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In the land of Zerandor, a super tall giant loomed over their city, her legs wide, and her massive body towering above the clouds. Her voice boomed like thunder, but the people paid little attention. Suddenly, the ground trembled, and the sky cleared to reveal a strange, enormous face with white skin and long black hair. Panic spread as huge strands of hair fell, crushing many. The giant's cold eyes surveyed them, leaving everyone wondering what she was planning as her finger dug into the ground.

Traci peered down at the minuscule city below, where the Zerandorian people appeared as tiny red specks to her. Unaware of her immense power, she let out a small sigh that caused havoc as it cascaded over the city, sending people and buildings flying.

"Orders received," she muttered with a troubled expression. "I'll take care of the 12 council members," she continued, her cheeks flushing briefly. Scanning the landscape, she searched for the council chambers, rumored to gleam like crystal.

"Where could it be?" she wondered aloud, her voice dispersing clouds and causing discomfort among the Zerandorians. Confusion clouded her mind as she glanced back at her latex-covered rear, witnessing tiny explosions that trailed down her legs and back.

Suddenly, she felt something on her cheek and turned to see specks, larger than before, flashing with light and exploding upon contact with her face.

"The defenders have arrived," Traci noted, covering her mouth in realization of her unintentional actions. "Oops," she murmured, regretting the unintended consequences of her voice at such heights.


In all my years serving the Illumining 12, I had never faced a situation like this. Standing before me was a living god, towering over the city on all fours, her massive body casting a shadow over us. We questioned whether she was truly a goddess or just someone with extraordinary abilities, but it didn't matter anymore—we had our orders.

"Prepare to attack, Illumines!" I commanded, watching as the great black husks raised their massive cannons towards the giant.

"Attack!" I shouted, and instantly, the air was filled with the thunderous roar of cannon fire. Blue energy balls shot outward, colliding with the giant's face and chest.

I prayed to the 12 gods for success, but the goddess seemed unfazed at first. Then, she turned her attention to her backside, where explosions erupted.

"It seems she's noticed our Hilds," I remarked, barely audible above the chaos.

I glanced at my men and the husks, seeing hesitation in their eyes as they momentarily stopped firing.

"What are you doing? Keep attacking!" I urged, knowing our efforts might be futile. "We can't give up now!"

The wind whipped wildly as the giant swiftly turned her attention back to us, her long black hair sweeping away parts of the city in its wake. Our husks and even a few Hilds were sent to their demise as she focused her gaze on us.

"The defenders have arrived!" her booming voice echoed, sending many husks flying and forcing me to cover my ears as a wild wind swept past.

As I huddled down, I realized the worst was yet to come. With a swift motion, the giant raised her right hand, hurling rubble towards the ground below.

"Take cover!" I yelled to my men as rocks and debris rained down, filling the air with dust and chaos. I dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding being crushed.

Amidst the chaos, I heard a faint whisper escape my lips, "Bitch." Gathering myself, I surveyed the devastation around me, seeing many of my men dead and our army in disarray.

Once again, I was forced to my knees as the ground trembled violently. Looking up, I saw the giant shifting position, squatting down with her crotch almost touching the ground. Despite the deafening explosions against her body, she remained unfazed, a formidable force beyond our comprehension.


Traci peered down at the tiny defenders between her legs, feeling their futile attacks against her body. Despite their efforts, she noticed their numbers dwindling, casualties of her own immense size.

"Please," she implored, ignoring the sensation of their attacks. "You can't hurt me. You're too small."

Traci pleaded for them to see reason, to cease their futile actions before it was too late.

"I'm sorry it came to this," she continued, her voice filled with remorse. "Not all of you need to die, only a few..."

Her words were cut short as the earpiece in her ear activated, filling her with fear.

"Oh no," she whimpered, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "P-please don't. I don't want to..."

Traci never finished her sentence as her eyes rolled back, her body growing hotter and pulsating with energy. Collapsing to her knees, her face slammed into the ground, burying the remaining defenders beneath her. Her body spasmed, sending shockwaves through the ground as she whispered, "No, please, no."

Traci could feel her nipples growing hard, and goosebumps the size of buildings appearing all over her arm. Her privates where becoming wet, and she knew what was to come.

"I-I'm sorry."



Interesting the mystery continues