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I think I'm making decent progress!! I've been like super out of it these past few days just cause I'm trying to reset my sleep schedule so I just spend the entire day sleep deprived and out of energy but I'm hoping it pays off when I totally get back on track for July! 💪

Quick rundown of things!

Isshin Kurosaki - Lowkey was super annoying because his actual shinigami outfit is like, a jumpsuit?? And it looks super dumb spread eagle like that?? Anyways I scrapped going on model after like 4 failed attempts at drawing the clothing folds of a wide legged yukata jumpsuit combo. Don't worry, the clothes are mostly just to post on Twitter, the uncensored version will be in the final Patreon pack ;)

Zabaniyya - Who I have apparently been spelling wrong all this time?? I kept putting down Zabinya by mistake every time I wrote his name! His outfit? Surprisingly fun to do! His background? Drew a complete blank for the longest time, decided to not over think and just did a colour wash and tbh? Kinda digging the vibe!

Snake -  Didn't want to post the version with the wall covering up his entire body so have the see-through variant! Yeah, variants are just part of my life now, I'm learning to live with it 😒 I hope everyone knows about the part in one of the earlier games where you got an achievement for hiding in a locker and ogling the pinup poster plastered inside cause that's what I'm riffing off of here 😅
Also! The shadows might be a tad bit too dark, gonna continue playing around with that!

Also, wanted to end this update off with a big ol' thank you for all the kind messages y'all have sent me! Thank you for understanding all my rantings and for being so patient with me. I hope I can make y'all proud 😭




I’m sorry, my eyes can’t process anything but Snake’s ass right now I’ll have to get back to you thank you 🥴👌😳