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The air seemed to grow hotter as I stared up at the massive Kaiju towering over the distant buildings, now burning with blue fire.

Her eyes, blue as embers, weren't on me but on the massive golden Kaiju commanding the golden lightning piercing the sky.

It may sound crazy, but deep down, I wished this massive Titan would look at me. I wished to be the center of her world, for her to be aware of my existence. Crazy, right?

Yeah, it is crazy. This was the creature I had been taught to fear, the one that went down in history as the greatest threat to the human race. I knew this instinctively, as my body shook from being surrounded by four massive Kaiju. Yet, as I looked at the black-scaled Kaiju glowing with blue fire, I couldn't help but wonder, "How does she look so human?"

Not only did she look human, but she was beautiful. Her skin, white and almost gleaming like diamonds, was caressed by the flames. Her breasts were huge—of course, she was hundreds of feet tall, but even at my height, they would still be huge. That was undeniable.

Her long black hair, though messy and unkempt, didn't diminish her allure; it only added to her beauty. Her black scales looked like a tight latex suit glued to her body. Truly, she was a queen, a beauty, a rare diamond that, even though it feels wrong, I wanted.

"Ebodius." The Kaiju spoke, a smile appearing on her lips. "I, I have finally found you." She said, slightly bowing her head.

I looked back to the golden Titan I once knew as Sun. "Ebodius," I said, pronouncing his name on my lips. Golden lightning surrounded him, and I knew this being was more powerful and more important than I had thought.

"Please, no..."

I turned my head and looked down at Kaguya, who was shaking as she looked up at Sun—no, Ebodius.

"Don't do this!" She yelled, extending her hand towards her Kaiju lover.

Ebodius looked down at us, his eyes glowing with white energy as he regarded both of us. I could just barely see his black lips curve upward into a smile.

The ground began to rumble, and I looked to the left to see a Kaiju with silver skin walking towards us. It was one of the Kaiju that had once taken the form of a man. I glanced at the other Kaiju and noticed they both looked alike, as if they were brothers. But there were slight differences: one had pure silver scales while the other had silver scales mixed with black.

"Step away, Atax," Ebodius said, lightning flashing with greater power around his body.

"So it was this little pathetic human that made you leave your throne?" Atax asked, staring down at us—at Kaguya.

"Tell me, my king..." Atax said, looking back. "Was it worth it?"

"Leaving your power behind, all for this pathetic creature?" Atax rose his massive foot over our heads, casting a dark shadow over us.

It was then that we were forced to lower our heads and put our hands over our ears as a loud noise, like an explosion, threatened to burst our eardrums.

Light returned to our surroundings as the Kaiju called Atax fell backward, yellow lightning striking him in the chest.

Atax crashed into buildings, crushing them into rubble. The ground trembled beneath us, and the air was thick with dust and debris. I glanced up, squinting through the haze, and saw Ebodius standing tall, the golden lightning still crackling around him.

I looked up towards the golden sky and saw Ebodius, hovering above his resolute, his towering presence overwhelming as the golden lightning around him surged with unbridled energy. His eyes, glowing with an intense white light, fixated on Atax's fallen form. The power emanating from him was beyond anything I had ever witnessed.

Atax struggled to rise, silver scales glinting through the layers of dust and debris. His eyes locked onto Ebodius with a mixture of fury and fear. Despite his size and strength, it was clear that he was no match for Ebodius's raw power.

With slow, deliberate steps, Ebodius approached Atax, each movement radiating unmatched power. His voice boomed across the wreckage, filled with an undeniable sense of command and authority.

"When have I ever relinquished my power Atax?" The lightning around him crackled violently, accentuating the gravity of his words.

"I am the lord of lighting, now and forever!" He said rising his arms to the sky that roared with power.


I couldn't help but smile in awe as I looked up at my lord, who was as dazzling as ever.

But then my eyes looked downward, and I saw her—the little microbe, the human that took our king away and plunged the Hollow Lands into chaos.

I could feel my anger rising, and as it did, the blue flames began to grow stronger and stronger. I would crush her and the little companion that stood by her side. Then maybe, just maybe, our king would return.

I stepped forward, the small structures melting from my heat alone. My eyes never left my target as I approached. The little man next to the woman turned and looked up at me. I could see the fear in his small eyes.

I did not dare smile, not in front of my lord, who loved these little beings so much. The least I could do was end their lives quickly.

I stepped closer to the two humans, intending to step on them and end it there and then.

But before I could get any closer, I was stopped by a blast of lightning that carved into the ground, halting me in my tracks.

I looked up at my lord, who gazed down at me with eyes I had thought I would never see. Eyes that told me one thing: I was his enemy.

"My lord?"


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