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TL;DR - Family's been a bother, taking January off to finish November and December packs, YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED FOR JANUARY

Okay so the Akihiko pic is technically kind of a WIP since I wanna try and figure out a better background but I wanted some sexy art to post for this update post! (Also some of my OC Katsuo being a dork ass loser trying to dress "fancy") I'll continue posting on this post with finished art that'll be featured in the December 2020 pack!

Anyways, on to more pressing matters! So as it may be pretty clear I am falling further and further behind on Patreon rewards! December has been... tough as Decembers usually are for anyone with overbearing families such as my own 😅 On the up side all my holidays plans have officially been cancelled due to the state of the world which means a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders! That being said, it doesn't change the fact that I'm still only half way done my November pack and barely even started December rewards!

So with all that in mind I've decided to take a Hiatus for the month of January! If that wasn't obvious from the post title... Anyhow, if you haven't experienced a Patreon hiatus before you WILL NOT BE CHARGED ON JANUARY 1ST for Patreon! So there's absolutely nothing y'all have to do on your end, Patreon takes care of everything! I hate having to take a hiatus since, well, money. But also because I really hate the idea of a whole month absent from my Patreon record💦 Sadly I think this is what's necessary for me to finish up the remainder of the 2020 packs without piling on even more work 😔

During the month of January I will be posting updates on both November and December packs as they come and if I have time or if inspiration strikes I'll make some January exclusive content for those of you who decide to stay on!

Anyways, I'm gonna nervously sign off now.



Vince Pagán

Gonna keep supporting! :) everyone needs a break sometimes


Take your time! Also that Akihiko pick is delicious and I'm so excited for it! Have a good holiday!