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Braden's breath hitched as he gazed up at the colossal creature, a monstrous wolf looming larger than a dozen mountain ranges.

In disbelief, he watched as the gigantic wolf stood before him, its piercing red eyes locking onto his. For a moment, Braden questioned if it could truly perceive him, but as time stretched on, he sensed a peculiar awkwardness in the creature's expression, as if it struggled to find the right words.

The earth trembled beneath Braden's feet, forcing him to steady himself against the impending quake. As the ground stilled, Braden's gaze remained fixed ahead, only to be met by the chilling sight of an all-encompassing crimson eye, seeming to emanate the judgment of a malevolent deity.

Silence hung heavy until a voice, commanding yet uncertain, resonated from all around him. "My name is Jacqueline," it declared, its power palpable yet not overwhelming. Braden's eyes darted toward the source of the voice, still apprehensive despite not covering his ears, instinctively taking a cautious step backward.

"Jacqueline Francine Mills," the giant continued, her tone tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "Jacqueline Francine," Braden echoed softly, his voice barely audible amidst the tension-filled air.


Jacqueline peered down at the minuscule figure, barely discernible on the iron platform before her. From the monitor's feed, she had glimpsed the tiny being and found herself incredulous at the sight. He resembled one of the devolved, those mindless beings that wandered her world—a notion too perplexing to fathom.

"Say something," Cindy's voice crackled through Jacqueline's earpiece.

"What should I say?" Jacqueline pondered silently, a desire not to frighten the diminutive creature tugging at her thoughts. "Ah, an introduction would be appropriate."

Lowering herself to her knees, Jacqueline unintentionally sent tremors through the platform below, her eyes fixated on the tiny presence before her.

"My name is Jacqueline," she announced softly, hoping her voice wouldn't overwhelm the small being. "Jacqueline Francine Mills."

As she waited for a response, Jacqueline remained motionless, curiosity swirling within her. Minutes passed, and the little man remained silent, prompting Jacqueline to question if he comprehended her words. "Perhaps he speaks a different tongue," she mused, recalling Cindy's assertions of their likeness.

Then, a whisper broke the stillness, "Jacqueline Francine..."

Startled, Jacqueline lifted her gaze in astonishment, her heart quickening with excitement. It was confirmation, beyond doubt, that this diminutive creature possessed intelligence—a revelation that thrilled her in ways she hadn't anticipated.


Braden struggled to steady himself, attempting to quell the tremors coursing through his limbs. Despite his efforts, the enormity of the wolf-like creature before him made it nearly impossible to convince himself that she posed no threat.

Nevertheless, he pressed on. "Braden," he uttered, introducing himself, though he quickly realized the futility of his small voice reaching the giant's ears. "Braden Baum!" he shouted, his voice amplified by desperation, yet still dwarfed by the creature's immense size.

To his surprise, the giant's hand rose to her mouth, generating a wild gust of wind as it moved swiftly. With a playful giggle, she reassured him, "There's no reason to yell."

Confusion etched across Braden's face as he arched an eyebrow in disbelief. "I can hear you just fine," the giant affirmed.

"How?" Braden blurted out, his astonishment evident.

Observing the giant's actions, Braden watched as she reached into her ear with her massive fingers, retrieving a device that appeared minuscule compared to her size yet gargantuan in comparison to him. "It's an EX-Comm Amplifier," Jacqueline explained, her towering figure casting a shadow over Braden, her ebony locks obscuring the surrounding light.

Braden, completely mesmerized by Jacqueline's sheer size and presence looked up at her towering figure, his eyes inadvertently drifted towards her massive swaying breasts. They were so huge that they could easily wreck a mountain with ease, and Braden couldn't tear his gaze away from them.

"I have one in each ear," Jacqueline explained, pulling him out of his reverie. "The Ex-Comm amplifier allows me to comprehend sound waves that are normally out of the range of normal hearing."

Braden nodded, feeling a mix of awe and curiosity at the technology that Jacqueline possessed. "I can even see you," Jacqueline added, causing Braden to look up at her in surprise. "I have sight amplifiers in both of my eyes."

Braden took a deep breath, mustering his courage as he gazed up at Jacqueline's wolf-like visage. "Well, that's all well and good, but why am I here?" he inquired, his voice tinged with apprehension.

As Jacqueline rose to her full, imposing height, Braden instinctively backed away, the sheer scale of her movements amplifying his unease. Settling onto a chair positioned several miles away, Jacqueline crossed her arms, contemplating her response.

"Well..." she began, her tone hesitant. "We brought you here by accident."


"Well... we brought you here by accident," Jacqueline admitted, opting for directness rather than evasion.

"Huh?" came Braden's perplexed response from below.

"Listen, Braden," Jacqueline began, carefully selecting her words. "When we entered your world, we were pressed for time. We had to leave quickly to prevent further damage."

She peered down at Braden, zooming in with her sight amplifiers, and what she saw etched on his small face was unsettling—a mix of shock and fear, emotions she never expected to encounter in a devolved being.

"You..." Braden's voice trembled as he lifted his head to meet her gaze. "You brought me here. Can't you take me back?"

Jacqueline shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid that isn't possible at the moment."

"What?" Braden's disbelief was palpable.

"We used up the last of the device's charge to return home," Jacqueline explained, her expression sympathetic. "The device harnesses a peculiar energy that we haven't yet identified. Until we understand it better, we won't be able to send you back."



Hey, can we rp?