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I'm gonna just say I'm better (or at least better enough to sit up and draw) so I can FINALLY get back to work!

First of all thank you for all the kind messages wishing me a speedy recovery and letting me know it's okay to rest! I still got a lingering cough and a bit of fatigue but nothing I can't tough out. I was out of commission for over a week though and I gotta do work or I'll go crazy so well enough is good enough!

This March/April pack is almost one though! I mostly just need to get some backgrounds in and a couple variants and they'll be good to go!

A small update that I'll delve into later with a public post but I'll probably be taking next month off as well simply because I lost so much time this month and I'll be going to Anime North/Toronto for like a week in July as well. Afterwards I'll be changing up some reward tiers in August (but tbh it'll probably mostly affect the $1 tier so you $5 and $10 tiers won't be affected much if at all)!




Mariano looking fine! <3

Lior Levine

Love the Yeehan 🥰 My fav overwatch ship