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Ethan stood in a dim room, perched in the hand of a towering Gulliverian woman he didn't know. He wasn't fixated on being in her palm, but rather on the scene beyond the window. He watched as they interrogated the woman, a part of the Consortium, and it wasn't going well.

He observed Mr. Garrett pacing on a metal table, facing a woman clad in tattered clothes, bearing wounds. Her gaze was icy as she peered down at Ethan, seeming like she could crush him or tear apart Mr. Garrett with her bare hands if she could. Ethan grasped the situation – her hands were cuffed to the table, preventing her from doing harm.

"How did she get those wounds?" Ethan inquired.

"Interrogation," replied the Gulliverian above him. "She refused to talk, so the leaders decided to rough her up."

"That's cruel," Ethan remarked, glancing back at the enormous face looming over him.

"That's Gulliverian justice," the soldier stated.

Ethan remained silent, troubled by the varied approaches each race took with prisoners, some methods more brutal than others. It was his first firsthand encounter with such tactics.

So consumed by his thoughts, he didn't notice the immense eyes peering down at him from above.

"You will tell me everything you know about the Consortium," Mr. Garrett's voice resonated from within the room.

"I have nothing to say to such an inferior being," the woman retorted, her eyes sharp as daggers.

"Oh, you don't, do you?" Mr. Garrett's resolve remained firm despite facing the towering giantess. "That's fine. I have plenty to tell you. Like the disappearance of hundreds of Lilliputians from over five cities, and the vanishing of three top Gulliverian scientists, along with high-tech equipment and biological agents under constant guard."

The woman averted her gaze, refusing to acknowledge the little man.

"I may not know your exact plans," Mr. Garrett pressed on, stepping closer until he was mere inches from the giantess's fingers. "But after years on the job, I recognize a threat when I see one." His eyes met hers as she glanced downward. "And you, my dear, are undoubtedly a threat."

The girl's smile widened upon hearing Mr. Garrett's words.

"Something amusing to you?" he inquired.

"Oh..." the girl's head dropped even lower. "It's just funny how you don't realize how right you are," she replied. "You little things..." Her posture straightened as she addressed Mr. Garrett. "You little things have crawled on this world long enough."

"It's our time!" she declared, her voice sending a shiver down Mr. Garrett's spine.

"You want to know about the Consortium?" she asked, excitement evident in her tone. "You want to know our plans?" She leaned closer, her smile growing wider. "It's quite simple, really," she said. "The extermination of your kind!" Her voice boomed, causing Mr. Garrett to take a small step back.

"After all, it is our kind that is the true race, the pure race destined to rule the three worlds, for in our blood flows the ancient blood of Gulliver himself."

Ethan and Garrett felt a shiver run down their spines as they listened to the words of the seemingly deranged woman.

"Well, Ms. Chosen One, you're going to stay here until you answer all of my questions," Mr. Garrett declared, motioning to a Gulliverian soldier in the corner.

The soldier approached the table and lowered his hand, allowing Mr. Garrett to step onto it.

"I'll give you some time to think about your answer before I return," Mr. Garrett stated before exiting with the Gulliverian soldier, the door closing behind them with a faint echo, enveloping the room in silence.

Ethan gazed at the prisoner, observing her eyes that remained fixed on the metal table. It was difficult to believe that this young woman could be a part of a terrorist organization.

"I think it's time we leave," the Gulliverian soldier remarked from behind. "The generals will probably be making their decision soon."

"Yeah..." Ethan replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ethan steadied himself with his right hand on a massive gloved thumb as the giant began to walk, his gaze still fixed on the woman inside the interrogation room.

"Wait," he suddenly said, a smile spreading across his face. Turning to face the Gulliverian woman whose hand he stood on, he apologized, "I-I'm sorry. It just occurred to me that I haven't introduced myself." Ethan attempted to sound polite. "My name's Ethan Hill, and you?" he inquired.

"Olivia Harper," the soldier replied, her expression barely changing.

"Olivia... I have a plan, and I'm going to need your help."

Olivia raised an eyebrow as she observed Ethan still clutching her thumb. Deep down, she couldn't quite grasp what to make of this unassuming man, who wasn't even a soldier. She couldn't fathom why he was even present.

"Help?" she echoed, raising an eyebrow. "With what?" she inquired bluntly.

"Help me, perhaps, just perhaps, to get that girl to talk," Ethan proposed earnestly.



Yees !!!! So happy to see this again