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She looked down at the tiny man trapped between her fingers, smiling as if this was something she had longed for, something she wanted more than anything else. Duncan Chulainn spasmed in her tight grasp.

To her, he was a gnat caught between unyielding, soft stones, or maybe a fly without wings. These were the impressions he gave her as she gazed at the little man, a mere moving dot in her grip.

"You finally give me what I want," she said with a small laugh. Raising her hand high above her head, she swiftly brought it down, loosening her grip and sending Duncan flying toward the ground below.

A small explosion of dirt and rock erupted as he landed.

She peered down at the dust cloud rising between her legs, knowing he lay within it.

"Did you think you could beg for your life, or even theirs?" she taunted. As the dust began to settle, she saw Duncan Chulainn shaking on all fours. "That's not how this works," she said, her smirk widening into a full smile. "You are a warrior just like me, a battle-hungry destroyer." Bending down, she observed the red veins on his body growing more crimson. "And this, this is how we settle disputes."

Duncan struggled to hold back the raging anger that surged through his body. Drool fell from his mouth, his muscles ached as they expanded and grew more robust. His hand plunged deep into the ground as a growl escaped his lips, bones cracking. His vision blurred as he slowly turned his head toward the adventurers lingering at the edge of the forest.

He wanted to tell them to run, but the pain silenced him.

"Laufey!" A loud voice echoed through the forest. Trees parted as a giant woman with short blonde hair appeared, looking up at the towering Titan who completely eclipsed her.

Through his pain, Duncan recognized the giant. She was the same one who had helped him and the four adventurers before.

"Beatrix?" Laufey said, glancing down at her much smaller friend. "Stay out of this," she demanded, her tone serious.

Beatrix said nothing as she looked up at her massive friend. Her gaze then shifted down to the adventurers by her toes. Slowly, Beatrix bent down and extended her hand toward them.

"Climb on. I'll help you get out of here," she said, her voice quiet and composed.

Aric looked up into the blue eyes of the giant before him and his team. He questioned if this was the right call. He knew the forest was riddled with massive cracks that could swallow them whole, stirred up by the earlier battle. Powerful monsters and beasts would be lurking, ones they couldn't fight on their own.

"Let's go," Aric said, helping Lyra onto Beatrix's massive fingers.

"But Aric..." Gideon said in disbelief.

"We won't make it on our own," Aric replied, offering a hand to Seraphina, who climbed aboard right behind him. "We need her." Aric looked back at Gideon, who, after a quick thought, climbed aboard as well.

Beatrix gently lifted the adventurers, her eyes filled with determination. "Hold on tight," she instructed,

"What about him?" Lyra asked, peering between Beatrix's fingers as they fled the area.

"There's nothing we can do for him now," Aric said with sadness, looking down at the man he had just met today. "I'm sorry," he thought to himself.

Beatrix carried them swiftly through the forest, her strides enormous, covering great distances with each step. She glanced down at the adventurers in her hand, her expression grim.

Duncan's body convulsed as his muscles expanded, bones cracking and reforming under the strain as his eyes began to glow red. He let out a primal roar that echoed through the forest, reverberating into the very ground as all control was lost, leaving behind only madness.

His form grew, swelling from a mere human size to an imposing eight-foot-tall berserker. His eyes, now glowing with an intense fury, fixed on Laufey with unbridled rage.

Laufey watched with an eager smile as Duncan completed his transformation. "Finally!" she yelled, her voice shaking the very trees and sending waves of power through the forest as she looked down at the little mindless warrior who barley looked any different from her vantage point and yet still she felt this filling of excitement mixed with fear.

Her massive body, towering at a thousand feet, cast an enormous shadow that covered the forest and all its inhabitants and yet still this mindless speck made her feel such things.

Her excitement manifested in the form of powerful tremors as she took a step forward, shaking the earth like the march of a titan.

Ancient, towering trees crumbled, and the ground split into deep chasms, revealing the roots beneath. Her movements caused shockwaves that sent debris flying and swirled leaves into chaotic spirals, disorienting the S-class monsters that called the forest home.

The heat emanating from her massive form created a microclimate around her. The air grew humid, filled with the scent of her sweat, which dripped onto the forest floor like torrential rain, each droplet causing steam to rise where they landed. The scent permeated through the trees, a potent mix of warmth and power that both attracted and repelled the nearby creatures.

Her towering presence exuded an intoxicating mix of pheromones and scents, driving some beasts to madness as they caught the scent of her arousal—a heady, almost overpowering fragrance that mingled with the already heavy atmosphere.

The ground beneath her love juices turned to a bubbling morass, as entire ecosystems were disrupted by the sheer volume and force.

Each step she took, each movement of her colossal body, caused monumental changes to the environment. Her footfalls measured in the tens of meters, creating craters that formed lakes.

All the creatures of the forest looked up at the massive titan and quaked in fear, knowing instinctively they were no match for her. All but one: Duncan, who, in a mindless rage, continued to growl up at Laufey.

"Come..." Laufey said with joy, raising her hands. "Come and fight me!"



Nooooooooooooooo we don’t get to see the fight gaaaaaaah it so good but damn it!!!!!!!!!


Nice work


Thanks for your support, I decided to end the story on a cliff hanger so that I can take a step back and think about the next volume.