossal red-haired figure crashing to the ground below.

"Gigi!!!" he screamed, his voice lost amidst the raging winds that swept through the city, demolishing everything in their path.

"Is this the end?" Justin wondered, closing his eyes and bracing for impact.

But fate had other plans. Instead of meeting his demise, Justin found himself bouncing against a soft yet solid surface.

Opening his eyes, he surveyed his surroundings, his body battered and bleeding, head throbbing from the impact. Despite the pain, he was relieved to be mostly unharmed.

"Where am I?" he murmured, running his hand over the squishy ground beneath him.

His curiosity piqued, Justin's exploration was interrupted by a thunderous growl reverberating through the air-a sound all too familiar to him.

Shaking with fear, Justin slowly raised his gaze, his eyes widening at the surreal sight above him—a yellow sky with a black circle, pulsating as if alive.

"What?!" he exclaimed, realizing the truth. The sky was indeed alive, a colossal eye belonging to none other than Holly herself.

"Holly..." Justin whispered, his heart heavy with sorrow as he beheld the massive, animalistic face of the beloved dog now filled with anger and hatred.

"En...emy!!!" Holly's voice thundered, her words laced with raw power yet muddled, like a child struggling to articulate. "M-must destroy!!!" she continued, her gaze fixed on Justin, a mere speck beneath her.

"Holly, it's me! Can't you see?" Justin shouted, defiance rising within him as he stood upon the yielding ground.

"En...emy!!!" Holly roared again, her breath knocking Justin off balance, pressing him down against the squishy surface.

Justin stared up at the towering figure of Holly, her glowing yellow eyes regarding him with disdain. Despite his pleas, her rage only seemed to intensify.

With a snarl, Holly bared her teeth, her growls escalating into a cacophony of anguish. Gripping her head in agony, she closed her eyes, her features contorted in pain.

Panic seizing him, Justin dove downward, clutching onto the white fur beneath him like a lifeline.


Holly's agonized scream pierced the air, her head thrown back, her breasts heaving violently, whipping up powerful gusts of wind.

Desperate to shield himself from the deafening noise, Justin struggled to make himself heard over the roaring winds.

"Holly! What's happening?!" he shouted, the force of the wind making it difficult to breathe.

Beneath him, the ground quivered and convulsed as Holly's body underwent a terrifying transformation. Foam frothed from her mouth, her once-tamed blue hair now wild and untamed as she began to grow before his very eyes and the eyes of the world.


The world watched in awe, some from the safety of their TV screens, others in terror as the colossal dog-like titans continued to grow at an alarming rate.

Their expansion was relentless, crushing everything beneath their feet and claws.

Their painful howls reverberated through the air, shattering glass and stone with powerful sound waves. From hundreds to thousands of feet tall, their bodies convulsed with raw power.

A crimson tail whipped through the sky, spawning hurricanes and whirlwinds that tore through the city, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. Bodies turned to crimson puddles, and proud structures crumbled to dust beneath the relentless onslaught.

The massive face of blue and white fur crashed into the ground, carving out a vast crater that seemed to stretch endlessly. Claws, as black as night and as hard as steel, tore through buildings, offering no protection to the helpless inhabitants who plummeted to their doom below.

The earth quaked as the titans' colossal feet slammed into the ground, tearing open chasms that swallowed entire sections of the city, plunging them into bottomless depths.


The sky trembled as Holly's growth ceased, leaving her towering above the cityscape. Her sturdy legs resembled pillars supporting her massive body, with shaking breasts, powerful arms, and razor-sharp claws capable of cleaving through anything in their path.

"Enemy," her booming voice echoed, scattering clouds with its intensity.

"Humans are all my enemies!!!" Her roar shattered windows for miles around, sending tremors through the earth.

Peering down at the city below, Holly wiggled her toes, effortlessly demolishing more of the gray landscape.

With a wicked grin, she drew her foot back and unleashed a devastating swing, sending blocks of buildings flying with the force of her movement.

As her foot made contact with the ground, she glanced down, noticing dust-covered toes. An itch nagged at her, unaware of the tiny figure trapped between them, lost amidst the colossal chaos.


They were the forgotten, the ones without hope, trapped between Holly's toes like ants beneath an unforgiving god.

Their world had been reduced to the crevices of her fur and the valleys of her feet. Holly's legs stretched into the sky, her thighs towering like mountains, casting a shadow over their devastated world.

To the people below, she seemed like a goddess or a demon, a wrathful force sent to punish them. They clung to building-sized hairs, their homes destroyed, their loved ones lost.

The overpowering smell of earth, sweat, and animal musk filled their senses, choking them with each breath. They wondered if this was how ants felt beneath a glass shoe.

Screams pierced the air as Holly's foot began to rise, carrying the people into the sky. The wind whipped around them, blowing many away, their cries unheard by those left behind on the gigantic foot.

As the ascent came to an end, the descent began. The people felt nothing as Holly's foot slammed into the ground, a shockwave obliterating their bodies. Their existence faded into a small red stain, soon to disappear.

Holly's itch was relieved, as if it had never been a bother at all.


Gigi felt her body spasming as she grew even larger. Her muscles became more robust, her claws sharper, and her breasts expanded. With a mighty roar, she threw her head back, the sound waves shattering everything in their path.

