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Hey everyone. Sorry I've been pretty silent recently, felt like I kind of owed an explanation to everyone

Some of you may have seen me briefly mention it on Twitter but the long and short of it is I have been struggling with mental health pretty bad the last couple of months. It's gotten particularly bad this last month and I'm only just kind of starting to recover. Between that, some pretty bad writers block, and extra anxiety/ stress trying to plan my move up north to Canada I've been basically catatonic writing wise.

I've got a few rough drafts that are mostly finished and just need a few touch-ups though I've got several more that still need to be worked on that I'm hoping I can get at least those done sometime soon along with the next update for CPA. I have another pretty hefty guest submission that someone provided for me to work with i just have not had the time energy or willpower to sit down and actually go through to properly edit, format, and implement it.

One of the few things I have been able to do in some level of creativity is I've been messing around with VAM (virt-a-mate) off and on recently. For those that aren't aware it's kind of like a animation viewer and creator program. If you've ever seen that old furry thing they were doing for a while called yiffalicious It's kind of like that but a lot more in depth. It caters mostly towards the mainstream straight humans-centric community but a few enterprising people have done some pretty decent furry looks for it and a few select people have even done some pretty good size stuff with it. Out of those little rare gems of size stuff a couple of them have been probably the single most intense and visceral macro/ micro experiences I've ever had. Because the cool thing about this program is that it could be played either on desktop or on VR. So you can hop and VR and experience in first person all of the various scenes available there. I'll make a separate post about that

So that's pretty much the state of the driger at the moment. thank you all for sticking around with me. I should have some more good content for you here in the near future


Giza White Mage

It's all good--taking care of your mental health is super important.

Anthony Williams

You and your health and well-being are the most important things - Take care of yourself, and know we support you wholeheartedly!!