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Hey guys just wanted to give you a quick update so you all weren't in the dark.

Sorry the CPA update is a bit later this month than usual! Myriad of tiny things at the start of the month slowed me down then day before yesterday I lost a good chunk of work formatting and implementing some of the new content when Google Drive decided to fuck up my files and deleted the wrong ones when it was trying to back them up.

Thankfully I didn't lose the actual writing but what I do have is the rough draft version. Which means I have to go back and edit it all again. And those of you that have seen my rough drafts know what a headache that is, lol.

I should have it ready by this weekend at the ABSOLUTE latest. I technically am starting a temp job tomorrow to help out a family member for a couple of weeks but, supposedly, there will be plenty of downtime and no one will care about me working on my own stuff when its not busy so I should still be able to get work on my own projects done.

Thanks again for your patience!


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