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The skies of Zerandor were bright orange as the sun began to sink behind the great mountain tops that stood in the far-off distance.

The Zerandorians, as they always did, left their homes made of alien stones and knelt down on the outside streets as the once blue sky began to turn dark. They knelt and prayed for the sun to return, knowing that nothing was promised, nothing was guaranteed.

Their devotion was to the sun the father of light itself, The sun that bore the name Solandor, the All Father that loved all creatures that walked on the red planet. Its warm and gentle rays had nourished the diverse life forms of Zerandor for countless generations, and the Zerandorians believed that Solandor watched over them with a benevolent gaze, guiding their destiny and ensuring their survival in the harsh environment of their world.

That thought still held true as the Zerandorians, still in the midst of their prayers, noticed something in the far-off distance, something falling from the sky.

Many began to rise from their knees as the strange object grew closer and closer to the ground. They were all unaware of what was coming, all asking the question in their alien language, "What is that?" Tension and curiosity filled the air as they watched the mysterious object's descent.

In the blink of an eye, the falling object struck the red dust ground. The impact caused the earth to shake and the Zerandorian people to fall to the ground. When the Zerandorians opened their eyes they saw a huge dust cloud that engulfed the surrounding area.

Something Was in the dust, something as large as their tallest buildings, something alive.

The Zerandorians didn't have to wonder for long about what they were looking at, for the massive object tore through the dust itself. Its form was feminine, supporting massive breasts underneath a skin-tight suit that hugged the giant's body, as well as long black hair that seemed to stretch for miles and miles. The giant's skin, unlike the Zerandorians' blue skin, was pure white, and on top of her head was a black cap. The sight of this colossal being left the Zerandorians in awe and disbelief, as they had never seen anything like it before on their planet.

"Is it a sign?" One of them asked in the alien tongue.

"A sign? A sign from whom?" Another replied.

"From Solandor, you fool," A third said. "This must be a messenger from on high."

The Zerandorians began to speculate amongst themselves as the giant, with ground-shaking footsteps, began to walk closer to the city.

Whispers and murmurs filled the air as they tried to make sense of this colossal visitor and the purpose of her arrival on Zerandor.

The Zerandorians discussions soon came to a halt  as the giant approached city, The bottom of the giant's shoes alone rose above the city gates.

The Zerandorians looked skywards as the giant towered over them all. They couldn't see her face, for her massive breasts hid them well. They were instead left to look up at the giant's massive pillar-like legs, where they could see the very muscles tense through the skin-tight fabric. They could feel the air being pushed against them from the giantess' breathing and could smell the strong scent of her body, a strong musky and yet alien odor.

The Zerandorians looked beyond the clouds that rested between the giants legs and could just barely see the giants crotch that hugged the lower part of the suit tightly, a crotch that made many of the Zerandorian men and women blush.

They all bowed down, their heads almost touching the ground, as they realized that they were in the presence of greatness. Nothing short of a god could make their hearts feel this way.

The Zerandorians' deep reverence for the giant, whose motives were still unknown, reflected their profound respect for the mysteries of the  universe and the uncharted possibilities that lay before them and yet, all of them began to lift their heads as their surroundings grew dark.

They looked up at the sky, hoping to finally see the smiling face of their goddess, and yet all they were met with was the underside of the giant's shoe held over them threateningly.

Their blue blood went cold as they watched dirt the size of boulders fall from the giant's shoes.

"Solandor, save us all," they prayed in unison, their voices trembling with fear as they faced the imminent danger from above.


Traci hated this, she hated this with all her heart.

She hated towering over a whole city like some kind of monster, she hated having to, at times, wear such skin-tight revealing suits that were more for the pleasure of others than herself.

She could see them all, the little people down below that should've looked almost like ants to her towering height, and yet she could make them all out perfectly, their faces, eye color, and even clothes. She could even hear them and understand them perfectly, even though their speech was completely alien.

All of this was part of the job she had signed up for, the job of a GTS AGENT under the confederation, a council of 20 leaders all from different planets. She was the embodiment of their will, and what was about to happen was what they wanted, not her. Traci's inner turmoil weighed heavily on her as she carried out her duty, caught between her own feelings and the demands of the council.

She with a heavy heart lifted her shoe over the kneeling Zerandorian people. Her massive feet were so huge, that they would crush an entire building with a single step.

She held her foot above them as the wind blew fiercely through her hair, the people down below, now knowing the fate that awaited them, looked skyward.

She could see the horror in their eyes, she could see their feelings of sorrow and despair, and it pained her deeply.

"Forgive me," she whispered as she let her foot drop.


The force of the giant's foot landing onto the ground shook the city, its people and even the planet itself.

As the dust cleared, Traci saw what had become of the Zerandorian capital city, a single crater had formed, with a few of its buildings still standing and the people themselves running and screaming.

Traci cleared her mind, her eyes becoming cold and apathetic as she looked down at the alien world. She would show no mercy, she would bring honor to the confederation.

With determination and resolve, she prepared to carry out the council's orders, regardless of the conflicting emotions within her. As an agent of the confederation, her duty and loyalty would be unwavering, even if it meant doing things she despised.



Please reply. I want to rp with you tomorrow.


Also sorry for spamming you a lot, I’ve just never heard back from you about regarding Roleplays


It’s ok I haven’t had a lot of time, I have had a lot on my plate if I have time we can do it tomorrow