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Look, I knew 2021 was gonna be my flop year but MAN did it hit me like a tonne of bricks! But regardless, I will not weep, I will not wax poetic. I will take the sum of my experiences and understand who I am and who I want to be! And more importantly, the artist I want to be.

And the barest minimum of being an artist is creating art so that's just what I'll do! Starting with these half year old WIPs I finally finished! Whooo! I just sent the full packs to all my patrons from August but some sneak peaks for you all ;)

1. [Q-Force] Agent Mary at the Bay of Pigs party

2. [Danganronpa 2] Nekomaru Nidai showing you his Ultimate massage technique

3. [Genshin Impact] Wagner working some hard steel

I'll also be sending out another "horse hung" Super Boy pic and Akihiko getting taken down by Thor to the OG Cew ;)
I will also be posting more on here, I promise. It'll mostly be overdue art but I'm gonna pretend that it's not because I can't keep coming in here to apologize 🤣




I think the pack is missing the latter two


thank you for your hard work!