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That funk I was in during the start of November is still hitting me pretty hard in the whole "Getting work done on time" front  (That and some recent Family Drama™ that's been taxing on the ol' mental health 🙄)

With that said, I am... probably gonna be a couple days late for sending out reward again 😅 BUT When I do, Venom and Eddie will be there waiting for you along with your friend and mine... Ball Guy! 

Okay well at least for any of y'all who were part of the OG Ride or Die $10 crew during November 😎

Moving forward though Imma have to buckle down hard cause my brother is flying in from Japan to stay for like 2 weeks right at the end of the month for Christmas/New Years so... gotta get as much done before he arrives!!! Speaking of moving forward... I totally forgot to post this month's Patreon poll back on Sunday so.... I shall.... do that now 😅

Anyhow, November's rewards will probably (hopefully) be sent out sometime this weekend so until then.... uh... wish me luck at fighting off these seasonal blues 🥰



Josh Fitzpatrick

man, this is easily one of the hottest things youve drawn imo

Jesus Cuevas

I just pledged this december, would I be able to get this? This is fantastic!