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The very Earth quivered beneath the colossal presence of a living mountain on the distant horizon. A massive entity, its flesh pulsating with an eerie vitality, and its crimson eyes gazing disdainfully upon the world below.

The Dark Titan, adorned with a sinister smirk, surveyed the comparatively diminutive giant standing near her feet. With a commanding tone that resonated like thunder, she extended her hand downward, summoning the smaller giant with an imperious gesture.

"COME HERE!" Her voice echoed with immense power as her fingers enveloped the lesser giant, effortlessly lifting her to eye level with a swift, calculated motion.

She looked down at the smaller titan with an expression of amusement, a look which seemed to infuriate the recipient, who scowled defiantly and spat a series of incomprehensible curses in a low growl.

Kyle, dumbfounded, stared up at the colossal Dark Titan, who nonchalantly held his precious iPhone 8 in her gargantuan grasp. His disbelief was palpable as he muttered, "She's so big," his voice filled with a mix of awe and fear.

His mind raced, grappling with the enormity of the situation. "How the hell are we supposed to stop that?" he wondered aloud, realizing the futility of conventional methods against such an overwhelming force. The world around him seemed to shrink in the ominous shadow of the living mountain, and the odds of survival appeared increasingly daunting.

He glanced back toward the colossus, who had already turned her attention back to the other titan. Kyle watched as the Dark Titan began to slowly lower her hand, bringing the smaller titan closer to her face, scrutinizing the struggling, spitting creature.

A wicked smile spread across the Dark Titan's face, and she began to laugh, a sound that shook the very Earth beneath their feet. Her voice echoed across the landscape, sending chills down Kyle's spine. He stood, frozen in fear and awe, as he watched the colossal titan continue to hold the lesser one captive.

Kyle clenched his fist, his heart racing as he bore witness to the immense power and cruelty of the Dark Titan.

"Damn," Kyle said, his eyes fixed on the towering figure, unaware of a racing object hurtling towards the colossal giant, Kyle's attention was abruptly stolen by a deafening "BOOM!" A massive explosion erupted against the titan's body, sending shockwaves through the air.

Thrown back by the force, Kyle struggled to regain his bearings as chaos unfolded. The giant, now caught in the violent explosion, let out a resounding scream. In the aftermath, her upper body convulsed, releasing Kyle's iPhone 8 from her monstrous grasp. The device tumbled through the air, free from the titan's hold, while the colossal figure crashed to the ground with a thunderous boom, shaking the very foundation of the earth beneath.

The Dark Titan lay motionless, the remnants of the explosion still burning her body. Kyle watched in awe and confusion, trying to comprehend what had just happened. As he attempted to make sense of the situation, a sudden realization struck him: his iPhone 8 was free!

"Are you alright!?" Kyle's urgent cry filled the air as he sprinted towards the colossal form of his iPhone, its impact having created a sizable crater in the ground. With a mixture of relief and concern, he reached out and touched the colossal phone's cheek, peering into its unconscious face.

As if responding to his touch, the giant device began to emit a radiant white light. A transformative energy enveloped the massive form, causing it to shrink rapidly. The living mountain reverted, morphing back into the familiar size of a small phone before gently floating into Kyle's waiting hands. The surreal sight left him awestruck.

"Hey..." Kyle uttered, bringing his phone closer to his face. "Can you hear me?" His plea hung in the air, unanswered, as silence persisted.

His attention was abruptly drawn upward as the sky itself erupted with a deafening roar. Jets streaked across the heavens, accompanied by blazing missiles that detonated against the upper body of the giant titan. The atmosphere became thick with smoke and the flickering sparks of small flames, accompanied by a haunting feminine growl that echoed through the air.

Struggling to breathe amidst the assault of smoke and burnt air, Kyle's determination solidified. "I have to get out of here," he declared, scanning the chaotic scene for an escape route.

"Over here..." a voice cut through the turmoil. Kyle turned to the south, spotting a woman in a soldier's uniform. Dark brown hair tied into a ponytail, a well-built physique, and a gun in her hands defined her presence.

"Follow me now," she ordered, gesturing urgently for Kyle to join her.

"Well, I guess I have no choice," Kyle conceded, determination propelling him forward as he navigated through the rubble, following the mysterious soldier in a bid to escape the pandemonium.