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As Axel's consciousness stirred, his mother's voice pierced through his sleepy haze, reverberating from downstairs.

"Rise and shine, Axel! You're going to be late!" Her urgent call jolted him awake.

Panicked, Axel bolted upright, his eyes still heavy with sleep. Glancing at his clock, the numbers glared back at him: 8:20.

"Oh, no, no, no..." Axel muttered, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he scrambled out of bed.

"Shoot!" he cursed, the realization hitting him hard. "I'm going to be late!" With a burst of energy, he dashed to his closet, only to find his clothes strewn across the floor.

Fighting against the ticking clock, Axel hastily threw on the first garments his hands found, not bothering with matching or ironing. With a final glance at his disheveled appearance, he dashed out of the room, determined to make up for lost time.

As Axel rushed downstairs, his father sat calmly at the dining room table, engrossed in his breakfast, while his mother bustled about the kitchen, attending to her morning chores.

"Morning!" Axel shouted, barely slowing down as he made a beeline for his trusty black backpack resting on the couch.

"Morning," his father replied between bites, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

"Are you going to go without eating?" his mother inquired, emerging from the kitchen with a towel in hand, her concern evident in her voice.

"Yeah, I don't have time," Axel replied breathlessly, already halfway out the door.

"I can't believe that boy," Axel's father remarked, shaking his head in disbelief. "He wanted this, he applied to go to that school. The least he could do is be on time."

"Dylan, you know Axel as well as I do," Axel's mother interjected, crossing the room to stand beside her husband. "Late to the game, but still always gives 110%."

"Oh, Beth, I truly hope that's enough," Dylan chuckled softly, a mix of pride and apprehension in his voice, as they watched Axel vanish out the door, his determination palpable even in his hurried departure.


Axel's heart raced as he weaved through the crowded sidewalks, narrowly avoiding collisions with other pedestrians. The sound of his pounding footsteps echoed in his ears as he raced towards the nearest Hyper train station, desperate to make it to school on time.

As Axel stood in the crowded train car, his heart still racing from the adrenaline rush of his mad dash, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling of regret gnawing at him.

"How could I be so stupid?" he berated himself silently, his mind replaying the events that led to his frantic departure.

As the train surged forward, Axel's gaze fixated on the blur of scenery outside the window, the landscape rushing past in a blur of colors and shapes. The rhythmic hum of the train's engine filled the air, punctuated by the occasional squeal of brakes as they navigated the twists and turns of the underground tunnels.

With each passing moment, Axel's anxiety mounted. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake the sinking feeling that he wouldn't make it in time.

"I'm not going to make it," he muttered under his breath, a worried smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

Time seemed to both crawl and fly by as the train hurtled towards its destination. And then, with a sudden lurch, the sleek, high-speed vehicle slowed to a halt, signaling their arrival at the bustling metropolis of Lamek.

Relief flooded through Axel as he stepped off the train, the familiar sights and sounds of the city greeting him like an old friend.

"Made it!" Axel cheered triumphantly as he surged forward, eager to navigate through the bustling crowd.

"Hey!" a man's voice bellowed in protest as Axel inadvertently bumped into him.

"Sorry!" Axel yelled back, offering a quick apology over his shoulder as he continued on his way.

However, his progress was abruptly halted as he collided with an immovable obstacle, sending him tumbling to the ground with a yelp of pain.

"Ah!" Axel winced, clutching his head as he tried to shake off the impact.

"What the hell?" he muttered to himself, bewildered, before looking up to see what had obstructed his path, only to be met with the sight of a massive black shoe looming above him.

"OH MY GOD!" a voice exclaimed, piercing the air with its intensity.

Startled, Axel craned his neck to see a Titan girl with long black hair peering down at him with a mixture of concern and alarm.

"IM SO SORRY!" she shouted, her voice booming and echoing in Axel's ears.

"Uh, no worries," Axel replied, brushing himself off and mustering a smile despite the lingering ache from his collision.

"Um, sorry, but I have to go," Axel added, glancing at his phone and grimacing at the time. "I'm late," he whined, already starting to walk away.

"UM WAIT!" the Titan girl called out from above, her voice booming with urgency.

Axel paused, turning back to look up at her, his curiosity piqued by her persistence.

"ARE YOU A STUDENT OF UNI-HIGH?" the Titan girl inquired, her tone eager.

"Uh, yeah," Axel confirmed, a hint of confusion coloring his voice.

"SO AM I!" the girl exclaimed, her enthusiasm almost overwhelming as she leaned down closer to Axel. "Please, let me give you a lift," she offered, her voice still resonating with the force of her excitement.

"Uh, that's not necessarily..." Axel began, shaking his head with a chuckle, but his protest was swiftly interrupted by the Titan's persistent plea.

"PLEASE I INSIST," she urged, extending her hand down towards Axel, her palm facing upward in invitation.

Caught between amusement and astonishment, Axel met the Titan's earnest gaze, realizing that she wasn't about to take no for an answer.

"Okay, okay," he relented with a laugh. "I guess it will get me to school faster," he conceded as he climbed onto the Titan's outstretched fingers.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH," the Titan exclaimed gratefully as she lifted Axel up slowly, her movements gentle yet powerful. Looking down at the small man in her grasp, she couldn't help but smile.

"MY NAME IS KENDRA AND YOU?" she asked, her voice filled with warmth and curiosity.

"Axel," he replied, returning her smile. "It's a pleasure."

"THE PLEASURE IS ALL MINE," Kendra replied, her voice resonating with sincerity.

"Uh huh."



Ohhhhhhhh new character alert 🚨 hell yeah