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She stood as tall as a small skyscraper—well, she was sitting down, but you know what I mean. This woman was gigantic, not quite as big as Harper, but still tall enough to crush me with a single finger if she wanted to. It didn't exactly calm my nerves, considering she was part of a terrorist organization responsible for the disappearance of hundreds of Lilliputians and three top Gulliverian geneticists.

"Are you my snack for the day?" the girl asked.

"No, I'm afraid not," I said, trying to sound cool and collected. I closed my eyes and smirked as if I had everything under control. "But I'm happy to see that you have an appetite." I raised my hand high into the air and snapped my fingers. As I did, the door swung open, and Olivia walked in, carrying a tray of food and a cup of water.

"How about instead of eating me, a nice ham sandwich should be more appetizing?"

The woman said nothing as Olivia placed the food on the table. I glanced up at Olivia, who was staring daggers at the terrorist woman. For a moment, I thought she might shoot her, but my fears were unfounded. As Olivia placed the food on the table, she unstrapped one cuff from the terrorist and sat down behind me in an extra metal chair.

"I hope you like ham sandwiches," I said with a smile, trying my best to be friendly. The prisoner glared down at me, her free hand forming a fist. It was becoming harder and harder for me to keep my cool.


"Huh?" I looked up at the Gulliverian prisoner, surprised. Her face was blushing as if she were embarrassed. "Um, you hungry?" I asked, brave enough to form a smile.

The prisoner said nothing, avoiding my gaze. Why wasn't she eating? It wasn't like I gave her an ultimatum or anything. It wasn't like the food was...

"Wait a minute," I thought to myself. I walked over to the food and, with all my strength, ripped off a piece of the oversized ham from the sandwich. Now that I looked at it, it could probably feed a Lilliputian village for a month.

Looking up at the Gulliverian, I smiled and stuck the piece of ham into my mouth, chewing. "It's not poisoned," I said between bites.

The Gulliverian prisoner glanced at me skeptically as I continued chewing the piece of ham. With a sigh, she finally reached for the sandwich, her massive hand dwarfing the plate.

Reluctantly, she took a bite, her expression softening slightly as she chewed. I exchanged a quick, relieved look with Olivia who still looked like she wanted to shoot her.

"See, isn't that better than me?" I joked lightly, trying to ease the tension. She didn't respond, but I noticed her posture relaxing a bit.

I sat down cross-legged, watching the prisoner eat. She devoured the sandwich, indicating she probably hadn't eaten in days.

Once she finished, she took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. "Now that you've eaten, I wouldn't suppose you could tell us a little about yourself?" I asked, trying to remain friendly.

The woman looked down at me, silent.

"Like maybe your name, for starters. After all, I don't want to keep calling you 'prisoner' or 'terrorist,'" I said, faking a laugh as her dagger-sharp eyes pierced into me.

"You must think I'm a fool," she said with a smirk. "If you think I'm going to give up my comrades just because you gave me a sandwich."

She had a point.

"That wasn't my intention at all," I said, which wasn't entirely a lie. "I'm here because I want to know a little bit about you." I looked up into her skeptical eyes. "Please, tell me your story. Why would someone like you join a group like the Consortium?"

The room became quiet as her eyes darkened, shrouded by her hair. "You want to know my story?" she asked, her voice low. "Why I joined the Consortium?" She paused, then continued, "The reason is simple. It's because we Gulliverians are the pinnacle race," she said, a smile forming on her lips.

"The superior race, huh?" I said, taken aback by the change in her behavior.

"Oh yes," she began to laugh. "The world belongs to us, as ordained by our one true father, Gulliver himself!" Her voice grew louder, hurting my ears a little.

"So that's the Consortium's goal? World domination?" I asked.

"In a way," the prisoner said, her voice more relaxed now. "But our plans are so much more grand than that." She claimed.

The Gulliverian woman leaned back, her eyes taking on a faraway look as she began to recount her story. "You want to know why I joined the Consortium? Fine. I'll tell you. My name is Elise." She said.

"Years ago, my family and I escaped from our war-torn country. We managed to find refuge in a small settlement shared by Lilliputians and Gulliverians. It was supposed to be a place of peace, where both races could coexist."

She paused, her expression hardening. "But coexistence was a lie. The Lilliputians treated us like filth. They couldn't tolerate living alongside those they knew to be their superiors. They spat at us, called us monsters, and did everything they could to make our lives miserable."

Her voice grew colder as she continued. "We endured. We had no other choice. But their hatred only grew stronger. One night, while we were sleeping, they used poisonous gas to eliminate us. I remember waking up, choking, my lungs burning. My parents... they didn't make it. I barely escaped with my life."

Elise's hands clenched into fists, her knuckles turning white.

Elisa looked down at me, her eyes watery

with tears that never fell.

"I will never, and have never, forgiven any of you, she said, lowering her face.

"That remained the case even when I found the little insects that killed my family, and I ripped them apart slowly, making sure they stayed conscious for all of it." Her words dripped with venom.

"And that will remain the same when I tear you apart, she continued, leaning closer.

Just as I was about to lose my composure, a wall of black leather obscured my view of Elisa's massive face. I turned and looked up at Olivia, who met my gaze with eyes that clearly signaled my meeting had come to an end.

"Well, uh... good talk," I said, trying to lighten the mood. Yeah, that failed.

Olivia gently picked me up and carried me outside the room.

"Well, that was fun," she said, looking down at me.

"Yeah, I had a blast. It's not every day a woman threatens to eat me," I replied.

"So, we have nothing," she said, bringing her hand closer to her face.

"Not necessarily," I said, stroking my chin as I thought deeply about the conversation. "We know that members of the Consortium seem to have a superiority complex. They believe they should rule the world."

"How does that help us?" Olivia asked, confused.

I smiled as I looked up at my Gulliverian friend, which sounded weird now that I said it.

"Knowing how your enemy thinks is the first step to defeating them."


With the sound of a huge explosion, the whole base began to rumble. I was thrown to the ground as Olivia struggled to keep her balance.

"What's happening?" she asked, bracing herself against a wall.

"We're being attacked."



Noooooo not another cliffhanger!!!!!!!!