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In the grandiose marble tower atop Zerandorian hills, the Council of Twelve convened, their mighty chairs bearing the scars of time. As the building quivered, they gazed through the open walls, witnessing the colossal Titan, an enigmatic alien, striding into their city, her imposing black heels resonating with each step.

A council member, veiled in black robes, pounded his fist against the chair, a fervent voice echoing his concern, "What shall we do about this?" The shadows concealed his face but not his anger.

In response, a figure in radiant white robes, seemingly imbued with power, addressed the looming threat, "Thac, Ruler of the black path, we acknowledge your presence." Another council member, Phuci, leader of the Truth Seeking path, stepped forward, "We see you, Thac."

With a controlled demeanor, Thac bowed his head, concealing his simmering anger, "I hear you, Phuci, leader of the Truth Seeking path." The fate of their city hung in the balance as the giants clashed in a struggle of power and ideology.

"My brothers, my sisters, followers of various gods and goddesses, hear me," Thac urged. "Our world faces an assault, our way of life under threat. Shall we ignore the reasons behind this, permit this monstrosity to wreak havoc among our people?"

A glance exchange swept through the council of twelve.

"We are not fools, Thac," Phuci asserted with stern resolve. "The Confederation."

"The Confederation!" Thac echoed in agreement. "Five cycles ago, they descended upon our world, demanding submission to their rule, and we defied them," he declared.

A figure in a black hood adorned with pink linear fabric spoke, "It was the decision of this council."

"Lah, guardian of the Leering Gate, we acknowledge your presence," Phuci affirmed.

Lah bowed respectfully, acknowledging, "I see you, Phuci."

"Thac, we share your concerns and anger, but we know the ways of the Confederation. They spurn the divine path, sowing only madness," Lah cautioned. The delicate balance between defiance and preserving their realm hung in the air.

"Lah, we comprehend their methods, but not all among us resisted the Confederation," Thac confessed.

Lah raised an eyebrow. "Like you?"

"Yes, precisely because I foresaw this, the ruthless onslaught upon our lands by these monsters. Now, all you need to do is cast your gaze outside, witness the devastation, and hear the agonized cries of our people."

Once more, the council of twelve directed their attention to the grim scene unfolding beyond the walls.

"By the gods," Thac murmured, pulling back his black hood to reveal his pale blue skin. "What course of action shall we take?" The weight of the impending decisions bore heavily upon the council, as they grappled with the enormity of the crisis gripping their world.


The devastation unfolded as Traci observed, her cold gaze fixed on the chaos below. Emotionless, she declared, "Five. Only five cities need to be wiped away today."

Raising her foot, she hovered it over a section of the city, dirt falling from her black soles. Without hesitation, she brought it down with a resounding


A massive explosion of force emanated from Traci's foot, unleashing destruction in its wake. Dust and smoke filled the air, hurricane force winds tearing through the remnants of the once-thriving city. Zerandorians were sent flying, buildings turned to dust, and bustling streets vanished, replaced by a formidable pillar of black leather dominating the horizon. The ruthless act left an indelible mark on the world below.

As Traci surveyed the destruction, she mused, "One city down."

The devastation continued as the towering woman stepped onto the next area. A deep rumbling sounded from the depths of the earth.

A massive chasm opened, splitting the ground in two as her foot made contact with the ground.

"Two cities," she declared, a hint of pleasure in her voice as she watched the whole city disappear into the chasm.

The earth swallowed the once-vibrant city, reducing it to nothing more than a memory.

Watching from above Traci could feel her nipples harden beneath the tight fabric. She could feel herself becoming more aroused as the destruction continued and she hated it.

"Three cities," she whispered, her voice thick with desire.

Her eyes narrowed as she gazed upon the destruction. Her heart pounded in her chest and her breath came in short gasps as with her right fist raised and the other hand firmly planted in the ground, Traci let out a grunt as she unleashed a powerful punch directly onto the city before her. The force of her blow sent shockwaves through the already ravaged landscape, intensifying the destruction. Debris scattered in all directions as buildings crumbled beneath the relentless power of her strike, leaving a trail of devastation in the wake of her colossal strength.

"Four cities." Traci said with a hint of guilt in her voice, Traci spoke before her comms device buzzed to life, interrupting the moment.

"Agent 100 here," she responded, placing her left hand to her ear to communicate with her superiors. "Yes, sir. I understand, sir," she acknowledged, her cheeks showing a slight flush.

Standing to her full height, Traci looked down, her lips quivering ever so slightly. "It shall be done as the Confederation has commanded," she declared, her black hair falling over her face as she reluctantly embraced the directives of those above her. The conflict within her, hidden behind the cold facade, hinted at the internal struggle beneath the surface.


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