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The air was thick with a strong smell, like a woman's scent, making it hard to breathe. Above, a huge shadow covered the Gehenna forest, and the air crackled with anger.

"This can't be happening!" The Lich in black robes stared up at the towering figure, its golden eyes shining down on him.

"Go away!" Her voice echoed like thunder, commanding him to vanish.

From afar, Aric, Gideon, Lyra, and Seraphina gazed up at the colossal figure dominating the darkened sky. The ground quivered as a towering mass of flesh pierced through the clouds, resembling a structure capable of splitting mountains effortlessly.

Unbeknownst to the group, what they observed from their distant vantage point was actually a gigantic finger, its nail pointing menacingly downward at the creature.

Duncan, his eyes wide with terror, gazed upwards, scarcely believing he was facing the giant he had battled long ago, the formidable Laufey Titanborn, now towering at a staggering height of 1000 feet.

The massive digit descended swiftly, crashing into the ground with unstoppable force, trapping the shrieking creature within its mighty grasp.

An explosion of sheer power erupted as the colossal flesh made contact with the earth, carving deep cracks into the crust and hurling aside anything in its path.

"Get behind me!" Gideon shouted, extending his hands to create a protective barrier of blue light, shielding the group from the ferocious winds assaulting the landscape.

Duncan stood on the outskirts, his body bracing against the relentless onslaught of nature's fury, unwavering as he watched the colossal figure, her face partially obscured by the darkened clouds.



Looking down upon the world, it felt delicate, as if I could shatter it with a mere touch. From the days of being cradled in my father's arms, I harbored this sensation, but now, as a god, an unstoppable force, I knew I was beyond reach.

Years of clandestine training had led me to this pinnacle of power, and as I surveyed the crushed creature beneath my fingers, I recalled my true objective. My gaze shifted to the right, settling on Duncan Chulainn, the man who had brought shame upon me. He stood among his companions, oblivious to the imminent danger they faced. They, too, would suffer my wrath.

Raising my finger to my left eye, I noticed a small, black-clad speck adhering to it. "Well, that's that," I remarked with a smirk, acknowledging the end of the nuisance. Standing to my full height, I towered above the clouds, my mind swimming with newfound power.

But along with this ascendancy came the familiar struggle against my own instincts and hormones, threatening to overwhelm me. As dizziness set in and my breath grew ragged, my legs wobbled beneath me, a reminder of the challenges that came with my new found power.

My hands gravitated towards my crotch, my eyes fixed on Duncan, the object of my desire. "Duncan," I murmured, knowing my voice would echo like thunder in his ears. "You're all mine," I declared, leaning over him, my towering presence failing to elicit even a flicker of acknowledgment from him.

He remained steadfast, unlike his trembling companions, who seemed poised to flee at any moment. My heart raced with anticipation, relishing the impending confrontation I had long awaited.

As excitement surged through me, my smirk faded, and I lowered myself closer to the ground, feeling the earth yield beneath my weight. Sitting down, I felt the planet tremble beneath me.

Extending my feet outward, I began to caress my crotch with my index and middle fingers. Looking down at the tiny figures between my legs, I knew they were all mine to destroy, except for Duncan. And destroy them I would, ensuring they never forgot their insignificance in the face of my power.



Standing with my team, I struggled to comprehend the sight before us. Gideon shielded us from the onslaught as best he could, but I knew it wouldn't hold for long.

A massive object plummeted from the sky, obliterating everything in its path and nearly sending us flying. A pervasive shadow engulfed the world as I gazed up at the towering force of nature, its golden eyes piercing through the shroud of clouds.

Suddenly, my body was engulfed in searing heat, growing more intense by the moment. Gasping for air, I dropped to my knees, realizing my entire team was suffering the same fate, sweating profusely as if being cooked alive.

Amidst the chaos, I spotted him, standing unaffected by the blistering heat, thin and frail yet somehow immune. Duncan Chulainn.

The ground trembled once more as darkness enveloped the area. Slowly, I raised my gaze to behold the colossal giant's face looming above us, a sinister smirk etched upon her features as her cascading hair slammed into the ground below.

Her breath washed over us, exuding ecstasy, and her gaze swept across the landscape, lingering momentarily on us. Yet, I soon realized she wasn't here for us; her focus was solely on Duncan, driven by some long-standing grudge.

As the giant's expression shifted, her face ascending back into the clouds, we remained frozen in shock, mouths agape. Then, with dawning horror, we watched as a living mountain descended to the earth.

"She's sitting down!" I shouted, urging my team to take cover.

I shouted as hurricane-force winds erupted, tearing through the landscape and hurling us into the air, spinning uncontrollably. Finally, we crashed to the ground, dazed and battered.

Clutching my throbbing head, I rose slowly, feeling warmth and wetness on my fingers—blood. "Damn," I muttered, forcing myself upright.

Before me loomed a colossal body, dominating my field of vision. I stood amidst her massive legs, utterly powerless, and I knew she was fully aware of our vulnerability.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion rang out from above, followed by massive fingers hurtling through the air, generating sonic booms as they soared overhead. With incredible force, they slammed into the giant's crotch, pushing us back slightly.

"Is she...?" Seraphina's voice trembled with disbelief. "Is she touching herself?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes, I think she is," I replied, the realization sinking in.

Loud moans of ecstasy reverberated through the forest of Gehenna as the colossal figure convulsed in pleasure. Laufey continued her self-indulgence, saliva dripping from her mouth as she tilted her head back in bliss. Each thud of her legs against the earth shattered the ground beneath her, while her fingers quickened their pace against her crotch.

She craved this, her desire intensifying as she observed the tiny beings struggling beneath her touch, their fear only fueling her arousal.


The command, though small in volume, carried immense authority. Laufey momentarily ceased her actions, fixing her gaze not on the terrified adventurers but on the man she desired above all others.

Duncan Chulainn, his eyes ablaze with anger for the first time, met her stare. His fists clenched, his hair billowing in the wind as he radiated power.

Turning his attention to the four adventurers who had accompanied him, their expressions a mix of shock and fear, Duncan's body began to be enveloped in crimson veins.

"You should be running," he warned, his voice a low rumble, laden with a potency that left no room for doubt.



I saw them just choose the one you want the most u have time to think about it, it will be sometime before I create it


Okay, I choose my best friends became Macro Furs. I can show you the best friends on Discord if you like.