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Ethan strolled alongside Mr. Garrett, guarded by a troop of tiny soldiers. Ahead loomed a fortress, guarded by a mix of Lilliputian and Gulliverian fighters.

"Sir, why are we here?" Ethan murmured.

Mr. Garrett glanced at Ethan. "Willowbrook, a Mixed city, was attacked by the Consortium."

Though Ethan had heard of Mixed cities, he'd never visited one. They were rare places where people of different sizes lived together.

"There were many casualties, lots of damage, and deaths. But we managed to capture one of them."

"Really? A Consortium member?" Ethan asked.

Mr. Garrett nodded. "Yes, a Gulliverian woman in her twenties."

"That explains all the Gulliverian soldiers," Ethan remarked.

"It's a joint op, given that the Consortium is primarily Gulliverian," Mr. Garrett explained.

"Seems unfair," Ethan grumbled. "Judged only by one's own race."

"That's the law," Mr. Garrett clarified.

Ethan didn't respond, knowing the system's unfairness. Each race judged its own—Lilliputians by Lilliputians, Gulliverians by Gulliverians, Brobs by Brobs. It made sense, though Ethan hated to admit it. Imagine trying to judge a giant in a courtroom they could hold with one finger.

The ground shook beneath Ethan's feet.

"Stay focused," Mr. Garrett cautioned, as a Gulliverian soldier stepped forward, her black boots thudding against the ground.

Ethan fought the urge to flee, to scream. He looked up at the Gulliverian, seeing a female with brown hair and eyes. Her seriousness and readiness for action were evident in her alert posture and firm grip on her weapon.

"We're the Lilliputian team here to interrogate the prisoner!" Mr. Garrett announced loudly.

The Gulliverian soldier said nothing as she examined us, her eyes scanning back and forth to assess our group.

"Hold," she commanded, reaching for her radio to confirm our identities.

After a brief pause, she refocused her attention on us. "Mr. Garrett, we've been expecting you," she said, lowering her hand. "Please climb aboard, and I'll take you inside."

Ethan watched as Mr. Garrett confidently approached the open hand, followed by the Lilliputian soldiers. With shaky hands, Ethan hesitated before joining them, eventually climbing onto the Gulliverian's index finger with the help of the Lilliputian soldiers.

"You coming?" Mr. Garrett called out as Ethan struggled to climb aboard.

"Yeah, I'm on my way," Ethan replied, finally making it onto the Gulliverian's palm with the aid of the soldiers.

With everyone safely aboard, the Gulliverian rose to her full height and led them into the compound.

Inside, Ethan observed a dozen more Gulliverian soldiers, each armed with massive guns. Rooms with closed metal doors lined the corridors, their interiors visible only through bulletproof glass.

The Gulliverian soldier led us to the largest door Ethan had ever seen, guarded by two Gulliverian guards. Upon seeing the female soldier, the guards opened the door.

Ethan held his breath as they revealed a room occupied by two Gulliverian men in black suits, each sporting silver badges identifying them as Generals.

"Sir," the female soldier spoke, catching the attention of the two Generals. "The Lilliputian team is here."

"Good," one of the Generals said, adjusting his glasses. He stepped forward, leaning towards the female soldier's open palm.

Mr. Garrett stood tall and approached. "I'm James Garrett, head of the Terrorist Prevention Unit. We've come to interrogate the prisoner."

Ethan looked up at the Gulliverian man's face, noticing the smug smirk forming on his lips. He recognized that expression, often seen on those who considered themselves superior.

"We've been expecting you," the man said, his smirk softening into a friendly demeanor. "We've already attempted to interrogate the prisoner, but unfortunately, we've had no luck," he added, stepping aside to reveal the battered woman tied to a metal chair.

Mr. Garrett's expression turned serious. "I thought we agreed to conduct the interrogation together," he stated firmly, addressing the towering General.

The General seemed to roll his eyes. "We didn't want to waste time, and frankly, it makes little difference. We couldn't extract any information from her anyway."

All eyes turned to the defiant prisoner, who met their gaze with unwavering defiance.

"Feel free to try," General Elliot Patel said, adjusting his glasses. "I'm General Elliot Patel, and that's General Nathan Ramirez."

Ethan glanced at General Ramirez, who remained silent, his eyes fixed coldly on the prisoner. Unlike General Elliot's youthful cockiness, General Ramirez exuded an air of age and stoicism.

Ethan couldn't tell if General Ramirez's demeanor was a good sign or a bad one. "Here we go," he thought, steeling himself for the interrogation ahead.


"Can't you slow down." Dwayne yelled as he clung to a rope-like strand of hair sprouting from Harper's head.

With powerful strides, Harper marched through the Lilliputian ocean of Darkwater Trench, clad only in a black bathing suit.

"I can't slow down," Harper declared, wading through the water that barely reached her knees. "Not if what you told me is accurate."

"It is," Dwayne confirmed, perched on Harper's shoulder. "The Consortium is going to attack Astoria."

Harper's expression turned serious as she quickened her pace. "Hold on," she said determinedly. "Ethan, I'm coming."


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