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Hey guys! again I'm so sorry for the delay in getting this out. March has been an absolute hell-scape of a month for me so far but I finally got the update straightened out for you!

This month we have another guest chapter by DIego964t that lets our favorite egotistical black wolf find his very own size ray! We've also got a new chapter continuing on the adventures of Jessica's seduction of the oversized Tyler and her plans for what she wants to do with him and the size ray. And finally we've got 6 new chapters continuing on from where Marcus was hit by the accidental discharge of the size ray and started shrinking! He has to make some hasty decisions and forces Tyler to do the same. All of which just makes the situation that much more complicated.

All in all this month has a bit over 9,000 new words of content!

I have a new system for distributing the patreon-exclusive versions of the game. You can find a new link down below that should take you an Itch.Io page where you can log in with your patreon account. If you have the correct patreon support tier it should allow you to download the most recent, and previous versions of the game file. This is my first time using their patreon integration so if you have any issues please don't hesitate to comment or message me and I'll straighten it out as fast as i can!


Patch Notes 3.2


- 1 new guest chapter written by Diego964t where Fang discovers the mysterious package delivered to him has a real, working size-changing device inside!

- 1 New chapter after Jessica gets ahold of the size ray and declares to the overgrown Tyler what she wants to do with it.

- 6 new chapters continuing on where Marcus was hit by the malfunctioning size ray and is forced to take rash action before his gradual shrinking leaves him too small and forces Tyler to take a risk of his own to stop the overgrown kangaroo.


- Misc small, minor spelling and grammar edits

[Total current estimated word count: [122,500]



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