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I peered ahead at those two dudes standing in the middle of the blazing chaos, not even flinching from the heat. Sporting these cocky smirks, it felt like they were itching to throw hands, which made zero sense given the apocalypse vibes.

"Sun, you know these guys?" I asked, eyeing Sun, who was holding his wife close. He looked shook, but it wasn't just the blue flames and destruction that had him on edge.

"Fye," Sun said, his voice dropping an octave. "Atax, please... please understand, brothers."

"We are not your brothers!" the guy on the right spat, pointing at Sun. "You have no right!" Fye chimed in. "No right to be called a Kaiju!"

"Kaiju!?" I blurted out, totally not thinking first, which I seriously gotta work on.

Sun shot me a look, and our eyes locked for a sec.

"He said Kaiju," I added, my voice kinda cracking.

I wasn't sure if Sun was actually pleading or what.

But then this guy named Atax spoke up, pointing a finger at me.

"And who's that, Sun? Your latest mate?"

I squinted, feeling offended.

"Uh, dude?" I retorted with an annoyed smirk. "Yeah, I'm a dude," I emphasized.

Their gaze shifted to me, and even though I couldn't see their eyes, I could feel their attention.

Suddenly, my arm hair stood up, goosebumps danced on my skin, and a breathless moment hit me like a truck.

"This human. I think I'll eat him first," Atax declared with a chuckle, shooting a glance at Fye.

"Me? Eat me?" I stammered, taking a step back. At that point, it dawned on me these guys were certifiably nuts. Sun and Kaguya still had an uncertain status, but these dudes? Definitely off their rocker.

"Don't be rude, Atax. You know how I hate rude people," the guy on the right, Fye, said. "Right now we need to deal with this traitor."

I glanced at Sun, who stayed calm, eyes locked on the two dudes.

"Tell me, Atax, Fye," Sun said, lowering his head, eyes shut. "Is there really no way of stopping all of this?" Sun inquired.

I was lost again in this confusing talk; all I wanted was to find my mom.

"We'll destroy everything you built, oh king of lightning!" Fye hollered, mouth wide open, teeth looking like razor blades.

"The laws of the Hollow lands will crumble!" Atax screamed, his suit ripping as his body bulked up.

"The Kaiju will rage, and these humans you love so much will disappear," Fye continued, his skin turning brown and hard, like some shell.

"What the hell?" I muttered, recalling their Kaiju talk. Guess they weren't that crazy after all.

"We will not stop until every last one of these humans is wiped from the face of this world!"

Atax yelled, his skin also hardening into a shell, his muscles bulging as he grew larger.

"Shit," I cursed, really not wanting to hear any of this.

"So be it," Sun calmly declared.

As he lifted his head, his once brown eyes transformed into a golden yellow, lightning crackling around him. Sun shifted his gaze to me, a peaceful smile on his face.

"You know, I never got your name," Sun mentioned, still cradling his crying wife.

"Brad," I replied simply.

"Brad," Sun repeated, turning fully towards me. "Please, take my wife far away from this place," he requested while still holding Kaguya.

"No, Sun," Kaguya pleaded, her voice muffled against Sun's chest. "Please, come with us."

Sun looked down at Kaguya, maintaining his smile. "Don't worry," he reassured her.

"Everything is going to be alright." He released his wife, taking a step back.


"Because..." Sun paused, the lightning intensifying around him.

"Because I'm the Kaiju King!" he roared. His muscles expanded, shirt ripping apart to reveal fake brown scales, large horns sprouting from his forehead, arms turning into sharp claws, and wings unfurling from his back.

"Welcome back, Ebodius," Fye greeted with a crooked smile. "Welcome back, king."


I wiggled my toes, overlooking the burning city below.

A smirk played on my lips as I observed the tiny figures scrambling for their lives.

"How pathetic," I muttered, crossing my arms against my bosom.

I couldn't wrap my head around it—how the lord of all Titans could care for such feeble beings. I wasn't even using the full power of my flames, yet these little things were burning up.

Scanning the ground, my eyes caught a relatively intact building. Bending down, I reached out, picking it up with both fingers. Despite my careful handling, the structure crumbled under the pressure.

I brought it up to my face, peering inside. Little humans cowered behind whatever they could find, oblivious to the fact that I held their lives in my hands.

Raising my hand, I lifted it over my head, opening my mouth wide as blue flames erupted from within.

I tossed the building into my maw, the humans still cowering inside.

My flames engulfed them, the sounds of their screams would never reach my ears. A chuckle escaped my lips, amused by their pitiful state.

Something caught my eye—small, fast-moving objects racing towards me.

"Not again," I muttered, slowly turning my head to see the little flying things.

"You little things really want to die," I scoffed, shaking my head in disappointment. "Don't you know how much I've been holding myself back?" I questioned. "Of course, you don't. Humans are truly stupid."


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