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Duncan stared ahead at the towering

Titan, her immense size and power dominating the landscape. Mixed emotions filled his eyes-anger and apprehension-for he knew the consequences of losing control.

"HMMM," the giant moaned, her gaze piercing through the constantly shifting clouds.

The ground trembled and cracked beneath them, the dark clouds growing even darker.

All eyes turned skyward as two colossal fingers descended, parting the ominous clouds.

Duncan swiftly glanced back at the four adventurers, their faces etched with shock.

"Run!" he shouted, his eyes briefly flashing red.

Aric gazed up at the colossal fingers, marveling at their ability to reshape the world. The deep trenches left by their prints spoke of their immense power.

To call this giant an insect would diminish her majestic presence, and yet...

"Go, Go, Go!" Aric urged his team as the sky of flesh descended upon the forest.

"What about him?" Lyra questioned, casting a glance back at the frail man who seemed on the verge of collapse. Unlike them, he stood resolute amid the howling winds and crumbling ground.

"Just keep going," Aric commanded, frustration and anger evident in his clenched teeth. He despised his own weakness, knowing there was nothing they could do for him.

Lyra fell silent, turning away from the man whom she had once looked down upon, the man who, along with their team, had returned to save her. All she could offer as she continued to flee to safety was a heartfelt "I'm sorry."

The colossal fingers made contact with the ground, tearing through the surface and wreaking havoc on the forest. Debris flew into the air as wild winds swirled around the massive digits, leveling everything in their path.

As the index finger and thumb merged, a deep crater was left in their wake, its depths unfathomable to human eyes.



I glared down at him, the source of my dishonor, the man who had become my singular obsession.

I loathed him with every fiber of my being, a hatred so intense it bordered on absurdity. This was a man I could easily crush, smash, or devour even when I was smaller. Yet here I stood at my towering height of 1000 feet, the pinnacle of giants, still consumed by the desire to annihilate this insignificant speck.

The more I stared at Duncan Chulainn, the stronger my rage grew. He stood before me, unfazed by the fact he faced a force of nature. His audacity sickened me.

Bending down, I reached for him, my fingers poised to crush him and his comrades without mercy. I wanted them to look up and see their impending doom, knowing Duncan would survive, but his friends would not.

The ground yielded like water, offering little resistance as my fingers plunged deep into the earth. I could feel him squirming between my grasp, Duncan Chulainn. A smile crept across my face as his struggles barely registered against my immense strength.

"Huh?" | glanced down and noticed four tiny figures, each with a different color, darting away from my fingers. His little comrades, no doubt. I almost wanted to laugh at their futile attempt to escape.

Did they truly believe they could outrun me? With a mere breath, I could extinguish them effortlessly. It would be harder not to end them at this height.

I decided to spare them for now. My focus was on my prize. Lifting my clenched finger to my face, I peered down at the struggling speck trapped between my grasp. I could barely discern his hands pushing against my flesh.

Who did this insignificant dust mite think he was? Did he truly believe he was my equal in this feeble form? No, this wasn't the adversary I sought. I longed to face the beast that had once growled so fiercely at me.

"Bring him out," I commanded, bringing my finger closer to my face.


His words were barely audible, his voice a mere squeak even to my keen hearing.

"No?" I chuckled. "You have no right to refuse, little man," I said, amusement lacing my tone. "You will comply, or.."

Glancing down at the four surviving specks, I couldn't help but widen my smile even further.



Trapped between two massive pillars of flesh, I struggled to breathe, my gaze fixed on a face barely recognizable. Her eves blazed like miniature suns as she peered down at me.

Pain surged through my body, a sensation foreign to me. My chest felt like it was collapsing, my blood boiling as if it were fire.

"BRING HIM OUT!!!" Her booming voice threatened to burst my eardrums, the force pressing against my body.

I knew what she desired, haunted by flashbacks of that fateful day-destruction, screams, and unyielding rage.

"N-no," I managed, each breath a struggle.

"NO?" Her laughter echoed, devoid of mercy. I braced myself for the inevitable.

Her golden eye shifted away from me, and panic surged as her grip tightened.

This couldn't continue; if it did, the consequences would be catastrophic.


I dreaded the next words.


FRIENDS!!!" Her disturbing smile sent shivers down my spine as she distanced herself from my face. "AND I'LL DO IT SLOWLY!"

As she began to bend down, nausea engulfed me, the world spinning in a sickening blur.

As the ground came into view, witnessed the four adventurers sprinting desperately for their lives.

From my vantage point above, they appeared as tiny dots, their movements almost imperceptible.


ESCAPE!!!" Her thunderous voice echoed through the air.

I watched in horror as the giant, with her left index finger pointed like a spear, carved a massive trench into the ground with her nail, blocking the adventurers' path and sealing their fate.

"Stop!" I pleaded, unwilling to witness further loss of life.


STOP!!!" Her gaze bore into mine, demanding compliance.

"Please don't make me," I begged, feeling my body burn and red lines spreading across my skin. It was emerging, and I struggled to contain it.

"Please, don't do this.."

My frustration mounted as the defiant little man continued to resist my demands.

Turning my attention back to the insignificant creatures now ensnared, they gazed up at me, their unworthy presence a mockery.

"Run!" I commanded, pointing my finger and slowly lowering it once more.

The adventurers began to scatter, perhaps believing that splitting up would hinder me.

My focus honed in on my target, the one they came back for—Lyra.

"I hope you're ready to say goodbye to your friend," I taunted, poised to claim my first victim.

"Stop it..." A faint voice barely reached my ears.

I glanced back at my fingers, fixating on the tiny speck. I was almost there, just one more nudge.

Lowering him closer to the target, I wanted him to witness the demise of his companion.

My finger extended, closing in. "Say goodbye," I smirked.

"I said stop!!!" Duncan's voice boomed, his eyes ablaze with red fury.




Amazing story I’m sensing that we are close to the climax for this chapter or volume 1 ?