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A massive shadow enveloped the city of WinterHill as two colossal figures loomed over it. Two Brobdingnagians of towering stature gazed down at the tiny town nestled between their black boots—one female, one male.

"Is this the target?" Marcus Hills asked, glancing at Darcy Solace standing beside him.

Darcy, with an air of apathy, pushed her short blonde hair out of her face, not even bothering to look down at the city. Instead, she surveyed the snowy lands around her with indifferent eyes.

"Yes, let's get this done," Darcy replied, her voice devoid of interest.

"Oh, come on," Marcus said with a smirk, bending down on one knee. "Where's the fun in hurrying?" He began to reach down towards the city.


Michael ran through the snow-covered hills, heading for the gates of his city. Ignoring Yolanda's frantic screams, he pushed through the open gates, only to come to an abrupt halt as the sky darkened above him.

The scent of cologne filled the air as Michael looked up, seeing a massive gloved hand descending from the clouds. Its fingers were enormous and imposing, casting shadows over even the tallest buildings. As the hand moved downward, the very air rumbled with its weight.

"Oh my god," Michael uttered, his skin turning pale as he stared up at what seemed like the end of his world.

"BOOM!" A loud explosion erupted, lifting piles of rubble mixed with snow high into the air. Michael covered his eyes as he was hurled backwards, seemingly flying miles through the air. Snow, rocks, and shards of glass slammed against his body.

His screams were lost in the howling wind. As gravity took hold of him again, he plummeted, disoriented and twirling through the air.

He landed with a hard thud, hitting a pile of loose snow that sent him rolling. Finally coming to a stop, Michael looked upward, his body bruised and broken, his face bleeding from small scratches on his cheeks.

"Am I still alive?" he whispered to himself, unable to believe he had survived such an event.

Above, something massive covered the grey sky—far away and yet close at the same time. Michael blinked a few times, clearing the dizziness and blurriness from his eyes. He saw a face, blurry yet masculine, belonging to a man with little facial hair and combed black hair, appearing to be in his 20s or 30s.

It didn't take much effort for Michael to realize that the massive hand he had seen before, the one that threatened his life, belonged to this man.

Looking closer, Michael noticed the man was wearing a black and blue uniform with a crest he didn't recognize.

"Who is this bastard?" he asked himself, struggling to move.

Suddenly, the ground began to rumble once again. Michael's eyes widened as another shadow fell over him. This time, it belonged to another Brob. He couldn't fully see her face, as she was standing upright, but he could just barely make out strands of blonde hair and pure white skin. Her legs were like massive pillars, muscular even for her size. Her hips were wide and she wore the same uniform as the man.

"CAREFUL!" the woman's voice boomed as she stood over the man, who looked up at her. "WE DON'T WANT TO KILL THEM ALL," she said, her voice more relaxed but still booming with force and power.



I looked down at him, listening as he told his story. It was a story I had heard many times before—Lilliputians losing their homes to Brobdingnagian invasion. But now, as a Brobdingnagian myself, hearing such a story again had a much different impact than before.

I hated to admit it, but I was turned on ever so slightly, listening to this man whose name was apparently Michael. I glanced over at Monica and could tell from her flushed cheeks that she felt the same way.

"We were all taken," Michael continued. "Taken captive."

"Lilliputian slave trading?" Monica said. "I thought that was outlawed."

"I know what I saw," Michael said, his tone serious and dark.

"No... I wasn't doubting you," Monica said quickly, trying her best to correct herself. "I'm just shocked that there are still Brobs who kidnap Lilliputians."

"We were shocked as well," Michael said. I could just barely see his head tilt downward. "But with a device bigger than a thousand Lilliputian skyscrapers, those two Brob bastards sucked up so many Lilliputians." He explained, "They stomped on the rest."

The room fell silent. I don't think any of us knew what to say. I sure didn't, and yet I still found my mouth opening. "H-how did you survive?" I whispered.

Everyone's attention was drawn to me. Two people—one being my fellow Brob friend and the other a small speck of a man known as a Lilliputian—and yet still I felt queasy as my shyness began to overwhelm me.

"Luck," Michael simply said.

The room was quiet once again, and even though the story so far was sad and explained so much about our little friend, there were still a few things I didn't understand.

"So, um... how did you get into my apartment?" I asked.

Michael seemed to remain quiet for a few seconds as if he was thinking about a proper answer.

I brought my face closer to the desk, hoping to get a better view of the little guy. I could feel Monica slightly pulling me back, whispering in my ear to be careful.

"I was captured by the Brobs as well," Michael said, ending his reign of silence. "After years of capture, I was able to escape," he said, his voice trembling. "I almost died many times over, but I..." He went silent once again. "I was able to make my way here, just by the skin of my teeth."

We listened to his explanation, but for some reason, I got the impression that Michael was hiding something. As I looked over at Monica, I could tell from her content face that she was ready to move on.

"Michael," she said, lowering her head to the same level as I. "I'm so sorry that all that happened to you," she said in a calm voice.

"I'm sorry as well," I said, imitating her.

"Look, we are going to start making preparations to send you back home," Monica said. "But for the time being, you are going to stay with my friend Abbie."

I looked over at Monica as if she were crazy. "What?"



Hey, quick question, when are you going to do my story? The one about where my anthropomorphic friends become rampaging macro furries? Also I asked in PM if you could do "Attack of the Giantess House Ch. 3" after my Giantess Planes art.


I not taking any story requests at the moment, I have to finish the ones I’m working on. I don’t think I’m going to do a chapter 3 of that comic, it doesn’t really have that much potential, plus I have one other comic that I’m thinking about doing.