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I carefully carried the tiny Lilliputian on my finger, realizing it might not be the safest spot for him, but options were limited. Despite not feeling his weight, I could tell he was a man by his posture. Slowly, I lowered my hand onto the wooden table in my small apartment, keeping it steady at the edge.

Watching him navigate the lines of my hand made me giggle, but my amusement turned to guilt when he stumbled and fell. It was my fault. I still had much to learn about handling Lilliputians, unlike the expert Brobdingnagian handlers who could manage large crowds without mishaps.

As he got up, I apologized awkwardly, my nervous smile betraying my discomfort. He continued his journey, eventually making his way down to the ground from my finger.


My journey felt like I was on a roller coaster ride without any safety measures. The floor beneath me was skin-colored, both squishy and firm, reassuring me that I couldn't harm this colossal woman even if I tried.

Ignoring the massive grin in the sky was futile; it seemed like she was taking pleasure in my tiny presence, crawling down her finger like a bug.

"Damn her," I muttered to myself, knowing she couldn't hear me anyway.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently, knocking me onto my backside. I bounced a few times before coming to a stop on the skin floor, gripping onto the giant's fingerprint for stability.

As I slowly regained my footing, I glanced up at the giant, her smile now replaced with a more serious expression. It seemed she had a hint of remorse for finding my fall amusing.

"Well, that's good to know," I remarked, brushing myself off.

With a thunderous apology, the Brob signaled that it was safe to continue my journey down her finger, leading me back to the wooden table below.

As I reached the edge of the giant's finger, I peered down at what resembled a cliff, made up of fleshy hills cascading downwards. With a deep breath, I began to descend, grateful for the Brob's steady hand, transitioning from the soft surface of her finger to the hard nail below, noticing the small imperfections scattered across its surface.

It was absurd to think I stood on something so sturdy it could split a building effortlessly. Even the finger I was on could create a crater in Lilliputian lands that would endure for years.

Shaking off those haunting thoughts of a distant nightmare, I stepped down from the nail, harboring one resolute notion: Brobs couldn't be trusted.

As I turned to face the giant, her gaze met mine, and I couldn't decipher what thoughts swirled in the little man's mind.


He made no attempt to communicate, which wasn't surprising; after all, how could he? "Um," I began, crouching down with hands on my lap, "Just stay here. I'm going to get someone who can help." I hoped my voice didn't betray the panic rising within me.

Rising swiftly, I knew I needed help immediately. "Monica, I need you."


We stood in a silent standoff, neither of us sure of what the other wanted, considering our communication barrier.

"Damn, she's hot," I muttered to myself, unable to resist admiring the massive woman's breasts and beautiful, long, curly brown hair. Despite the attraction, I reminded myself sternly that she was the enemy, trying to maintain my anger.

"Come on, man," I scolded myself, giving my face a light slap. "Calm your libido and remember, she's the enemy."

"UM," the giant murmured, her booming voice softer now, as she glanced away almost shyly.

"JUST STAY HERE," she instructed, her words echoing around me.

"Where else am I going to go?" I thought, surveying the endless expanse of wood around me.

"I'M GOING TO GET SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP," she declared suddenly, rising up in a swift motion that sent me tumbling across the wooden table.

"Dammit!" I exclaimed, rolling to a stop on the table's surface, staring up at the oblivious giant whose movements had caused such chaos. Lucky for her.


I didn't have to wait long before hearing a knock at my apartment door, no more than 10 minutes. Thank goodness.

Eagerly, I rushed to the door and swung it open to find my friend Monica standing there.

"I came as soon as I got your call," she said, stepping inside.

"Thank you," I replied, feeling a wave of relief. "I didn't know what to do when I found him inside my apartment." I trailed behind Monica, explaining, "I've been worried about accidentally hurting him. I mean, I don't have my license yet."

"No worries, you made the right call," Monica reassured me, turning with an excited grin. It was clear she was eager to meet our tiny visitor.

"So, what's our first move?" I asked.

"Well, first let's figure out why our little friend is here," Monica suggested, pulling out a plastic bag filled with communication equipment.

I smirked at the sight of the equipment. "Yeah, that'll definitely help."


I sat on the wooden table, observing the giant pacing around the room, her footsteps sending vibrations through my body. Apparently, we were waiting for her friend Monica. I wasn't sure where this was headed, but I hoped Monica wouldn't be a problem.

Suddenly, a warm, booming sound echoed from a distant corner, signaling Monica's arrival. It was time for me to meet another Brob, a rare occurrence for a Lilliputian like me.

Meeting two Brobs wasn't exactly my idea of luck.

The excited Brob who found me hurried towards the front door, her movements stirring up hurricane-like winds. Her powerful footsteps made it hard for me to maintain my balance on the table.

As the front door opened, I heard the distant voices of the two Brobs. One belonged to the familiar giant, while the other, presumably Monica, was a mystery.

The ground rumbled even more as Monica approached, her figure blurry from a distance. But just like the Brob who found me, Monica seemed to be a beauty with long black hair, ample curves, and a white shirt.

"So, that's Monica, huh?" I mused to myself.


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