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I knelt down slowly, peering beneath the couch. Doubt crept in as my eyes scanned the shadows.

"Um," I began cautiously, recalling my training. "I won't harm you. Staying on the floor is risky. Please come out."

Minutes passed, and my skepticism grew until, unexpectedly, a tiny figure emerged from the shadows, moving slowly like a Lilliputian.

With patience, I observed the diminutive person stepping into the light, squinting to discern details.

"Uh, hi," I awkwardly greeted, realizing the simplicity of my words. Perplexed, I watched the little one stumble, perhaps affected by my breath.

"Sorry," I whispered, acknowledging the clumsiness in my attempt to connect with the miniature being.

I reached out and yet stopped, Reluctant to risk mishandling the Lilliputian, I hesitated in extending a helping hand. My memories of subpar test scores reminded me that delicate situations weren't my forte. I didn't want to inadvertently harm the tiny Lilli with my unfamiliar touch.

As I gazed down at the tiny figure, curiosity filled me, wondering about the thoughts racing through the Lilliputian's mind as they peered up at me. The contrast in our sizes and worlds made me ponder the vast differences between us.


I attempted to conceal myself from the colossal giant, knowing I could have executed the plan more effectively.

Darting between the enormous feet that could reshape landscapes effortlessly, I sensed my mistake when, from beneath the towering figure, I caught a glimpse of the Brob's eyes narrowing with realization.

"Shit," I muttered, the echo of my voice magnified.

"WAS THAT A PERSON?!!!!" the thunderous inquiry echoed, sending tremors through the ground. Panic gripped me as I stood in the shadows, witnessing the Brob's colossal feet making contact with the floor.

As the giant rose, her toes wiggled, momentarily facing away from me. However, that changed swiftly as she turned towards the couch, where I sought refuge.

The ground shook violently as the Brob's knees crashed into the floor, and a monumental face appeared.

"So beautiful..." I unintentionally murmured, captivated by the visage of the woman I observed through the gap in the couch.

As the Brob's head shifted, the light changed, illuminating her features and highlighting her beauty.

My jaw dropped, and my heart pounded as I watched the Brob's gigantic lips part.


I clutched my ears, overwhelmed by the Brob's booming voice, sensing that she held back her power.

"UM..." the Brob uttered, scanning for me. "I WON'T HARM YOU!" Her controlled voice echoed, sending shivers through me.

"Yea, right," I whispered, realizing the futility of my words.

"PLEASE COME OUT," the Brob pleaded, an unusual plea from such massive creatures.

"They can't be trusted," I muttered to myself. "They're monsters. Destroyers."

Engulfed in internal conflict, minutes ticked by. The giant Brob remained crouched over the couch, but I knew her patience wouldn't last.

Sooner or later, she'd grow impatient and move the couch, rendering my hiding spot useless.

"Shit, I have no choice."

With caution, I took a step forward.

Stepping out from the shadows, the giant Brob's eyes locked on me. I froze in place as her massive eyes seemed to bare into my soul.

"UH, HI!!!!"

I without warning was flung backwards as a massive force pushed against my body, sending me rolling against the ground. My ears where ringing as i began to rise from the ground.


A voice echoed from above, a voice that was much more tamed and yet still Loud.

"I-it's ok." I said trying to get my bearings back, it didn't really occur to me that the Brob wouldn't be able to hear me, but shit I was hurting.


The Brob extended her massive finger, it fell towards me like a massive pillar of unyielding flesh. It came to a rest in the floor, her nail slanted, forming a path that led to her finger.

"PLEASE CLIMB ON!" The Brob said, her face looking kind, and yet I wasn't sure after all Brobs are monsters.
