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Duncan stood among the three adventurers and the towering 200-ft giant blonde woman. Clad in his dirtied robes with long, unkempt black hair, his lifeless eyes conveyed a hint of sorrow as they met Aric's gaze.

In a low voice, Duncan uttered, "Please leave."

Aric, undeterred, questioned, "What are you talking about? We have a teammate to rescue; we're going to save her." Aric walked past Duncan, dismissing his words without a second thought.

Duncan, without turning his head, asserted, "I'll save her. I promise." Slowly turning, he repeated his determination.

Gideon intervened forcefully, slamming his foot into the ground. "Enough of this!" he exclaimed. Approaching Duncan with stern anger, he questioned, "Do you not see what is happening? Do you really think you can stop that?" Gideon pointed to the distant chaos where dark clouds surrounded an 800-ft Titan, swatting at a small green dot that zipped around her massive form.

"Don't be crazy," Gideon reiterated.

As the three adventurers nodded in agreement, beginning to discuss their plans to retreat, a thunderous voice boomed from above, seizing everyone's attention.

Beatrix, looking down at the adventurers, fixed her gaze on Duncan Chulainn, the man who had taken control of her friend's mind for years. Observing him, she couldn't fathom how this seemingly frail man, on the verge of succumbing to the gentlest breeze, could possibly defeat Laufey TitanBorn—the renowned giant who conquered the Giant conclave, believed to be the strongest in the world.

"You're the human who fought against Laufey," Beatrix declared, kneeling down. "A year ago in the city of OverReach."

"OverReach?" Aric exclaimed in surprise. "That city, if I'm not mistaken, was completely wiped off the map after some kind of natural disaster."

Beatrix, upon hearing Aric's words, slowly turned her gaze once again towards Duncan, an action that didn't go unnoticed as the three adventurers followed her gaze.

Duncan's body shook ever so slightly under the weight of their collective scrutiny.

"It was you," Seraphina said, gripping her white staff harder. "That Giant, she was after you," realization dawned upon her.

Duncan remained silent. "I'll save your friend," he repeated. "I'm the only one who will be able to do it, so please believe in me."

A heavy silence enveloped the group as they exchanged glances. Aric stepped forward, his eyes serious.

"I don't know you," Aric said, looking down at the small boy who barely came up to his chest. "You obviously have your own circumstances, and I respect that, but I will not entrust my teammate to you." His frown transformed into an upward smile. "So if you're going, we're going with you."



To Laufey, the world seemed to disappear, for there was only one thing worthy enough to command her gaze.

"DUNCAN CHULAINN!" Her voice boomed, causing a mighty wind to rush through the land.

Her muscles tensed with power as newfound anger mixed with excitement filled her up.

"HOW DARE YOU!" A cold voice of death radiated from behind her massive form as the bony lich floated right behind her head. "HOW DARE YOU TURN AWAY FROM ME!" It yelled as, with staff in hand, a symbol of power began to take shape—a magical circle that burned the air itself.

With a loud roar, a massive beam of green and black light shot out from the circle of power.

"BOOM!" The beam of power slammed against Laufey's back.

Laufey moved not an inch as her back was attacked by raging magic. Upon contact with her skin, the energy ricocheted in all different directions, crashing against the ground, leaving scratches in its wake.

The attack lasted for but a few seconds, but when the attack ended, there was no visible damage on Laufey's back.

She had not moved during the entire attack, nor had she tried to defend herself.

"H-HOW?!" The lich screamed as he stared at Laufey, who slowly turned her head and gave him a dark look as her eyes glowed with golden light and a golden aura covered her body.

"YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! ANSWER ME!" He screamed, his anger and frustration at seeing the giant being able to deflect his attack with nothing but her back muscles sent rage through its boney body.

Laufey, her eyes burning with a yellowish glow, turned her body with quick speed, riling up the winds themselves. With her mighty right hand, she reached out, gripping the speck of bones and caging the lich within her fleshy hand.

"BE SILENT." Her voice boomed as she tightened her grip around the creature. She couldn't feel its bones crack and break; she couldn't hear the little creature scream out. She wouldn't care even if she did, for her eyes had only one target.

"DUNCAN CHULAINN," she declared with a wild smile appearing on her lips.

Laufey, with earth-shattering footsteps, walked towards the little dot of a man standing by the towering trees. Excitement filled her body; this was what she had been waiting for, what she wanted.

"FIGHT ME, LITTLE MAN!" she yelled, her muscles swelling, and veins making themselves known all throughout her arms.

"FIGHT ME! SO THAT I CAN AIM ALL THE MORE HIGHER!" Her voice echoed, carrying both challenge and anticipation as she closed the distance, ready for the confrontation she sought.



Big anime fight alert 🚨 coming up oh boy I can’t wait