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Sitting on the wooden table, I gazed up at the two towering figures before me, one with long brown hair and the other with long black hair. Both were stunningly beautiful and possessed enough power to split a Lilliputian mountain in half with a single finger.

"Where did you find him?" Monica, the black-haired girl, demanded, her gaze fixed on her friend Abbie.

"I literally found him under the couch," Abbie replied, her giant face displaying obvious distress. It seemed she wasn't thrilled about my presence in her home, which suited me just fine. The sooner I could leave and return to my own home, the better.

"Do you think he came with the house?" Abbie pondered aloud.

"Rude," I muttered to myself, feeling insulted. Did she really think I was nothing but furniture?

"How about we ask him?" Monica suggested, reaching for something beneath the desk I was standing on.

Suddenly, a massive shadow loomed over me. Looking up, I saw a giant finger descending towards me. Fear gripped me, and memories of past traumas flooded my mind.

As the finger approached, I noticed something small and black on top of it. It looked like a speck from my perspective, but as it drew nearer, I realized it was something designed for Lilliputians.

"An earpiece," I exclaimed in surprise.

"Please take it," Monica's thunderous voice echoed from above.

With trembling hands, I reached out and carefully took the earpiece. Despite knowing that these Brobs could easily end my life if they wanted to, I couldn't shake my mistrust as I inserted the earpiece into my ear.



I watched as Monica carefully retrieved a tiny device from her purse—a Lilliputian earpiece. It was so small it looked like a speck, even smaller than that, if I were being honest.

Monica's meticulousness with Lilliputian objects always impressed me, making me feel somewhat inadequate. Yet, I knew I had to keep trying my best; it was the only way to improve.

She handed the earpiece to the little guy with great care, and I could barely see him grasp the tiny object from her finger.

Putting on a Brobdingnagian headset, Monica motioned for me to do the same with the extra headset she had brought.

"Hello," a man's voice sounded in both of our headsets, young and somewhat masculine, possibly in his twenties, around our age or a bit older. The thought made me blush a little, for some reason.

"Hello," Monica responded, her voice friendly as she lowered herself slightly until she was eye level with the table. "How about we start this conversation with introductions? My name's Monica, and this is Abbie, the woman who found you."

I smiled down at the little man and waved, hoping I didn't appear as nervous as I felt.

"Would you honor us with your name?" Monica asked, her voice tinged with amusement.

"Michael," the Lilliputian replied, his voice deep and low.

"Well, Michael," Monica continued, her smile unwavering. "You're in good hands. We wouldn't even think about hurting you."

Michael remained silent in response to Monica's assurances, which wasn't a good sign. Glancing back at me, Monica's expression mirrored my own thoughts. Whoever Michael was, he had likely been through some serious challenges to end up deep within Brobdingnagian territory.

"Michael," Monica began, rising from her crouched position. "Do you mind telling us how you came to be in my friend Abbie's apartment?"

We both waited on the floor, anticipating his response, but as minutes passed, it became evident that Michael wasn't going to speak.

I lowered myself slowly, following Monica's lead until my face was just above the table. "Please," I pleaded softly, struggling to control my voice. "We just want to help." I hoped my words conveyed our sincerity, knowing that Michael was looking up at me.


I gazed up at a face that seemed as vast as a mountain, staring into the massive brown eyes that loomed above me. Strangely, they had a calming effect on me.

Could I really trust one of these giants again? Was I about to repeat the same mistake?

Closing my eyes, memories flooded back, and with a deep breath, I opened up about my painful past.

"You want to know how I came here?" I began, feeling the anguish resurface. "It's simple... My world was destroyed right before my eyes, and I was forced to do nothing but watch."


The sky darkened with grey clouds as snowflakes descended upon the Lilliputian city of WinterHill. Silence enveloped the city as tremors shook the very foundation of the land, causing the ground to rumble and loose snow to cascade from the majestic mountains.

Atop the nearest peak, Mike and Yolanda stood frozen in shock and fear, mouths agape as they gazed into the distance. Miles away, two pairs of massive boots crushed the land beneath their soles, approaching the city with ominous intent.

"What is that?" Yolanda asked, her voice trembling as she struggled to maintain her balance.

Michael recognized the looming figures, though he had only heard tales and read about them in books. "A Brobdingnagian," he muttered under his breath.

Without hesitation, Michael bolted down the snowy hill, his heart racing with urgency.

"Where are you going?!" Yolanda called after him, following in his frantic footsteps.

"To the city! It's in danger!" Michael yelled back, his breaths ragged as he sprinted downhill.

His lungs burned as he continued to run, the surrounding trees shaking violently. Suddenly, he lost his footing and tumbled uncontrollably down the hillside, finally coming to a stop at the bottom, covered in snow and frost.

Looking up, Michael saw two colossal shadows looming over the city, casting a dark pall over the land. He couldn't fathom the sheer magnitude of these beings.

As Michael rose onto his knees, a wave of determination washed over him. "Mom... Dad, I'm coming," he whispered, fear gripping his heart. With every ounce of courage he could muster, he set his sights on the city, driven by the desperate need to protect his loved ones and his home.


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