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Flariona, her expression twisted in irritation, surveyed her surroundings as swarms of tiny aircraft buzzed around her, darting beneath her breasts, between her legs, and under her tails.

"Annoying pests," she muttered, her eyes blazing with blue intensity while wisps of blue smoke curled from her lips. "Nothing but nuisances!" With a fierce roar, she unleashed a torrent of azure flames that surged from her gaping maw like a raging inferno.

The flames erupted outward, consuming the sky with their searing heat. They crashed into the earth below, incinerating everything in their path and carving a blazing trail across the landscape.

The people below could only scream in terror as a tidal wave of blue fire swept over the city, effortlessly obliterating buildings and lifting streets with its unstoppable power. Even the trees, untouched by the flames, turned to ash from the sheer heat.

A looming shadow cast over the city as a distant voice cried out, warning of impending doom. Suddenly, a massive foot crashed down, sending shockwaves of heat and force rippling through the air, decimating everything in its path.

Amidst the chaos, Flariona remained oblivious, still preoccupied by the tiny pests swarming around her, their feeble attacks barely registering against her impervious skin.

Rising to her full height, Flariona gazed down at the world below with cold, unyielding eyes. "Do you truly believe you can save them?" she taunted, a hint of amusement curling her lips as her body continued to be assaulted.

A chilling smile spread across her face as her claws extended, sharpening to deadly points. With deliberate precision, she leaned forward, her right hand plunging into the ground, effortlessly lifting a portion of the city with her grasp.

"Do you honestly think you can protect them?" she mused, her gaze piercing through the chaos below, the temptation to crush the fragile city beneath her fingertips almost overwhelming.

"If you truly believe you can make a difference, then prove it," Flariona declared, her voice carrying across the chaos below like a sinister echo. Her eyes gleamed with a mix of challenge and contempt as she awaited any semblance of resistance from the city below.

Flariona's eyes widened with anticipation as she engulfed the tiny city within the cavernous depths of her mouth.

The terrified inhabitants shrieked as they gazed ahead, their view obscured by the towering figure hidden within the clouds above.

Surrounded by massive fingers on all sides, they futilely sought an escape route, their panicked footsteps echoing through the streets.

As the air grew thick with humidity and searing heat, the colossal Kaiju's jaws slowly parted, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. With deliberate slowness, Flariona pushed the city into her mouth, the screams of its denizens muffled by the enormity of her being.

Though she detested the taste of cities and their inhabitants, she saw it as a necessary lesson for these insignificant creatures.

Swallowing the city whole, Flariona turned her gaze to the distant east, where flashes of yellow lightning streaked through the air and a pillar of radiant golden light pierced the heavens.

"Ebodius," she murmured with a rare smile, her cheeks tinged with a hint of blush at the thought of her formidable counterpart.


I gazed up at the spectacle unfolding before me, awestruck by the sight of what seemed like a celestial being descending from the heavens. Yet, deep down, I knew better. This was no divine entity; it was a Kaiju, and a formidable one at that, as evidenced by the fear etched across the faces of Fye and Atax, barely discernible through their reptilian features.

"It's been a while, my king," Atax addressed the golden Kaiju.

"I am no longer your king, and there is no reason for you to address me as such," the golden Kaiju growled in response, its voice resonating with power.

"Very well, Ebodius, just trying to be friendly before the slaughter," Fye retorted.

From my vantage point above, I witnessed golden lightning begin to cascade from the sky, electrifying the air with its brilliance.

"Kill me? When did you both become so brave?" Ebodius challenged, its arms outstretched as arcs of golden lightning crackled between its fingers.

Confusion overwhelmed me as I turned to Kaguya, still cradled in my arms. "What am I witnessing?" I asked, seeking understanding in the chaos unfolding below.

"Ebodius," Kaguya replied simply, her voice tinged with reverence. "The king of Kaijus."

As the ground trembled beneath my feet, signaling the arrival of yet another titan, I braced myself for the impending clash of colossal beings.

"The city is going to be destroyed," I muttered under my breath, a sense of helplessness washing over me as the magnitude of the impending battle sank in.

"EBODIUS!" A thunderous roar shattered the air, punctuating the arrival of the newcomer charging towards the trio of titans from the far west.

"Another one!?" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in disbelief as I beheld the striking figure of the new titan. She exuded an aura of power and allure, with long black hair cascading over blue scales and horns, accentuated by her formidable stature and, admittedly, impressive assets.

I couldn't help but let out an involuntary exclamation at the sight before me. "Damn."


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