Above, a fleet of jets was poised to strike but never saw the massive red tail whipping toward them. The pilots, caught off guard, saw only a red blur before silence engulfed them, their aircraft disintegrating in an instant.

Unaware of the destruction she had caused, Gigi's gaze locked onto Holly. Her head now towered above the fragile skyscrapers, which crumbled beneath her massive paws.

Her crimson eyes narrowed, focusing solely on Holly, who was crushing the city below with her colossal feet. Dust clouds and black smoke swirled around Holly's ankles, signaling the devastation she was causing.

Gigi's powerful legs propelled her forward, her intent clear. The ground quaked with each step, her massive form creating a path of ruin as she moved.

The earth below trembled as Gigi's massive form propelled her toward Holly with immense speed. The sheer size and power of these colossal beasts turned the surrounding cities into mere playthings in their chaotic dance of dominance and desire.

Without hesitation, Gigi leaped into the air, her form casting an enormous shadow over the crumbling buildings below. As she collided with Holly, the force of their impact sent shockwaves through the ground, splitting the very earth beneath them and causing skyscrapers to topple like mere dominoes.

Holly's eyes widened in surprise as Gigi tackled her to the ground. But the surprise quickly turned to a primal response as she matched Gigi's intensity, their bodies entwining in a display of raw, unbridled passion. The sight to the people below was both terrifying and awe-inspiring—two colossal furries, one with red hair and the other with blue and white, embracing in a cataclysmic act of love that sent ripples of destruction across the land.

Their combined weight caused the ground to buckle and crack, swallowing entire blocks of the city in massive chasms. The sky was filled with dust and debris, creating an apocalyptic scene as the two titans' bodies moved in unison, their powerful limbs and torsos grinding against each other with unimaginable force.

Their enormous breasts heaved and pressed together, creating massive waves of pressure that radiated outward, leveling anything in their path.

Each thrust and movement generated currents of wind strong enough to tear trees from their roots and fling vehicles into the air like toy cars. The sheer scale of their lovemaking turned the surrounding area into a wasteland of ruins and rubble, a testimony to the overwhelming power and intensity of their union.

Gigi's red fur contrasted strikingly against Holly's blue and white, a visual representation of their wild, chaotic nature. Their growls and roars of ecstasy reverberated through the air, a deafening chorus that reached even the most distant observers.

As they reached the peak of their passion, their synchronized movements became even more forceful, the earth itself quaking as if in response to their primal dance. The ground beneath them was reduced to a fractured, barren landscape, void of the once-thriving city that had stood there.

In their moment of ultimate release, the titanic furries let out a sound that could only be described as otherworldly, a mix of pleasure and power that echoed across the planet. The intensity of their love-making reached a climax that seemed to shake the very foundations of the world itself.

Exhausted but satisfied, Gigi and Holly lay entangled in each other's arms, their immense bodies forming a living monument to the raw, untamed forces of nature they embodied. The once bustling cities around them now lay in ruins, a testament to the irresistible, destructive power of their love.


As their colossal bodies moved above, the people below faced unimaginable struggles and pain.

The ground shattered beneath the immense weight of Holly and Gigi, transforming into a landscape of chaos and destruction. Entire buildings were pulverized into dust, and the once familiar streets became unrecognizable, torn apart by the relentless force of the titans' passion.

People ran in terror, struggling to find shelter as debris rained down. The massive quakes caused by their movements turned the environment into a war zone. Each tremor sent shockwaves that threw people off their feet, slammed them against walls, and buried them under the rubble.

Families were torn apart in the chaos, desperate cries for loved ones lost amidst the deafening roars and growls of the titanic furries above.

Those who managed to find cover in the remaining structures clung to each other, praying for the ordeal to end. The very air vibrated with the sheer power of Gigi and Holly's union, making it difficult to breathe and communicate.

Emergency services were overwhelmed, with rescue operations turning into impossible missions. Roads were broken and blocked, and navigating through the continuously shifting terrain was a herculean task. The few that dared to venture out to save others were pushed to their limits, their heroic efforts often meeting with tragic ends as another building crumbled or a new chasm opened up beneath them.

Among the ruins, some saw the monstrous acts as a testament to the blind fury of nature, while others believed it was an apocalyptic sign - a punishment for their sins. The survivors huddled together in the dark, feeling each tremor as a reminder of their fragile mortality under the monstrous lovemaking of the titans above.

Dust and smoke filled the air, choking those who tried to breathe as tears and fear mingled on their faces. The once thriving city had turned into a haunted wasteland, each corner echoing with the aural proof of the titans' presence.


Justin grabbed onto the crimson fur of Gigi's flowing tail, clinging desperately as it swayed back and forth. Her hair felt like a massive pillar, stretching endlessly. The wind whipped around him, making it hard to keep his grip.

"Gigi, Holly, what's happened to you?" he muttered to himself, his voice lost in the wind. He continued to climb, a tiny speck on the colossal beast.

Every movement of Gigi's tail felt like a storm, threatening to throw him off. He could see the destruction below—buildings reduced to rubble, streets cracked open, and fires raging everywhere. His heart pounded in his chest, but he pushed forward, driven by a desperate need to understand.


Dreams are powerful things that can create monsters of great destruction as well as hope for the future.

This planet, its future uncertain, will go through many trials as Holly and Gigi break the bonds of the skies and grow to cosmic proportions, able to look down at the world itself.

This is the journey of life that I watch over, for I am the Observer!


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