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Frozen in place, I confronted an unfathomable sight—an endless expanse of flesh, a colossal finger capable of cleaving mountains in two.

Recognizing the enormity before me, I muttered the word "Brobdingnagian" as I gazed past mammoth breasts that could engulf a city. The woman, with long brown hair and flawless skin, loomed above, seemingly caring yet harboring a concealed menace. Having witnessed the destructive power of these monsters, I uttered a chilling truth:


I won't trust any of them, these brobs with more power than they knew what to do with, after all they could really do was destroy, nothing more nothing less.

And yet...


My knees ached as I gazed down at the diminutive Lilliputian, who hesitated to approach my outstretched finger. The realization dawned — he must be afraid, and a sudden nervousness infiltrated my soul.

Acknowledging the inherent danger, given my lack of Lilliputian handling expertise, I grappled with the potential harm I could unintentionally cause. Yet, leaving him on the floor wasn't an option.

"Look," I said, exerting control over my voice. "I won't hurt you," I reassured, drawing my face closer to the tiny figure. "Can you please let me help you?" I implored, gesturing toward my extended finger.

As seconds turned into minutes, I witnessed the Lilliputian cautiously inching towards my outstretched hand. A sense of joy enveloped me — the little guy was finally giving me a chance.

"Thank you," I whispered, mindful that my gratitude reached the ears of the tiny Lilliputian.

With bated breath, I waited patiently, my heart's rapid beats gradually calming, remaining as still as possible while the tiny Lilliputian climbed my finger. The sight was mesmerizing, the delicate movements almost imperceptible against my skin.

As the little one made its way upward, a profound sense of wonder enveloped me. It amazed me that I couldn't feel the miniature creature traversing my skin. A smile crept across my face, prompting a moment of reflection — was I truly once this small and fragile? The juxtaposition of past vulnerability and present assurance washed over me, making the encounter with the Lilliputian all the more poignant.

The Lilliputian having reached its destination at the top of my finger, I gently raised my hand, bringing the Lilliputian to my shoulder. My eyes followed his movement as he slowly stepped onto my skin.

"It's okay," I whispered, a smile gracing my face.

The Lilliputian, perched at the top of my finger, witnessed an unusual ascent as I gently raised my hand, bringing my finger up to my left eye.

Intrigued to examine the tiny figure more closely, which from a distance appeared as nothing but a dot to me, I sought a clearer view.

He undeniably possessed a humanoid form, though the realization failed to invoke the usual nervousness men typically triggered in me.

Strangely calm, I pondered this detachment, realizing that I didn't perceive this Lilliputian as a person.

"Well, that can't be good," I thought, a hint of concern flickering within.

"Don't worry, I'll put you down right now," I assured, carefully moving the Lilliputian away from my eye. The caution stemmed from a learned awareness; even a blink, as taught in school, could unleash hurricane-like winds, a force potentially perilous for the delicate figure in my care.


"LOOK!" I heard the Brob say. "I WON'T HURT YOU!" Her promises echoed as her face hovered over me like a protective moon.


Begging, a Brob was actually begging me, a Lilliputian. "Huh, that's new," I remarked.

Approaching the outstretched finger, I marveled at the ridges of skin, feeling the comforting warmth beneath my hands.


As I climbed, the Brob's voice softened, a surprising gentleness emerging. I released a small sigh, reaching out to ascend the massive digit.

It took a few minutes of clinging to the unmoving skin, but eventually, I conquered the ascent, reaching the pinnacle. Placing both of my hands on my knees, I surveyed the vast expanse from this new vantage point.

The fleshy ground beneath my feet rumbled, and my surroundings blurred as an invisible force compelled me to my knees. I felt myself being lifted up, the Brob's hand carrying me with ease.

The descent ceased, allowing me to breathe once more.

Standing up slowly, I raised my head to witness a colossal eye gazing down at me. "IT'S OKAY!" she assured, her voice resonating with force that rippled through my small frame. A prolonged silence followed, leaving me uncertain as her massive brown eye scrutinized me.

"DON'T WORRY, I'LL PUT YOU DOWN RIGHT NOW!" the Brob declared, lowering her finger with deliberate care. Crouching to avoid the potential gusts of wind, I prepared for the descent.

The finger finally settled on what seemed like an endless wooden plain. "HERE, YOU'LL BE SAFE HERE!" she promised. Uncertain of the truth behind her words, I found myself with no room for doubt.

"Thank you," I muttered under my breath, hoping that she would hear me.

Having no choice, I descended the massive finger, a journey that took some time before my feet touched the wooden ground. Turning around, I faced a living mountain—Abbie, who crouched over me. Her colossal form was mesmerizing, and her swaying breasts seemed like invincible wrecking balls, a sight that held my attention.

"UM, WELL, MY NAME'S ABBIE!" she declared, standing up to her full height. "IT'S, UH, NICE TO MEET YOU," she added, her voice echoing in the vast expanse. I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation in the presence of this towering Brob.


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